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Witch Princess - Harvest Moon Inspired RPG


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> ![](http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/044/a/6/witch_princess_gif_by_michaelpettinato-d76aucq.gif)![](http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/044/7/7/witch_princess_gif_by_michaelpettinato-d76b54c.gif)
> graphics are super placeholder right now, but im sure you can see that haha. I just want to get the whole world in the game, before i make it look pretty.
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  • 2 weeks later...
That's very cool. It has a very clean look to it. It doesn't look cheap or buggy. I don't know if it is, I haven't played it, but it looks nice. Maybe you could make it to where you eat the food and grow stronger. Maybe put some bad guys one there and let em' go to town with the pick axe. Yea I think that would make it a lot better if you could eat the food you grow. Or maybe I am just hungry as I type this…but all things considered, I think you got a very clean very pro looking little game on your hands, nice job.
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You can eat the food! 

There is no violence in this game, other than..

well I can't really say much for spoilers, but no this game is peaceful! 

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Had a go with the demo, here's my comments:

* The game is FARRRRRR too small. I understand that's probably your intention, but playing on a bright 720p screen was straining enough. I can't imagine what it'll be like for people playing it on TV screens or for people who can't see very well. Different resolutions should be available.
* The controls were not clear. I managed to figure that the arrow keys were for movement (although, because more people are right handed, you might want to consider WASD), and that the number keys were for the hotbar. I accidentally discovered that Z was to drop items, and then after frantically trying each other key to pick it up, I still couldn't find it. I don't know if that's possibly because I moved outside of the hitrange, because I moved a bit before I noticed. Z is also used to start conversations with NPCs, too? That's not very…good, for an action that also drops items. It seems like a recipe for accidents to happen.
* Time was too fast, that fast changing text in the top-right was very distracting. Also note that time kept on ticking while in conversations with NPCs; if the time changed to an instance where the overlay would change, it would happen after finishing the conversation. The overlay is also very jarring; either make it transition so it isn't as dramatic, or tone it down, so I'm not instantly blind when it happens.
* If you drop an item, move to a different region, and come back, the item is gone. Not very good for obviously important items like the hoe and watering can.
* The character walks too slowly. Add running as an option, please! If you're going full on Harvest Moon style, then perhaps implement stamina.
* The shop dialogue fades out your money, making it more difficult to read. The money you have should be shown in a larger font while in shops. You should also be prompted when you do not have enough money to buy anything.
* The transition between the forest and the beach doesn't make sense.

That's everything I could glean from about 15 minutes of playing it. Overall, it shows promise. With enough refinement, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting Greenlit. (I did vote.) :}
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thank you for the feedback and votes everyone!



-Yeah, It should scale when I fix the scaling issues the game has. Don't worry, eventually it'll line up with your monitor size. 

-Controls are not clear at all, since there is no tutorial or anything yet. I'll get to that eventually! Eventually players can map their own though.

-Time is really fast right now for testing purposes, and will freeze when you talk to NPCs in the future. 

-Yeah maps need to be saved, I'll figure out something for that later. 

-I agree! Sprinting will be a thing when I feel like animating a sprint. And stamina is implemented (top left heart bar) but you just don't faint yet xD

-That is a good idea, thanks!

-xD I guess, its not a big deal though.

Thank you for the feedback :))
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