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Sry guys, but i quit


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im quiting on this game making system. i have plenty of reasons to, nothing personal marsh. first of all, its to hard for me, i cant do this kind of stuff. second, it doesnt make the game like i would like it. and not enuf people help. more criticize. i know a lot of people do help but uselly its just a link.  no offense godlord,marsh,soljah, and alex lenton. u  guys got me very far but i still wasnt good.

i was hoping if someone can send me a link to a game maker that make a sidescrolling game like maplestory or a click text game like battleon(adventurequest).

and if anyone can prove me wrong about this i mite change my mind. ty
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If your not going to put any form of hard work into this then leave.  No one is going to give a flying whoop at your attempt to get attention.  You get out of something what you originally put into it.  If you put in no energy and say it's too hard then your not going to get anything out of it so go Ahead leave.  No ones stopping you
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This is a huge mistake on your part. If Eclipse is too hard for you then how the hell do you expect to use another game making engine that's side scrolling for ORPGS? And what's this "It doesnt make the game like I would like it".. Eclipse didn't make the game bad and not what you want it to be, you did. It's a truth that most people dont help but you have to help yourself if you want a decent ORPG.

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Yep, yep yep. Srry bud, but this is one of the easier ways to make an orpg, cuz its very beginner friendly. IF you wanna make a game, you gotta put in lots of hard work and dedication into it. You gotta want it.

This is one of the best ways to start getting a feel for game development, its great. This is where I'm starting out and learning the ropes. Learn more about the engine, editting the source, how it works, etc and you can make a very good game with this  ;)
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Okay, seriously, noob.
Get your facts straight.

Eclipse is probably _the_ easiest engine to use. If you can't use it correctly and get it to "work like I want it to", then you're just pathetic. Eclipse uses elementary skill, in most cases, requiring nothing more than basic - or less than basic - knowledge. And if it doesn't satisfy your needs, then refer to this quote.

> ye get what ye pay for

I laughed at your first paragraph. "Not enough people help". LMAO. Do you honestly expect people to help a stupid, pathetic, useless noob like you make a stupid game that we all know won't succeed?

People criticize you because your "work" sucks. Just admit it, you're just like the rest of those aspiring noobs that want to get somewhere in their game but never can because it's too difficult to them.

LMAO @ your second paragraph. There aren't any game makers to make games like that. If you think there's a game engine that can make a game like that, then, again, you're just a stupid noob.

What's the point of making this thread? First of all, there's a new-back-leaving thread that you should've posted it. Secondly, do you want our pity or anything? Well, you're **not getting it.** If anything, you're asking for more bashing from us.

Yeah, I know, Marsh will probably mute me for this because he always sides with the noobs.
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i wasnt expecting a big thing when im leaving. i just wanted some sugestions to a new game maker. u dont have to be a idiot u know. im only 12 years old. my cpu is 15 years old. the system barely works. just shut it seba. nad they need to change the name of this site. i went on touchofdeath.com by mistake it it wasnt pretty. u can check it out if u want. but i dont suggest it.
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hey hailblazer, how did u make your hame sidescrolling. and u dont need to be a b****. this is one of the reasons im quiting. people like u make me want to. i wqould make a game very succecsfull but im to young for this. maybe in a year. maybe not. maybe ill continue.
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You're telling Seba to shut up? You're just asking for a ban, idiot. He's trying to get you to listen to reality.

I was 12 years old when I made my first game. Sure, it wasn't the best, but people like it, and it lasted for a while. Age isn't an excuse, and if you think it is, then that makes you an even stupider idiot than I thought.

And about that touchofdeath.com thing, we all know it's p0rno. There was a whole thread about it, if you didn't read it already.

And don't double post, idiot.
If we make noobs like you want to quit, then I'll be happy to keep telling you the cold, hard truth. And to make your game sidescrolling, you need to learn how to code, which I doubt is beyond your peanut-sized brain.
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All right all ready… Hail, just let him be. If he cant figure it out thats his problem. No need to fuel the fire.

saadhamza you should know by other threads to expect this type of reaction when you put down our comunity and engine. It doesnt give the other people the right to bash you, but at the same time people dont like our community being bashed... espeically by people that arnt willing to put in the time and effort to learn about the eingine.

Anyways move along folks... there's nothing to see here!
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I wont argue with you there… but i looked at some of your posts, and I saw that you read TTSnim's paperdoll thread. If you followed her instructions you would have been able to get paperdoll to work. She even says that the paperdoll on the front page doesnt work. There are plenty of other people that have gotten it to work. Im sure that if you do a search you'll find more than enough threads about how to get it to work. As far as I know you have to make your own paperdoll sheet, and not use the one on the main site. I dont know this for sure since i dont really do much with eclipse, other than ocasionally script.
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its not that it doesnt work, its that the link isnt working. i want the one from baron but it wont work. i can handle this peice of trash game maker but i need something better. maybe. i just need alot of help and people like hailblazer to not criticize. i only want help.
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anyways, after the site got hacked a lot of things have been missing from the main site, and since the forum got update to 2.0 beta, we dun have a gallery anymore either, so there's no real "handy" way to look at resources. (Unless you use common sense and look at either the Resources or Paperboll boards, lol. >_>)

But seriously, the engine is noob-friendly, and requires little to no thought to use. The main problem is that most of the userbase is just a bunch of little kida, who really don't know anything (srsly, read some of the topics in the Questions board. I go there well I feel depressed cuz it seems to cheer me up, heh). I should be our job to encourage them and help them learn about this "new fangled computer thing" but most people just flame. (like the Human Torch, XD)
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ok… i am a noob too... but i have to say that this is pretty sad. I have tryed thousands of game makers... and none were as easy as eclipse. If you cant make an eclipse game then you should not try to make games. Seriously find a new hobby.
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"i can handle this piece of trash game maker"
Saad, hold your tongue and leave. I usually can remain calm about this stuff but if you feel the need to insult one of the greatest free pieces of software, that people have spent incredibly large amounts of time on to give to you at no cost, then get out. Your incredibly ungrateful. I will admit, some people did make harsh posts towards you, but the way you react now is giving them **EVERY RIGHT** in the world to do so. That's all I have to say now, either leave or grow up a bit and take the time to learn what all this engine can do for you, then actually learn how to do it.
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