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Everything posted by Growlith1223

  1. This is looking pretty good yo, I have a question however, i remember seeing you say something about making framework use more than one scripting language, might i ask why? you could just use Lua, which, in my opinion is the easiest to learn. lol
  2. oh no, im just saying that all everyone thinks about is C#. there's other languages out there, like Java.
  3. Norton catches anything as a virus, i remember it literally catching itself as a virus.
  4. Super, that's just your computer, literally no one else can get a virus from these engines.
  5. you put your local ip in the modem/router, the global ip(the one you mentioned) goes to those who are going to connect.
  6. Multithreading is not recommended with VB6 btw. i've already it before, all it does is cause some intense heat issues.
  7. Vb6 has always been finicky with .ico images, or even bmp.
  8. You first need VB6(or hire someone to do it for you) so you can edit the layout of the game, then you would need to change the picScreen size(unless you want the entire form to be the game, then you'd switch the render scene to frmMain.Handle and such.
  9. Thankyou for creating a seperate topic. 1\. Are you giving them your global IP address? not the or whatever, i mean like the that you can find on sites like Canyouseeme.org ? 2a. i don't think there is a way to auto attack with pets. 2b. I do believe that is a bug, yes. 3\. Currently none of the engines, not even EO4 has the auto target for spell usage.
  10. What are the errors? saying you have errors doesn't help anyone.
  11. This is a resolved topic, from what i know, replying on a resolved topic is not really looked upon.
  12. Do have to post on old topics? **make a new topic for best results…**
  13. could you have been any less retarded and noticed the date of this topic and the fact it has been resolved, you would never have replied and never looked so dumb, sorry to say, but please, look at the last time a topic was posted in before actually posting in it.
  14. It's not the language that doesn't support 70+ players, it's how the engine was made.. again, to answer your question, it varies, especially since how optimized said engine.benefits of moving to vb.net would be the fact you're using a new language, but also because it opens more powerful APIs you can use. Converting to vb.net takes a while and takes a lot of time rewriting some things. There's hundreds of languages you can use, the more populars are C++, C#, Java, and vb.net. C would be considered but i hardly ever see it used.
  15. I believe there is, never really used the chatbubble system so i can't really tell ya m8
  16. This was posted years ago m8, A lot of my tutorials are crap by now. but thankyou for noticing that.
  17. You could timestamp the messages being thrown into the server and check if it's from the same person if so, check if the past message was more than 2 seconds ago, if so, proceed. It's all a server edit(unless you want to show the timestamps on the client then you'd just send the time sent along with the message), so it shouldn't be too hard to figure out :P
  18. Looks good man, I'm loving the sprites and items and such. That gui looks pretty good as well
  19. > Those of us who do have the knowledge to write it from scratch have moved on. ;) To each their own.
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