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Everything posted by dthnote801

  1. Go to options and shut off the music.
  2. I'm doing a little bit of work for Kingdom Hearts Twilight Soul, and I'd like to make it so that when you type in /info it shows the I.P. of players, because we have a problems with players multi accounting and players joining the game who've been banned that have changed their I.P. address. So can I get some tips on how to set this up?
  3. ![](http://i54.tinypic.com/jtuuye.png)
  4. Lulz, I got major laughs out the original post, good job Var xD
  5. @Zesh: > @Varethien > -_- No need to get angry here, I was just stating that I've seen quite a few attempts at an online pokemon game is all. I wish you luck though and hopefully this one lasts.
  6. dthnote801


    @midevele1: > i have the modifications 2.6 thing for my server, and i need a script so you cant walk into the town unless you complete quest 1, can anyone help? Don't need a script, just make the quest that gives you a spell (A warp spell) That warp your to the first town.
  7. Antisora, he's asking how to make one, not is there. Excalibur, you'll need to get vb6, then make it so that the guild name displays on the screen.
  8. Another pokemon fan game ._. How many are there going to be?
  9. I'd end up playing, it looks pretty fun. (I remember playing the NES Zelda for hours then raging at getting killed.)
  10. @Devo: > Yep…. perhaps the OP thinks that if something is on another sheet, its a 'different' tileset... which would worry me greatly. Actually, no, I don't think that at all, I just couldn't be bothered to go find another tileset from this board.
  11. Did you make any edits to the server?
  12. I would have posted this in the general tutorial board, but I cannot post there, so here it is. The reason behind this tutorial is that I've seen a lot of people making a lot of games, and making a lot of silly minor errors. So hopefully this will help them out, even slightly. First common error is, mixing tilesets, or rather misfit graphics in general. Here is a screenshot of a map using a single Tileset. (It's a simplistic map, and doesn't look as good as it could.) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2ff126b5578081cf95331b14c7b2e442.jpg) Here is a map using multiple tilesets. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2a9cd1d548d2b57ff6d600a20fb3509a.jpg) It's apparent which one looks better, right? If you do this, your maps will look better, if not a lot, but by a little. [mis matching sprites] I'm not going to upload a screenshot for this, because I simply don't feel like it's needed. Keeping on what I said above, don't mix sprites from different sources, keep them relatively by the same person, this way it keeps the same feel in the entire game. [Reading tutorials already made] I really don't know how many times I've personally been told, and have told others to visit the tutorials bored on how to do something. A lot of you just download the client, then think you instantly think that you can make a game, without adding anything except the graphics you find in the resource board. For those of you who cannot seem to find the "tutorial" board, then here is a direct link to the board. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,34.0.html [General errors that you get in-game] It's a given that some point during your use of Eclipse that you will encounter an error, then this is why we have this board: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,2.0.html But instead of making 1,000 posts about the same topic, try reading some other users topic that sounds similar to yours and try a solution that's been posted there, chances are it'll fix the error you got. And if you can't seem to find a post with the title of your problem try using the search bar or by clicking this link. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?action=search2 This keeps the Q&A board cleaner and easier to find an error. [Reporting a bug?] Use an appropriate board such as this thread: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,66183.0.html This is for 100% certain bug that is wrong with the client itself, but not a modified version of your client. That's about it.
  13. @Marsh: > Am i the only one that thinks hes doing a alright job? i dont really follow any of this closely at all but he seems to be a huge step up from bush. I unno, he's doing an alright job, he's been doing what he's promised, or at least has been trying too. And he is a huge step up from bush, I agree with you on that part.
  14. I just downloaded and installed the files, and I was able to log in with out a problem, so as Robin stated, they might not have extracted it, or their trying to run the game from their start menu in which they won't find launcher.exe
  15. If your a mage, you'll have your spell menu open. Just make a hotkey for the "start" menu for it then, which this idea is totally foolish.
  16. In b4 autotune. As I am not one who follows politics a whole lot, but I'm pretty sure people only voted for Obama because he's African American. Just saying. And He has made some change, just not a whole lot, but younger Americans cease to realize that a person can only do so much in a short amount of time, and that the president doesn't have a whole lot of power.
  17. Umm… Is there actually the GUI given in the download? Or are you just giving them the .exe ..?
  18. Why create a whole new function for a function already made, just go to where you have the shop attribute placed and press ctrl. It saves you coding in a language you obviously have zero experience in.
  19. I fail to see what so advanced about them in the first place.
  20. I'm 16 and going strong.
  21. ![](http://i55.tinypic.com/2yvoqoo.jpg) Good luck with that, you can't get viruses from pictures. Lulz.
  22. ![](http://i56.tinypic.com/20ifedw.png) It's not a joke.
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