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Guild Wars 2


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I'm in the 40 range, and it is kind of boring after awhile, but it is still a fun game for a good amount of time. It just is a game you break from for a few weeks when you're bored, play a little when you feel like playing it, and repeat for years to come. The F2P model for the MMO is amazing (buy it and can play indefinitely), so that is one of the sole reasons I still support ArenaNET.
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Played till level 63, and it just turns stale. There is not enough story to keep me into the game, as it's so far and few between. The random events are fun, but the heart grinding is just such a bore.. Not to mention that when you find a weaponset you like, you're likely to keep using that combination, but since the spells and abilities don't really change from level 1 and onwards, it gets really boring to fight as it turns into this stale "Oh right, I have to hit these buttons again" kind of thing.
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Have a couple level 80's, a 43, and a 25\. I haven't played seriously since the first month of release. It's a great game, but GW2's main fault is lack of content. Lots of work went in to the content that exists, which makes it incredibly polished, but things get repetitive. ANet was so worried about the grind that many of the _good_ grind activities present in other MMOs were replaced with anti-grinding activities that are so commonplace, they become a kind of grind themselves.

The game definitely has some of the best PVP out there IMO. It's just a shame there's not enough other content to hold my interest.

Other MMO's bore me even more, so GW2 is still one of my favorites. The Halloween update was lots of fun and got me excited for future content.

> Not to mention that when you find a weaponset you like, you're likely to keep using that combination, but since the spells and abilities don't really change from level 1 and onwards, it gets really boring to fight as it turns into this stale "Oh right, I have to hit these buttons again" kind of thing.

Anyone who has played other MMORPG's knows _every_ game does this. GW2 is actually far less guilty of facerolling than its competitors.
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> Anyone who has played other MMORPG's knows _every_ game does this. GW2 is actually far less guilty of facerolling than its competitors.

Then I guess Rift, WoW, SW:TOR, Warhammer, LOTRO, GW1, RaiderZ, PWI, Champions Online, CoH/CoV etc. all force you into the same 5 basic attacks that stay the same from level 1 and onwards? I do recall having a lot more choice with a weaponset I enjoyed in all those other games, hell most of them make me fill up 3-4 hotbars from 1-12 spells and I still don't use everything available to me. In terms of combat, GW2 is a bore, sure you can switch weapons and the last 5 abilities, but these other weaponsets have the most boring playstyle EVER (Being a Necro, I prefer using double daggers, because ranged in this game feels so dull, there is nothing that makes you think about casting a spell, I mean you can walk away during the cast and it'll fire, there's no thought or danger in it).. THe other 5 abilities are used rarely, and mostly useless since they offer some minor things such as a weak AoE, some minions that die in three hits or a buff/debuff that's only used in very rare situations.

There is no FUN in this combat system, there is no danger to it. I can literarily stand there bashing on a mob with little to no regard to safety. Nor do I ever feel the need to actually THINK of what the hell I'm doing, just hit whatever isn't on cooldown, because it doesn't matter when or how you use the abilities, you can just move aside in the middle of it without risking anything anyway. It feels smooth, yes. But that's all there is to it, it has no depth, no strategy and this is what irks me.

So how is this not facerolling, unlike most other games I mentioned where you have to put more care into your rotation and abilities? And keep in mind, for a Buy to Play game, it isn't bad. But the combat is so god awfully dull that it doesn't keep my interest for more than an hour anymore, I recently tried making a new character, an Elementalist and a Guardian, but it feels the same. It's just running around without a care in the world mashing buttons. Maybe you enjoy this sort of thing, more power to you then. But I personally prefer having to THINK, timing my spells with their casts and cooldowns, using slows, stuns and roots to my advantage to not get my ass handed to me and using every ability I have to survive. In GW2, as a clothie I can run around and shrug off every damage I get, it's negliable.
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