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Everything posted by uyarrr

  1. I'm forward this! Looks really cool good job. Continue to this mate :D
  2. Guys Where are The Account Editor? I can't find it.
  3. Where are the account (player) editor? I can't find it.
  4. Well why too much bad reply? I think good for paperdolls and coloring and no download required thanks for sharing to us :)
  5. uyarrr


    Very Good :lol:
  6. Yes! Finally! Thats perfect for me ! Now I can make more paperdolls!
  7. Need Fix All Bugs? Bugs 1- We cant move quests interface in interface ini.Fix That 2- Create Party and kill enemy says (username) got loot! and server crashes… This bug makes engine un-stable 3- In Event editor if i add change move route we cant see move route options because event order panel still preview in screen... 4- Why all spell animations double in game? Cast a instantly damage spell 2 animations spawns. One in tiles , other in npc... Cast HOT spell one animation moves with npc y thats normal but other is in tile... HUGE Bug too 5- Projectile Weapons damage cant upgrade with str stat ... Then Ranged classes sucks. 6- We can't change server offline message. Says go to touchofdeathforums add website option to config.ini please.. Thats huge bug too. 7-Well Guild System really bad but i know you dont created that. I think you can add to guilds menu -Create New Guild- , -Find Guild-, -Invite- buttons. Done ;) If i find more bugs i will edit this message. Sorry for my grammar. EDIT: 8- Need Really Auto Server Restarter 9- Needs better projectile system like ER and some other engines 8 way movement projectiles. Because this projectile system is hard to accuracy :(
  8. Good engine but i found very awesome bug. Create Party and kill npc. Says Name got loot! and server crashes.
  9. Hi i am using eclipse reborn engine but in e.r we can only change position of opened gui's we cant move buttons i need help please how to i can move?
  10. First too thanks to you for publishing this icons !! And you can use in own game example my drawed: ![](http://imgim.com/4889inciu556187.png) ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) if you have a photoshop you can make ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  11. ohh to nice ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  12. very thanks its too good ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) but its give to me a automation error why?
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