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  1. The very original "Legend of Zelda" on the NES is a must play.
  2. @mig: > Only on the internet. Or everywhere.
  3. @Frostyy: > Octopuses can be pascifists? They can be now, if you believe in them.
  4. @GoldSide: > Please make the tutorials :( I don't think anyone's gonna do that bro.
  5. Yeah, I never heard of using brackets in scanf() so I really can't say to be honest. None of the sites I'm using has never said anything about it.
  6. @crzy: > Dont you have to have a conversion specifier in the scanf() like %d, %f, %c, or %s? Or is my book lieing to me? I don't put it there and it seems to work just fine, but then again most of the time I just use fgets.
  7. Why not have a variable to hold "abc…" in it? Or better yet just have the user input the name? Like... ``` int main() { printf("Please enter your name: \n"); scanf(userName); printf("Welcome %c \n", userName); return(0); system("pause"); } ``` (Obviously seen that the teacher asked for brackets, but this just seems like a much better way for using scanf.)
  8. @MrMiguu: > There are exceptions to every rule. However, for the most part, 99.99% of all people that start their first MMO will fail on making their first MMO. This is true as well. @Smore: > No one knows what they are doing the first time. Technically they can know what they're doing the first time if they take the time to look through other games / dev logs / examples / ask other people who're making games for some tips.
  9. @MrMiguu: > Everyone's first MMO fails. Unless that person knows 100% what to do.
  10. @Cyprien: > LoL i don't see what you all see in the classic tiles The classic tiles were revolutionary and the newer ones are crap in my opinion.
  11. I'm with petey here. Use first gen tiles. But not for Nostalgia, because the newer generations are terrible.
  12. I think people are getting too much influence from Retarded Online.
  13. Nice rips, but no one can use these things legally.
  14. @kibbelz: > This has already been made and released as a tutorial by someone else, I forget who now :/. You're thinking of Ertzy. But Ertzy's tutorial was for having the GM Tag appear in the Shoutbox as well.
  15. Chu, I love you brosef. This helped me a lot n stuff.
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