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Everything posted by Stein

  1. You need to make sure that the value is set once the player picks a character.
  2. Stein

    Server issues

    Could be another firewall on your PC or network, or your ISP blocking it. Not much we can do as it's in either yours or his connection.
  3. HoT spells are handled elsewhere, since they're on a timer. HandleHoT_Player (Healing) HandleDoT_Player (Damage) HandleHoT_NPC (Healing) HandleDoT_NPC (Damage) They're in ModCombat
  4. Should be an option to change the tag of it when you edit the first post somewhere.
  5. Index, MyIndex only works on the client. (The server keeps track of -ALL- players, the client has a variable called MyIndex to keep track of who you are in the list of players to make it easier to render the UI values)
  6. Aherm, seems like I wasn't far off after all from the start. Been a while since I had the source open. ``` Sub SendVital(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Vital As Vitals) Dim packet As String Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Select Case Vital Case HP Buffer.WriteLong SPlayerHp Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerMaxVital(Index, Vitals.HP) Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerVital(Index, Vitals.HP) Case MP Buffer.WriteLong SPlayerMp Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerMaxVital(Index, Vitals.MP) Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerVital(Index, Vitals.MP) End Select SendDataTo Index, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ``` I was thinking of SetPlayerVital above, which is incorrect. It's been a long night for me, sorry! This old man's starting to feel the lack of sleep affecting him.
  7. nah, that's the opposite of what you need. SendPlayerVital should be the one. (Got a little confused on the names there, sorry) Note that this is on the server-side of things.
  8. There should be a sub called SendVitals somewhere, you'll need to call it after the heal has been cast. It's an issue that very few people have addressed in their engines.
  9. Stein

    Pets Little Bug

    You don't understand? SpawnNPC takes THREE arguments, you're supplying FOUR. ``` Public Sub SpawnNpc(ByVal MapNpcNum As Long, ByVal mapnum As Long, Optional ForcedSpawn As Boolean = False) ``` ``` Call SpawnNpc(PetSlot, PlayerMap, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index) - 1) ``` The pet spawning you have there simply isn't going to work in this version for various reasons. None of it matches up to eachother.
  10. This doesn't specifically check left, right, up, down. It checks if anything is on the X/Y provided.
  11. Oh, those are simply tilesets. You can import those at your own will really. We just no longer distribute those graphics with the engine seeing as they're sort of licensed and technically not very legal for usage outside of RPGMaker XP. :P
  12. Which options are you talking about specifically? A lot of them were broken or crashed the servers in the versions we had years ago, so we started from scratch at one point and just rebuilt it. Most of it is back, or can be reproduced with the event system though.
  13. So because you did something wrong it doesn't work? Of course not. It's likely that you never loaded anything into the variable or anything. That part won't cause issues depending on versions as it's pretty much just global VB6 as long as those variables exist.
  14. You'd need to keep a second record somewhere storing ALL memberships, and parse through it and account files afterwards to apply the changes.
  15. Uhm, that's a referal link. No way in hell I'm clicking that. :P The site is shady as fuck, it;s poorly translated and what's worse.. a STAFF member posting up this sort of garbage.
  16. Actually, your specific request can be done in an easy manner if they were to ever add instanced maps. Because the event system can handle timers and waiting times, then shoot up a trigger that allows them to 'dock' the ship. And to be fair, Instanced maps are fairly important for a lot of ORPGs. So I'd say that that'd be a request we can throw in without much of an issue. Right now JC seems to be focusing on bugs and popular requests though, such as pets that would attract more people to use the engine. EDIT: There's also two games currently running EO4.0 * Rise of the Half Blood - [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133444-rise-of-the-half-blood-the-eclipse-demo-game/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133444-rise-of-the-half-blood-the-eclipse-demo-game/) * Prothesys - [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133482-development-prothesys/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133482-development-prothesys/)
  17. Stein

    Newbie Questions

    > If you are mostly looking to copy tutorials into an engine, you should check out the custom versions section of the forum first, as you might save yourself some work. Many of them are just stable engines bundled with a handful of tutorials. > > > > You can look at past tutorials to learn how to create new features. Tutorials are found in the Tutorials board, directly under Questions & Answers. You can find many codes in the Source subboard, as well as a few in the main tutorials board. You'll be able to create your own if you try to understand how a tutorial works in the engine. You'll also become less likely to create bugs. > > > > Eclipse 3.0 uses Direct7 (DX7) graphics. You cannot use any DX8 tutorials without changing the graphics part of the code. I can't speak to which tutorials would be compatible with 3.0's mechanics (such as movement, combat, stats, etc.). No, no, no. NO. 3.0 uses D3D8.
  18. Would much appreciate the error logs that were produced. :)
  19. Since the tile itself does not hold the data of who's on it, you'll need to loop through all the players and NPCs on the map.
  20. Stein

    Bank glitch

    I assume it is, that's where I remember an issue being at anyway.
  21. Holy poodle, that's better than what I can even imagine.
  22. Stein

    Newbie Questions

    I've personally never used 3.0 so I can't say I know of any good tutorials, sadly! :(
  23. Stein

    Newbie Questions

    That's a long complex story that I can't just explain at random. There's a few tutorials around that may help though. (Although you have to bear in mind that not all of them are designed to work with 3.0)
  24. Stein

    Newbie Questions

    That should be the one yes.
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