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Welcome to UntitledJS,

This will be some Eclipse-like engine with a javascript client.
Started yesterday (22-02-2016) and got a busy busy life, but I'm sure i'll make good progress :).

Map / camera / player - base
Walking (with animation)
Websockets (Java server)

Demo URL [update]:


>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/6MK7vQE.png)

Skype: toperwin

To be continued….
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> Started yesterday (22-02-2016) and got a busy busy life, but I'm sure i'll make good progress
> Working on now:
> Server (will be Java, C#.Net or Node.JS, tell me your preference!)

eh…wut, my advice, don't bother :)

If I had a dollar each time someone posted and said stuff like this, I'd be rich af.
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> eh…wut, my advice, don't bother :)
> If I had a dollar each time someone posted and said stuff like this, I'd be rich af.

Every scratch project, no difference in experience or skill, has to start from the same zero-point.

Anyway, to have something ontopic:

>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/p9fOBtC.png)

Got the websockets working :) multiplayer, jeuj!
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Demo url online, woohoo!!
Don't mind the 'lagging movement', solved tomorrow :)
Forms (including Chat) will be the next feature after,
Any suggestions / feedback so far?
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> It seems there's sometimes toggled movement and sometimes not, also, this is just movement, there's nothing here to do, not sure I'd even call this a base. What all does it have feature wise?

Fixed the movement now :) it's perfect!
And it's just an open development, everyone has to start somewhere, check again each week or so and you'll definitely see progress over time.


> Not all bases start out with full functionality, Mohenjo.

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I know they don't, but it tends to have better impressions when it's not, this has been getting worked on for a week lol, now for a week, this looks pretty good. What all does it have at this point, though?

After looking at it again, the player is cruzing around XD only problem is he seems to bound and not walk, the animation plays in a time frame and not a distance so it looks like he's gliding or something. The sides also seem to need stops so the player can't go past them. Also looks like you took out 8dir movement. And, lastly, are you going to put a cap on the fps or movement or whatever it should be (sorry, don't know all the terms and such lol)?
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