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  1. my game use this form character, I can't set freq and speed in event system to make npc walk normaly Is there a way I do with this problem? (If you don't understand, you can watch the link below) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rXGqMP8Qc
  2. my game use this form character, I can't set freq and speed in event system to make npc walk normaly Is there a way I do with this problem? (If you don't understand, you can watch the link below) > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6rXGqMP8Qc
  3. I have some question for eclipse world: 1> about the skill, I only know how to use the woodcutting and mining, but the others … I really dont know how to use them. Like woodcutting -> creat a resource in resource editor -> respawn it on map -> use a tool weapon to cut it down but about the fishing spot. How can i use that, some guys told me make a fishing pool, but I really dont understand. How it work, because I'm sure the fishes are in the middle of a pool -.-! 2> The NPC, it doesnt like eo4 I set a slime npc like this ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11120533_1061539637193219_4009228074365311271_n.jpg?oh=8e27bcfb9b3fe58092cd8bc85fcbd278&oe=559ABE9E&__gda__=1438326838_0ac6fa44efb0c5f4145f6b2fd5e2671a) And my character is level 8 ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1798708_1061539650526551_1581494639519250691_n.jpg?oh=a664e9f6fef74e41830dc99988ae0ab2&oe=55B9A961&__gda__=1437636107_ebf70fdd4f8afc9766c3fee4a2abc344) But I hit monster only 2 HP, I wonder how much strenght stat for hitting slime 100 hp -.-! ![](https://scontent-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11133768_1061539667193216_280373348334703565_n.jpg?oh=40aff058f87ba2fb75fdd9d06aa2926e&oe=55AEEEBB) OR i set wrong something, please guide me!
  4. As the title, I need programer to fix bugs: 1> go through npc 2> can't attack monster add feature: item slot: glove, ring, coat, necklet And give me a good price for them ! Thanks
  5. anybody help me add these feature for eo4? projectile for npc more item slot, ring coat, wing, gloves
  6. **I wanna add these feature for eo 4** **1
  7. Same project with me, good luck bro!
  8. Same project with me, good luck bro!
  9. almost the graphics and musics are collected on google :v how can we sell the game with a big copyright like that :)) :lol: Just make the game for fun, I guess shouldn't think about sell the game :lol:
  10. When open the server, log in have to select gold and silver. What's difference of them?
  11. I see it still have gold and silver ? What different about them when the sources open like this ?
  12. If I change the gold to this open sources, what happen to what i have done before ?
  13. huynhminhyntd

    Pet ?????

    in gold, pet have many bug. In slot 2 of pet, you can do anything of pet, but 3 -> if you increase stat for pet, when the pet kill some monster your server game will crash. Fix this problem you have to choose stat for pet like the character ….
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