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Everything posted by Ertzel

  1. Ertzel


    Instead of doing the whole ActionOpen boolean, you could just do something like this.. Replace:``` If Not InBank And AuctionOpen = False And Not InShop And Not InTrade > 0 Then ```With:``` If Not InBank And Not frmAuction.visible And Not InShop And Not InTrade > 0 Then ```(replace frmAuction with w/e the auction form is called if its not that)
  2. Remove all that shit you added. Go to:``` Public Sub HandleKeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As Long) ```and before the``` End Sub ```add:``` If KeyCode = vbKeyEnd Then If TempPlayer(MyIndex).Moving = NO Then Select Case GetPlayerDir(MyIndex) Case DIR_UP ' Change to right SetPlayerDir MyIndex, DIR_RIGHT Case DIR_RIGHT ' Change to down SetPlayerDir MyIndex, DIR_DOWN Case DIR_DOWN ' change to left SetPlayerDir MyIndex, DIR_LEFT Case DIR_LEFT ' change to up SetPlayerDir MyIndex, DIR_UP End Select Call SendPlayerDir End If End If ```
  3. **Dr:** I do not know when or if I will be able to fix it. I have no money to fix my PC so it may not get fixed by me. **Laz:** Please read the thread when you have questions. I explained how to change the keyboard shortcuts 4 posts ago. Go into modInput and look in one of the first couple subs (I cannot access vb6 right now so I forget which one it is) and you will see something for OpenWindow or something similar to that. Then find which OpenWindow you are wanting to change and edit the key for that,
  4. One question, whats the point of SChatMsg and Sub ChatRoomMsg. Why not just send a PlayerMsg to each player in the chat room with the message instead of sending it to a sub which then sends a packet to the client in it's own sub to print to the screen. PlayerMsg already does that so why make a whole other thing to do the same? Also, in your server side source you have HandleChatMsg twice.
  5. Yes, as pointed out a few times the spell system causes a crash because of the way I originally setup the combat skills with the spells. I removed them from spells altogether and based it off of the item's combat type/level used to activate the spell instead. However since I cannot test it I haven't been able to upload the fix. As for the GUI with buttons, look at an older version of EM or a version of EA if you wish to add the useless menu icons back in. To edit the keyboard shortcuts look in modInput and somewhere in the first couple subs (I forget the name) is the code for opening the windows and you just have to change the key code for that window.
  6. I released a tutorial in the source code section for player checkpoints which is basically what your bind concept was if I'm reading it right. It adds a new tile attribute which is a checkpoint, a player can then click on that tile and set their checkpoint to that location. When they die they then spawn at that tile instead of back at the original starting area of the game. As for the corpse idea, I worked on that back when I was making Zacaras Empire with either Eclipse Evolution or one of the original EO's (I forget which) and the way I was doing it was basically creating a new thing in the map data which was bodies. The bodies variable held storage of the map number, x, y, players name, and then new variable holding item ID and item amount. When you died it would create a new instance of the bode with your location, name and and item data for all items in your inventory. It would then delete all of your inventory items and draw a skeleton to the map. Once you died you would have 2 minutes to get back to your body. In that 2 minutes only you could open the body and it would bring up a new window that looked like your inventory did and displayed all of the items in that body for you to take back. But only you could open your own body, no one else could. After 2 minutes the skeleton would disappear and the items in it would drop to the map for anyone to take. I lost all of that coding but was thinking of starting to work on it again and if no one beats me to it I'll try to code up the system sometime this week.
  7. > I already post a Indorview Where did you post the indoor view? You have another post on this page that says it is your official submission and your old maps isn't. That map has an indoor and outdoor view.
  8. > Error at :Private Sub Form_Resize() > > Error:Ambiguous name detected: Form_Resize. That means there was already a Private Sub Form_Resize() in your code and instead of editing that with the code clark posted you just added another Private Sub Form_Resize() which is causing a bug because you can't have two subs with the same name in the same file.
  9. > Oh nvm then I like EA 3.0.21 sense it has a better admin panel >_>. lol what… And this has features from EA 3.0.10 and below as that was the base, it has nothing done from 3.0.11 to 3.0.21. As to Sinisters question, as I have said a few times now the quest system is bugged to shit because Deathbeam ducked up something when he added it to EM and I never bug tested it before releasing the system in EM. It either doesn't save or load quests properly but since my PC broke I cannot edit the source anymore to fix the problem.
  10. You beat me to it. I was working on a vb6 Account Editor that worked practically the same way as this, just for some reason 2 of my stats where not saving properly but I also had everything on the account editable from the program.
  11. Unless I'm wrong, the top of the first map leads to the bottom of the second map so they are connecting.
  12. No need for caps.. If your an admin then you can walk through all forms of blocking tiles. Also there is a bug right now that lets even non-admins walk through event blocks.
  13. This thread is over a year old so the download link is long gone unless someone has it to re-post.
  14. Death put the Quest system into EM, not me. I think he used Alatar's though but not sure. He ducked up something with either the saving or loading in the quest system though when he put it into EM and I cannot fix it as I need to be able to login to the game to do so and can't.
  15. A scrollbar can only go up to 255 in vb6\. If you want it to go higher change it to a text box.
  16. A scrollbar can only go up to 255 in vb6\. If you want it to go higher change it to a text box.
  17. Ertzel

    Player Editor?

    Yes but due to the fact of there not being an Account Editor available for any version that has been released, that is not an option…...
  18. Ertzel

    Player Editor?

    You made this topic 2 days ago in which I already responded and you acknowledged…. The Player Editor I am working on is almost done except that for some reason the Will and End stats are not loading/saving correctly but everything else is. Once I fix that I'll post the editor. No need to keep making topics for this.
  19. Ertzel

    Solved} Error

    I'm very confused by this. You say its from a tutorial, can you link us to that tutorial so we have something to look at? Also, your looking in the sub for if a NPC can attack a player but hen your checking if the NPC has the same weapon as the player? Then, why would you send a message to the Player saying they don't have the proper equipment when it's the NPC engaging them (CanNPCAttackPlayer) not the player engaging the NPC (CanPlayerAttackNPC) Although I don't have vb6 open to check, in CanNPCAttackPlayer the player variable should be index, not attacker as they are the one being targeted by the NPC.
  20. > Ertzel it happened with me. He's using a version where you can like just walk through the jail making it duck up. Can you run it through vb6 and tell me what line is actually giving the error? Since I can't actually run a game with EM anymore since I have no PC, I have no way of trying to bug fix it without seeing what part of the code is giving the problem.
  21. Yes, it basically adds text to the right of your name wrapped inside of the [ ]'s
  22. I cannot run EM as I no longer have a working Windows system so I cannot bug check this for myself. Simply saying you get a runtime error when you hit ctrl doesn't help me at all as I cannot run the engine myself to try and never had this problem when I could run the engine. If you can run both the client and server through vb6 and tell me the actual code that is highlighted in the error then I at least have something to look at, but since no one else has reported a problem which everyone would have as soon as they tried attacking anything, it appears to be something on your end most likely.
  23. Ertzel

    New Developer

    Well the Developer position really has nothing to do with the Custom Versions. The CV's is an area for the non-appointed Eclipse "staff"/developer to release their own versions of the main Eclipse build which is what the Developer would be working on….
  24. ummm.. You must of ducked up something because thats defiantly not an error in the default EM….
  25. As far as I know there is no player editor for any current version of Eclipse. I released a source for a character editor client side and server side which can be found in the Source section of the tutorials. I have a working full external Player Editor that I just have to add some error checks into and then will be releasing it but until then, I am not aware of any other ones currently released.
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