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Big request :D


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this will probly be farley hard, and take a bit of time but anyone who can help would be very appreciated. any way ill quit stalling, lol.

I need a Web Browser Based eclipes Client!
only needs the login buttons because there is already a creat acount page on my site.
and the client can be run on a website with out any downloads !

I also need some army guy sprites.

thax for your help :D
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thax ill check it out  :)…. well when your not busy or if you know any one else.
i suck at spriting  :sad:

i checked it out.... lol I know Rogue, helped him with a game longtime ago... but any way... the site is down. cus he hasn't bean on in forever....thax any way.
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> …. Thats why im asking some one to make one ?? kind of redundant what you said ...

No one will make one period.

This has been requested by hundreds. Whatever you provided in that link does not work, and is over a year old.

So, I'll say this one last time. There will never be a web based client. At least not anytime soon. (by soon I mean within 1 or 2 years)

Ok I just looked at it again. That link is not for playing eclipse games in a browser. Its for stuff like registering an account on a browser, server online/offline thing, etc.
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hmmm if every ones asking… and no ones done it.... wouldn't a programer/ scripter. want to do it so they can say the helped alot of people ? .... and i did see a web based game that was eclipes.... or looked like it... , but that was along time ago. probly befor Te

any way... im sure at some piont some ones going to make one :D
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Lol, dude, you just don't get it.

Right now eclipse is coded in VB6\. People have been working on it for about 4-5 years (I think). And not just one person. Quite a few actually…

To make it web based, you would have to do a complete rewrite in Java probably. Are you saying one person can do in a few months what many others have done in 5 years?
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probly not 1 person and i get you'd hafe to copleley re-do… any way i wasz only asking lol not like im demandeing it be done? just asking if it was aready done ? or some one can do it? (i know its harder then it sounds)
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> this will probly be farley hard, and take a bit of time but anyone who can help would be very appreciated. any way ill quit stalling, lol.
> I need a Web Browser Based eclipes Client!
> only needs the login buttons because there is already a creat acount page on my site.
> and the client can be run on a website with out any downloads !
> I also need some army guy sprites.
> thax for your help :D

Don't know if it will help you but I found a php orpg engine. I have it on my computer if you want it.
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