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ER 1.8.1 Upcoming

Mohenjo Daro

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So I'm still working on Eclipse Renewal and there will be an update coming out in the next month. I'll aim for the end of this month, so expect it around then.

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What will 1.8.1 add and remove?

The main things this update will be doing is fixing the known bugs and drawing the GUI to the screen instead of having button and textboxes on the screen. Overall it will look nicer, have alpha support, and be less cluttered in VB6 when editing the code.

I'm also planning on all custom GUI graphics and a new layout (I haven't decided what the layout will look like yet, so any suggestions are welcome).

Smaller things that will be changed/added are the server will save your settings. It sounds small and not the great, but if you have someone else hosting the server and need it restarted, you now don't need to worry about them selecting all the right options (same if you have an auto restarter).

A few more server options are planned as well (Screen sizes and fullscreen selections)

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If you have suggestions to be added, head over to: [www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-Suggestions](www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-Suggestions)

If you have bugs, head over to: [www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-0-Bugs](www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-0-Bugs)

If you want to see the current progress, head over to: [www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-1-Changelog](www.eclipseorigins.com/Thread-ER-1-8-1-Changelog)

If you have a layout idea for me, post a ruff picture of it in this thread

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>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/ubwvl92op/teaser1.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/hj8rlbr2x/teaser2.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/p1hun9iah/inventory.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/xzbcm7x3t/exit.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/l00tb3ejd/party.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/td6i5rdqx/teaser6.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/eui76ov2x/teaser7.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/ke2af7crd/teaser10.png)

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/etueib3a1/teaser11.png)
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Here's a quick sneak peak of the GUI and what I have done so far.

>! ![](https://s26.postimg.org/7larvk0k9/16-05-2017_11-35.png)

The old GUI elements (the black GUI) will be deleted once I finish coding everything so I don't forget something. The new GUI is all drawn to the screen and will go slightly transparent when walked under by a player (as seen with the hotbar becoming more transparent).
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Glad you guys like the look of it :) I might change the hotbar a bit so it fits in better, but not sure as that will take some more code rewriting.

What do ya'll think, should I chop the hotbar in half and stack it, giving it a rounder look as well, or should I leave it be?

If you have a different idea then feel free to let me know as well, drawing a rough sketch helps even more :)
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Finally fixed some problems I've been having with the render area (see the changelog for more info) ~~so I should be able to finish the screenshot code soon~~

So because the way I was trying to do the screenshot was to increase the form size to the map size and take a quick picture of the form's hdc, I'm putting screenshot on hold because the form can't be bigger than the screen. I'll still try to figure out a work around, but I'm going to focus on other features for now.

The current state of the screenshot takes a picture of the form's dc (it's what you see) and saves it to a file (though the size of the image is your screen resolution which it another problem). So it can work if every map is the size of your screen, or there's a program to crop the images down, but larger maps can't be screenshotted unless you have a large monitor (and since I can't do much about it with VB6, it's on hold).
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> Here's some button teasers
> ![](https://s26.postimg.org/p1hun9iah/inventory.png)
> ![](https://s26.postimg.org/fuzjzzd21/skills.png)
> ![](https://s26.postimg.org/xz2kkmaqh/trade.png)
> I've added them to the main post as well

The new buttons looks great!
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Trading is done, buttons now change color and play sounds when hovered over or clicked (I was clicking the trade button so you can see the color difference). Text is also fixed so it's actually visible now.

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Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week or so, but the comp I was using died (I still have the progress) so I haven't been able to do much GUI work. In the mean time I've been thinking of ways to do the seemless mapping, mainly the best way to save the maps, but that's still a few updates away.

I should have the parts tomorrow but with my luck they'll probably be broken again haha.

Thought you all deserve to know the current hold up.
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> Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week or so, but the comp I was using died (I still have the progress) so I haven't been able to do much GUI work. In the mean time I've been thinking of ways to do the seemless mapping, mainly the best way to save the maps, but that's still a few updates away.
> I should have the parts tomorrow but with my luck they'll probably be broken again haha.
> Thought you all deserve to know the current hold up.

thanks for the heads up, I keep checking every day for the update, sorry to hear about your pc breaking on you but atleast you didn't lose your work. Any approximate timeframe on the update now? I have so so many people who are excited about playing the type of game I am making with this, trust me my ideas are like none other that exist and with all the excitement spilling over with people I feel like I need to be getting this game made and ready to be played.
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If ya'll didn't know, I finally have a working computer and have started work on 1.8.1 again! Right now I'm working on the auction house pages and making some pretty good progress.

I'm shooting to release 1.8.1 in a week or so, but last time I said that my comp died so… Crossing my fingers lol
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> If ya'll didn't know, I finally have a working computer and have started work on 1.8.1 again! Right now I'm working on the auction house pages and making some pretty good progress.
> I'm shooting to release 1.8.1 in a week or so, but last time I said that my comp died so… Crossing my fingers lol

thanks for the update, always nice to see what part you are working on at the moment. crossing my fingers for you
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