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Everything posted by Iscn

  1. Iscn

    College Planning

    Thanks for the tips. I was thinking of getting a loan and parying it off when done with college but i feel like you will spend most of your life paying it off. Do you guys have any ideas on universities or colleges who offer Computer Programming Major?
  2. Iscn

    College Planning

    Hello all. I wanted to get some information on colleges and how to pick one best suited for ones needs or major. Also i would like to know which colleges are good for Computer Engineering & Computer Science/Programming in general.
  3. Iscn

    Need some help

    > If you're satisfied with shading and form just drop it into anything else than microsoft paint, and duck with hue and saturation. Easiest way of finding out what color suits you best. Thanks for the tip. And yeah i was in school and had an a couple of minutes to just sit there and i wanted to work on pixeling. Paint was the only picture editing tool on that particular computer.
  4. Iscn

    [C++] Basics

    > Maybe go into the differant types of variables? How to make arrays? etc etc… Though i guess it teaches the super basics. Perhaps add that you cannot have spaces in variable names aswell. In your very first example though its not code you have spaced and some people may be confused. May have missed that bit as i only skimmed. > > Also in your proper variable list you cant have int new. New is to make new memory and is a reserved keyword. > > Thanks for sharing ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Thanks for correcting me. I was trying to proof read and i didn't make propers corrections. Hard to correct your self.
  5. Iscn

    Need some help

    ![](http://i.imgur.com/ewiel.png) Can some one give me a good palette for this? I feel like the yellow is not working.
  6. Iscn

    [C++] Basics

    Updated. Tutorial on variables added. >! **Variables & Variable Identifiers :** >! * First lets talk about variables.Lets say you have to take care of your monthly expenses. Now you can have rent expense, grocery, misc expense & others. And you have to keep track of all of them and how much they are every month. * Example: >! ``` >! Rent Expense = 100; >! Grocery = 45 >! Misc Expense = 200 >! ``` >! * That is what a variable is pretty much, that bunch of numbers you have to keep track of. * But consider that your computer can store millions of numbers like these at the same time and conduct sophisticated mathematical operations with them. * Each variable needs an identifier that distinguishes it from the others. * For example, in the previous code the variable identifiers were rent expense, grocery and Misc Expense. * In real life we can call them that if we wanted but in programming world there are some set backs. * We can call the variables any names we want to invent, as long as they are valid identifiers. >! A variable identifier is used to let me say "brand' a variable. In C++ an identifier can be one or more letters, digits or underscore characters (_). You can't have a space or punctuation marks or symbols. >! Ex: >! ``` >! Proper Identifiers: >! int newName; >! int new; >! int new_name; >! int new123; >! Bad Identifiers: >! int new.name; >! int 123wower; >! int 123Meow; >! They always have to begin with a letter not numbers! >! You can begin with underscores too, but in some cases these may be reserved for compiler specific keywords or external identifiers. >! ``` >! Another rule that you have to consider when inventing your own identifiers is that they cannot match any keyword of the C++ language nor your compiler's specific ones, which are _reserved keywords_. >! Reserved Keywords: >! ``` >! asm, auto, bool, break, case, catch, char, class, const, const_cast, continue, default, delete, do, double, dynamic_cast, else, enum, explicit, export, extern, false, float, for, friend, goto, if, inline, int, long, mutable, namespace, new, operator, private, protected, public, register, reinterpret_cast, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, static_cast, struct, switch, template, this, throw, true, try, typedef, typeid, typename, union, unsigned, using, virtual, void, volatile, wchar_t, while >! ``` >! There are others you can't use certain times. >! ``` >! and, and_eq, bitand, bitor, compl, not, not_eq, or, or_eq, xor, xor_eq >! ``` >! Also know that your compiler might also have it's own reserved keywords. >! **Very important:** The C++ language is a _"_case sensitive_"_ language. That means that an identifier written in capital letters is not equivalent to another one with the same name but written in small letters. >! Example: >! ``` RESULT ``` variable is not the same as the >! ``` result ``` variable or the >! ``` Result ``` variable. >! These are three different variable identifiers. >! And that is pretty much most of what you need to know for C++ Variables & Variable Identifiers. >! Thank you for your time. By now you should have a good understanding of variables and how to write them right.
  7. Iscn


    > Eclipse++ is actually the futur. We can't stick with vb6 forever. Your doing great work. Keep learning and keep working on this. If you ever move on to another project, give the source to eclipse so we can finish it. I don't think he is quite done with it yet. He stated he works on it at lessure so might take time to get updates.
  8. Iscn


    > That old version is crap, i posted a better version that is zipped. It does not have nearly as much stuff done though. > > If you still want it when i get back to my home computer i can zip it. Thanks i will wait for that one then.
  9. Iscn


    > How so, most file unzippers can unzip rar too. i ment package it into a .zip file. Currently you have to download them all one by one
  10. Iscn


    Marshy can you make a zip file of the folders?
  11. Good luck. About time you posted the project here.
  12. > "Because I love Socuine, here's my entry." > > ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/bj4k.png) you sir are a pixel art saint! That looks really good.
  13. > Kungfu panda much?! ikr, is the panda now a character you can make int he game now? if so i hope it has all that kungfu moves too. Kung Fu All the way!
  14. Iscn


    Damn i would have donated mula too. I could not log in for some reason. 5.1mil and 100 mil worth of smithing and mining items. When did runescape have a new log in system? You need email now. It told me to use email and it is not working!
  15. Iscn

    Exp Chart

    5 - 1500 should be 1600. 70 5492600 This must have took for ever,
  16. Are you sure you installed the runtime files? If you did it might not have installed correctly, Restart your computer and do it again
  17. > There's a difference between inspiration, and blatantly copying…either way, regardless of your opinion, it's still plagiarism to just take something that doesn't belong to you, whether you used the original graphics or not. It's obviously a copy - indirectly, or otherwise - of the original. > > Leading people to think they can freely use it is just gonna cause people problems in the future, as naturally, Robin and Rory won't be happy with you just using their graphics, and the people using it are going to be called up on it, for obliviously (Note that I said oblivious, not obvious.) using it. =/ > > Anyway, I can see that the engine is improving over time, although, there are a few silly mistakes that were terribly overlooked. I guess you are right. But to be honest i didn't use their graphics though. I later looked on their website and understand why you would say that. but i only made it that color because it goes with the game. I will remove it because i don't want any problems. Just wanted to help. OT: sorry about double posting. I didn't notice it was double posting. I fail at multi quoting.
  18. > I believe he was referring to Deathbeam using CrystalShire's interface completely, including logos etc. without contacting Robin for permission. Didn't think about that. But i felt like was was referring to me. Was blinded by rage ![:huh:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//huh.png)
  19. > You can't just take the graphics from Crystalshire! ¬_¬ Wow that is not the crystalshire graphics. Yes it inspired the colors but i didn't use the crystalshire graphics.
  20. This is pretty cool. You put alot of work into this nice!
  21. Is there a post count requirement to post new thread? Because it says can't post new thread
  22. Edit: Removed. It looks like crystal shire graphics & i don't want problems from their developers.
  23. Iscn

    Website Theme

    So what type of theme are you looking for. Fantasy, formal. what are your likes and dislikes.
  24. Iscn

    [C++] Basics

    > Dev-Cpp is an IDE, not a compiler. The compiler that is being shipped with Dev-Cpp by default is MinGW, which is a port of GCC for Microsoft Windows. > > Yours faithfully > > S.J.R. van Schaik. Sorry still new to this. Thanks for the clearification
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