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Ingame ads


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I just though of this…
For those who played MS, do you remember the big pannels with MS stuff on it? Well, with panels with monthly fee ads could make money for your game withouth any cash shop, theorically what that guy that does the harvest moon MMO wants... Whadda ya' think?
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The only way that you could fit any kind of relevant ads into your game without breaking immersion would be if you are using a modern-era setting. And not many successful games have used modern-era, real-world settings.

Also, ads in games are kind of a catch-22 for indie developers. No one is going to pay you for ad space unless your game has a proven community (probably over at least 10k, and even that is small for in-game ads), but you need the money to try to bring in a reasonably-sized community.

And I would have to say no to adult ads, unless your game is somewhat adult-related. A good portion of MMO players are underage, and you will alienate them (or at least their parents lol) by adding adult ads.
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Or you can do what some games did…make a billbord for your game and put it in your game somewhere. RED ALERT did that <333 that game. They got paid alot of money just to do that on their game, but then again they have alot of people playing.
There are many ways to add ad's to your game without messing up gameplay. Almost every game you buy from a store has an add in it (that you dont realy notice because it blends in with game play)
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