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[EO 3.0] Character Customization - Hair & Hair color


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This tutorial is based on a personal adaptation of DJMaxus' [[CS:DE] Character Customization (Gender & Hair)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123485-csde-character-customization-gender-hair/), moved to EO 3.0

What it does: It lets you have a separate graphic file for character hair, and to color it at render time.

Screenshots of what you should end up with (just the important bits, it's in Spanish, sorry about that):

>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/sW2DErM.png)![](http://i.imgur.com/TAShk8I.png)
>! Both of those hairs are the same hair file. Neat, isn't it?

This might sound hard, but don't worry, it's just me, being bad at explaining.

**REMEMBER! Always make a backup of your working source!**


First go to **modTypes**, and in **PlayerRec** add```

Hair As Long

HairTint As Long

```at the bottom.

Add it to **TempPlayerRec** too. (I'm not sure it's needed, but I did it just in case.)

At the bottom of **modPlayer**, add```

Function GetPlayerHair(ByVal Index As Long) As Long

If Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

GetPlayerHair = Player(Index).Hair

End Function

Sub SetPlayerHair(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Hair As Long)

If Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub

Player(Index).Hair = Hair

End Sub

Function GetPlayerHairTint(ByVal Index As Long) As Long

If Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

GetPlayerHairTint = Player(Index).HairTint

End Function

Sub SetPlayerHairTintTint(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal HairTint As Long)

If Index <= 0 Or Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub

Player(Index).HairTint = HairTint

End Sub

in **modDatabase** find```
Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long)
```and replace it with```
Sub AddChar(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Byte, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Hair As Long, ByVal HairTint As Long)
```then, inside the sub, under```
Player(Index).Level = Level
Player(Index).Hair = Hair

Player(Index).HairTint = HairTint

Now, in **modHandleData**, find```
```and under```
Dim n As Long
Dim Hair As Long

Dim HairTint As Long
```, under```
Sprite = Buffer.ReadLong
Hair = Buffer.ReadLong

HairTint = Buffer.ReadLong
```(if you place it somewhere else, remember where!), then find```
Call AddChar(Index, Name, Sex, Class, Sprite)
```and replace with```
Call AddChar(Index, Name, Sex, Class, Sprite, Hair, HairTint)

Next, in **modServerTCP**, find```
Function PlayerData
```and under```
Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerLevel(Index)
Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerHair(Index)

Buffer.WriteLong GetPlayerHairTint(Index)

And that's the server work. Now comes the client work.


Like with the server, first go to **modTypes**, and in **PlayerRec** add```

Hair As Long

HairTint As Long

```at the bottom.

Then in **modClientTCP** find```
Public Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long)
```and replace with```
Public Sub SendAddChar(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Sex As Long, ByVal ClassNum As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, ByVal Hair As Long, ByVal HairTint As Long)
and under```
Buffer.WriteLong Sprite
Buffer.WriteLong Hair

Buffer.WriteLong HairTint
```(If in the server **modHandleData HandleAddChar** you placed the lines somewhere else, place them in the same point of order)

In **modDatabase** add, at the bottom or somewhere:```
' Hairs

Public Sub CheckHairs()

Dim i As Long

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

i = 1

NumHairs = 1

ReDim Tex_Hair(1)

While FileExist(GFX_PATH & "hair\" & i & GFX_EXT)

ReDim Preserve Tex_Hair(NumHairs)

NumTextures = NumTextures + 1

ReDim Preserve gTexture(NumTextures)

Tex_Hair(NumHairs).filepath = App.Path & GFX_PATH & "hair\" & i & GFX_EXT

Tex_Hair(NumHairs).Texture = NumTextures

NumHairs = NumHairs + 1

i = i + 1


NumHairs = NumHairs - 1

If NumHairs = 0 Then Exit Sub

For i = 1 To NumHairs

LoadTexture Tex_Hair(i)


' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "CheckHairs", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub

Function GetPlayerHair(ByVal Index As Long) As Long

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

GetPlayerHair = Player(Index).Hair

' Error handler

Exit Function


HandleError "GetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Function

End Function

Sub SetPlayerHair(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Hair As Long)

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub

Player(Index).Hair = Hair

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "SetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub

Function GetPlayerHairTint(ByVal Index As Long) As Long

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Function

GetPlayerHairTint = Player(Index).HairTint

' Error handler

Exit Function


HandleError "GetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Function

End Function

Sub SetPlayerHairTint(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal HairTint As Long)

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If Index > MAX_PLAYERS Then Exit Sub

Player(Index).HairTint = HairTint

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "SetPlayerSprite", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub

in **modGlobals**, under```
Public newCharClass As Long
Public newCharHair As Long

Public newCharHairTint As Long

now, in **modGeneral** you have to find```
Call SendAddChar
```it will look somewhat like this:```
If frmMenu.optMale.Value Then

Call SendAddChar(frmMenu.txtCName, SEX_MALE, frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, newCharSprite)


Call SendAddChar(frmMenu.txtCName, SEX_FEMALE, frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, newCharSprite)

End If
```replace it with this:```
If frmMenu.optMale.Value Then

Call SendAddChar(frmMenu.txtCName, SEX_MALE, frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, newCharSprite, newCharHair, newCharHairTint)


Call SendAddChar(frmMenu.txtCName, SEX_FEMALE, frmMenu.cmbClass.ListIndex + 1, newCharSprite, newCharHair, newCharHairTint)

End If

go to **modHandleData** and find```
Call SetPlayerLevel(i, Buffer.ReadLong)
```and add under it```

Call SetPlayerHair(i, Buffer.ReadLong)

Call SetPlayerHairTint(i, Buffer.ReadLong)

in **modGraphics**, somewhere along or under```
Public Tex_Fog() As DX8TextureRec
Public Tex_Hair() As DX8TextureRec
```, under```
Public NumFogs As Long
Public NumHairs As Long
```, under```
Call CheckFogs
```(in Sub LoadTextures) add```
Call CheckHairs
```find DrawPlayer and under```
Call DrawSprite(Sprite, x, y, rec)
Call DrawHair(x, y, GetPlayerHair(Index), Anim, spritetop, GetPlayerHairTint(Index))
```and at the bottom or somewhere in the module add```
Public Sub DrawHair(ByVal x2 As Long, ByVal y2 As Long, ByVal Hair As Long, ByVal Anim As Long, ByVal spritetop As Long, ByVal tint As Long)

Dim rec As RECT

If Hair < 1 Or Hair > NumHairs Then Exit Sub

With rec

.Top = spritetop * (Tex_Hair(Hair).Height / 4)

.Bottom = .Top + (Tex_Hair(Hair).Height / 4)

.Left = Anim * (Tex_Hair(Hair).Width / 4)

.Right = .Left + (Tex_Hair(Hair).Width / 4)

End With

' Clip to screen

If y2 < 0 Then

With rec

.Top = .Top - y2

End With

y2 = 0

End If

If x2 < 0 Then

With rec

.Left = .Left - x2

End With

x2 = 0

End If

'RenderTexture Tex_Hair(Hair), ConvertMapX(x2), ConvertMapY(y2), rec.Left, rec.Top, rec.Right - rec.Left, rec.Bottom - rec.Top, rec.Width, rec.Height

RenderTexture Tex_Hair(Hair), ConvertMapX(x2), ConvertMapY(y2), rec.Left, rec.Top, rec.Right - rec.Left, rec.Bottom - rec.Top, rec.Right - rec.Left, rec.Bottom - rec.Top, tint

End Sub
still in **modGraphics**, find```
Public Sub NewCharacterDrawSprite()
```and under```
RenderTextureByRects Tex_Character(Sprite), sRect, dRect
RenderTexture Tex_Hair(newCharHair), 0, 0, 0, 0, Width, Height, Width, Height, newCharHairTint

Alright. Now open up **frmMenu** and make sure you've got **picCharacter** in front (make sure you can see the "new character" menu box), then add:

> A label that will act as a button to change the hairstyle, named **lblHair** (preferably with a relevant caption)

> A label to show what hair is selected out of them all, named **lblHairNum** (caption unnecesary)

> Three scrollbars, named **scrlCRed** , **scrlCGreen** and **scrlCBlue** (preferably with labels alongside to show which is which) with a **Min** of 0 and a **Max** of 255 (You can change them if you prefer, but always within those bounds) and a **Value** of 128, or somewhere around the middle.

Now, inside **frmMenu**'s code, add… (Choice time!)

>If all your hairs fit both male and female characters:```
Private Sub lblHair_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

If newCharHair >= NumHairs Then

newCharHair = 0


newCharHair = newCharHair + 1

End If

lblHairNum.Caption = newCharHair & " / " & NumHairs

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "lblHair_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub
```>On the other hand, if your males and females need different hairs…```
Private Sub lblHair_Click()

' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

Dim haircount As Long

If optMale.Value Then

haircount = Round((NumHairs + 1) / 2)


haircount = Round((NumHairs) / 2)

End If

If optMale.Value And newCharHair >= NumHairs Then

newCharHair = 0

ElseIf newCharHair >= NumHairs - 1 Then

newCharHair = 0


If optMale.Value And newCharHair = 0 Then

newCharHair = 1

ElseIf newCharHair = 0 Then

newCharHair = 2


newCharHair = newCharHair + 2

End If

End If

If optMale.Value Then

lblHairNum.Caption = Round((newCharHair + 1) / 2) & " / " & haircount


lblHairNum.Caption = Round(newCharHair / 2) & " / " & haircount

End If

' Error handler

Exit Sub


HandleError "lblHair_Click", "frmMenu", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


Exit Sub

End Sub
```Note that with "Males get different hairs than Females", odd numbered hairs (1,3,5…) are used for males and even numbered hairs (2,4,6...) are used for females.

Now, somewhere within the form's code add```
Private Sub scrlCRed_Change()

newCharHairTint = D3DColorRGBA(frmMenu.scrlCRed.Value, frmMenu.scrlCGreen.Value, frmMenu.scrlCBlue.Value, 255)

End Sub

Private Sub scrlCGreen_Change()

newCharHairTint = D3DColorRGBA(frmMenu.scrlCRed.Value, frmMenu.scrlCGreen.Value, frmMenu.scrlCBlue.Value, 255)

End Sub

Private Sub scrlCBlue_Change()

newCharHairTint = D3DColorRGBA(frmMenu.scrlCRed.Value, frmMenu.scrlCGreen.Value, frmMenu.scrlCBlue.Value, 255)

End Sub
Now, inside```
Private Sub Form_Load()
```, under```
If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler
If optMale.Value Then

newCharHair = 1


newCharHair = 2

End If

newCharHairTint = D3DColorRGBA(frmMenu.scrlCRed.Value, frmMenu.scrlCGreen.Value, frmMenu.scrlCBlue.Value, 255)
```to make sure the default hair isn't "no hair" (though "no hair" can still be chosen by going around all the hairs and all the way back to 0)

If you went the "different hairs for males and females" way, find```
Private Sub optFemale_Click()
```and under```
newCharSprite = 0
newCharHair = 2

Dim haircount As Long

haircount = Round(NumHairs / 2)

frmMenu.lblHairNum.Caption = Round(newCharHair / 2) & " / " & haircount
```, then in```
Private Sub optMale_Click()
newCharSprite = 0
newCharHair = 1

Dim haircount As Long

haircount = Round((NumHairs + 1) / 2)

frmMenu.lblHairNum.Caption = Round(newCharHair / 2) & " / " & haircount

Whelp, that's all the code! Now, for the non-code stuff.

Inside the client folder, in "**data files\graphics**", create a new folder called **hair**

Add your numbered hair files, making sure to previously desaturate them so they look grayscale and can be properly colored at runtime. Examples:

>! ![](http://i.imgur.com/tHcUG5x.png)![](http://i.imgur.com/7cTd4j7.png)
>! These are a male and a female hair, respectively, the male hair being 1.png and the female hair being 2.png
>! This is using "male and female hairs are different", so odd numbers are male hairs and even numbers are female hairs.
>! Make sure the initial picture is as bright as it needs to be, because you can use the sliders to get darker colors, but not brighter.

You will also have to replace the classes sprites with hairless/bald sprites so the hair isn't drawn over more hair. Existing characters will have no hair, and there is no way given in this tutorial on how to change a player's hair, but it's as easy as making the server do a SetPlayerHair or a SetPlayerHairTint, so probably with a custom event, or command… I'll leave that for you to find a way on how do you want to do it.

Original tutorial on which this one is based on: [[CS:DE] Character Customization (Gender & Hair)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123485-csde-character-customization-gender-hair/), by DJMaxus
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Thank you so much, I already knew how to code the custom hairs in from scratch, but I had no idea how to change the color by code. This saves me from having to do so many pictues, and the concept can be applied in several places such as clothes, face pictures, and more ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
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> the concept can be applied in several places such as clothes, face pictures, and more ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

While that is indeed true (And I intend to, maybe, do that to my engine and make a tutorial about it), there's the limitation of "It paints everything with the color". Haven't tried to tint already colored stuff, though.

EDIT: Tried it, and for anything that has more than one color it's completely useless.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't know either, but I guess that, after all, it's just an adaptation and that's why, or maybe no one sees it.

Though it's simple to make more editable things like eyes (in fact, I did make eyes, it's the same thing only without the "letting the user choose from a few" and only having color picker)
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  • 3 weeks later...
> i got it working in dx7, ill release a tut when i clean it up ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

tnx damian i'll wait for your tutorial then ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
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Well, counting DX7 and DX8 have far different ways of handling drawing… It'd require quite a bit of editing, but it could be done.

Except the tinting part, where you'd probably have to tamper around the graphics engine and change to use D3D instead of DD... And you'd end faster by jumping directly to DX8.
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  • 1 month later...
> i have a problem with it when ever i chose a hair it just changes my sprite to sprte six in game why is that

Can you specify where/when it happens? When creating the character or after having created it?

Let's see if we can manage to get this sorted out, I'll try to help you as best as I can, but I need to know where to start.
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