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Everything posted by Mal

  1. "That much" being less than 24 hours. Lol. Above replies have been read. All food for thought for next time. :)
  2. > No, I backed out on that requirement. The only requirement now is that it's an ORPG. Backed out after recruiting and bidding had already occurred. What about the people who didn't even bother signing up due to only that requirement (Eclipse only)?
  3. > This needs to be a game ! It was going to be and we had a playable demo done almost a year ago. He just got busy. :P
  4. > Hahahaha. You don't know the community then. Lol, shoutbox has been up for over two years. The fee times its went down the site has been completely dead during its absence.
  5. > This! > > > > 10+ > > > > Perfect description. After 12 years people finally get it. Ps. Mirage was an amazing game.
  6. I like that skybox, man. One of the things I think a lot of Mirage based games have been missing for a long time. Polish in general.
  7. > Everyone knows that I outrank all of you plebs. And you discredited that statement by being 'Murican and employing a Euro-trash moniker. :P
  8. > I'm gonna have to agree with Spike here too. I hope I'm wrong about them but half the staff are the same people who during Amish's time would swing the banhammer around left, right and centre for silly, insignificant things. You genuinely need to refocus with your staff, you've got double the staff and half of the community. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me personally. Why I turned the job down. I'm a fan of people being amicable, sharing alike, and lending a helping hand, but at the end of the day its a hobby and I believe that should be the message being sent here.
  9. > Not off to a good start. Neither are you. :P
  10. Mal

    Public Apology.

    That's what I've always said, Sky. Its a hobby. ;)
  11. Mal

    Public Apology.

    I think the biggest pitfall, and Carim described it, is loss of interest, fallouts, or lack of resources. Its easy to come up with a great idea, but its exceedingly difficult to procure talent, set, music, and most of all time.
  12. Mal

    Public Apology.

    Compiled or encrypted scripts would be the only way to circumnavigate theft. Duplication, also known as competition (two or more products being alike), is healthy. Unity already has all of this. Ps. I won't compete with Unity, but yall keep dropping ideas and ill turn something out eventually. ;)
  13. Mal

    Public Apology.

    Vote Mavra 2D as the new open-source hotness. Budweiser out.
  14. Pretty decent idea. One tutorial a day for 12 days with 3-4 people committing should have 20-40 tuts.
  15. > lol why dont we make it tutorials for anything then? i honestly dont think it will change who will participate so im just gonna leave it like it is Id say let it be for anything. Those who want to participate can post here and state what they'll be covering (no redundancies) and then we'll flood the tutorial section with our own individual tuts.
  16. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Providing tutorials for EO is doing nothing. Just sayin.
  17. 600k dos, 7.1m toughness. Almost time to move up to T3\. Think I need to start min/maxing via enchants. Lot of FS's to farm. :/
  18. NO (No) N (Nonsense). Go home, Evan; you're drunk. Lol
  19. 568k dps. T2 is fastly becoming a joke. :D
  20. > I think the language you start with will always seem the easiest to you. With that being said, visual basic for me. That may be true for some, but not necessarily all. I started with Visual Basic 6 back in 2001; it wasn't until I was getting certified in it that I really understood anything. When I picked up C# things started making far more sense than they ever had before, and I've been able to leverage that understanding to make way more technical things than I ever could have in VB6. I suppose it could all go back to what you use as learning material. An example would be the JavaScript 1.x book I picked u back in 2003\. I learned absolutely nothing from it. Fast forward to 2 years ago when I picked up Visual C# 2010 Step by Step and used pluralsight pretty extensively and blammo, everything made complete sense except very technical theorems involving math. At some point, when you start learning more than 2-3 languages, you start to forget more than you remember. :-/
  21. > I manage dto get mine to around ~500K DPS & 14.5Mil Defense fully buffed. Still got some work left to do though, only paragon 41 :/ Think I'm sitting at 471k/5.6m toughness. I cut through T1 like butter and it takes Molten/Jailer/Frozen Orb/Waller to pin and kill me in GR14\. Like the equivalent of T3 which ain't bad.
  22. > i play pc only Missing out!
  23. Ultimate Evil Edition for Xbox One is 50% off until tomorrow.
  24. 471k now. Farming forgotten souls to reroll a leg shield I picked up. Nobody has this yet? :(
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