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Everything posted by Drakiac

  1. They are definitely from an old game… i can tell you that much
  2. Drakiac

    NPC location

    Oh my gosh… *facepalm* @peekay: > Just curious… if your talking to him then u will know what map hes on anyway?
  3. Follow this: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,68360.msg736593.html#msg736593 and if it doesn't work then go to the client folder, go to config, and set Debug to 1 -Drakiac
  4. Drakiac

    Character GIF

    I believe it only supports BMP but maybe you could do something to the source…
  5. Drakiac

    NPC location

    I want to find the npcs map not its x-y coordinates…
  6. Drakiac

    NPC location

    I have scripted NPC's in EO and i was wondering how do you check the npcs location when you talk to him. I've tried this: ``` MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(mapNpcNum).Num ```but It says mapNpcNum variable is not defined. I have all of this stored in a separate module called modQuest.bas, which is based off Richy's quest system. Thanks -Drakiac
  7. @aminooo: > Off-Topic : There's an island down in that map called "HI", lol. So dumb… that's Hawaii... Jungletoe: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/304550
  8. I would re-download the zip file from the website or it's a problem with your computers settings.
  9. Most likely you have a problem with port forwarding. You say your router works 100% but have you set up port 7001 yet? Also, your firewall may be blocking the program. Portforward: portforward.com
  10. Actually, the earth quake was an 8.9, larger than the Kobe earthquake of 1995 which was only a 6.8\. This earthquake is one of the strongest in man's history. The thing is… i live in Southern California and if that radiation reaches me... hello cancer!
  11. Oh!! His is if you have no weapon equipped then you can't cast a spell. mine is for If you only want one specific item, such as a wand, to be equipped for spells. we're comparing apples and oranges. :)
  12. Oh! I thought you were telling me to use this: ``` ' Make sure player has item equipped If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need a weapon equipped to cast a spell!", BrightRed) Exit Sub End If ``` I was going to say: I would have to do this for every item except for the one I want…. That would be a lot of wasted code. -Drakiac
  13. A quick question on your Quest system. In the server modCombat at CanPlayerAttackNpc is it supposed to look like this: ``` If NpcX = GetPlayerX(attacker) Then If NpcY = GetPlayerY(attacker) Then If Npc(npcNum).Behaviour NPC_BEHAVIOUR_FRIENDLY And Npc(npcNum).Behaviour NPC_BEHAVIOUR_SHOPKEEPER And Npc(npcNum).Behaviour NPC_BEHAVIOUR_SCRIPTED Then CanPlayerAttackNpc = True If Npc(npcNum).Behaviour = NPC_BEHAVIOUR_SCRIPTED Then CanPlayerAttackNpc = False Call QuestScript(attacker, Int(npcNum)) Exit Function End If If Len(Trim$(Npc(npcNum).AttackSay)) > 0 Then PlayerMsg attacker, Trim$(Npc(npcNum).Name) & ": " & Trim$(Npc(npcNum).AttackSay), White End If End If End If End If End If End If End Function ``` Is anything wrong with it? Thanks -Drakiac
  14. Thanks so much for this! The scripted tiles are working perfect! The only problem I have with the quest system is that i create the npc, say number 8\. I give him at least one in every stat. i set him to scripted. Then I don't know how to talk to him. I've pressed control next to him yet it does nothing. It should give him case 8 or at least say There is no quest script for NPC Number 8\. Check the source.. but it doesnt…
  15. In my code it says If the item equipped is not item 1, the item required for the spell, then give message and cancel spell.
  16. Um.. using your approach if they do have the weapon equipped then they can't cast the spell. The point of my script is so that if they do have a weapon equipped it will allow them to cast a spell. Also, I've tried it out and it does work… thanks for the constructive criticism though :) -Drakiac
  17. :) I'm glad I could help! *high fives back*
  18. This edit to the server will require an item equipped in order for you to cast a spell These are all server side edits. Find: ``` ' Prevent subscript out of range If spellslot MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS Then Exit Sub spellnum = GetPlayerSpell(index, spellslot) mapNum = GetPlayerMap(index) ``` and under it put: ``` ' Make sure player has item equipped If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need your _____ equipped!", BrightRed) Exit Sub End If ``` If the item equipped is not a weapon change it to whatever the item is. ex. If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Helmet) 1 Then The number of the item is what you put after . So in this code the item required to cast the spell is item number 1. I hope this helps some people! -Drakiac
  19. This happened to me. You can go to your client folder, go to config.ini, set debug=1 and it should work.
  20. For number two will this make it so they can only cast it equipped? I don't want them to be able to cast it if it's in their inventory. Edit: I tried it out and it gave me an error so I changed it to``` If Not GetPlayerEquipment(index, weapon) = wand Then Exit Sub ```but now its saying that it hasn't defined the variable wand yet. The items name actually is wand just so you know. Edit 2: Yay I got it to work! My first code!``` ' Make sure player has wand equipped If GetPlayerEquipment(index, Weapon) 7 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need your wand equipped!", BrightRed) Exit Sub End If ``` Thank you guys so much for the help! -Drakiac
  21. Drakiac

    Server Problem

    Thank you so much! I was starting to freak out….
  22. Drakiac

    Server Problem

    My server works fine, I have tested it on multiple computers and all clients connect fine. For some weird reason though, if I ever leave my server on for a while, like a day, someone from the ip address keeps on connecting and disconnecting. Here's an image: ![](http://img810.imageshack.us/img810/8566/weirdserver.jpg) This is in the course of like 6 hours. Is this person trying to hack me or what? Would I be better off banning them? Thanks -Drakiac
  23. Drakiac

    Spell Scaling

    Thank you so much for this! I'll be using something like it in my game. -Drakiac
  24. I believe it is both… All port forwarding guides say both but if there is only one option then try both, one at a time.
  25. Drakiac

    Lock Classes

    OK, got it! Thanks!
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