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Hoping for a boy!


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> Your kids must hate you.
> Naming them after species from Zelda, and other stuff…

>from Zelda

I like Gideon, it's good with the Biblical theme you have going with your kids. And I hope you have a boy too. :azn:
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> Well it happened again… not sure how... but my wife is pregnant! XD

pulls up a chair and sits Shadow in her lap

Now Shadow… There is a magical stork that flies all across the world, much like Santa Claus only instead of presents the stork brings babies.  Now  the sounds of passion usually catch the stork's ears but if he is on the other side of the world at that time he cant hear you. That is why sometimes you can have sex and not have a baby 9 months later.... BUT if he is on your side of the world during you love making he gets all excited and puts you in his queue. It usually takes about 9 months for him to go through his queue that is why there is a delay between your love making and the actual baby.

Now the stork is really lazy, and sometimes he gets tired from delivering all of those babies. So instead of delivering the correct baby in order on his list, he'll just skip some houses and deliver random babies. That is why sometimes couples are shocked when they get the wrong type of baby. Like when a white couple has a black baby... They often think that the girl was cheating on her man... but really it was just a mix up with the stork... So if your baby comes out a different race... dont blame your wife... blame the stork!

I hope i cleared some things up for you!

Hope you get a boy! :azn:

oh and you know its your fault you dont have boys right? :P

wow this is going on longer than i planned!!!!

if you are having a c-section why not have them do tubal ligation on your wife? They will be in there already. That way you dont have to get the dreaded V... If she was having normal birth then yeah its easier for you to get snipped then for them to fix her... but she will already be recovering from the c-section so it wont be a big deal for her.
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wow serious convo after all that. UNEXPECTED! rofls.

Yeah i know. If i remember right, more female sperm are made then male sperm, but male is much faster or the reverse…

I argued the my getting fixed over her because mine would be reversible. She is extremely sure we wont change our minds but we are in our mid 20's so you never know.
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that is true… you do have a better chance at reversal than she does. I guess the other argument is having you fixed is a better guarantee than her procedure. I think with guys its like a 99% chance of not having kids, and with women its like 95%. I heard reversal chances are very low, and very costly.

Its nice that you are being the bigger man and taking responsibility... I know a lot of guys that are like NO WAY im not lettin some quack get near the grapes with a pruning knife!
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And I suppose Bob would be a better choice?
Or I could be like other people and just slap random letters together like Jvar or Damyen?
Or spell stuff backward like Neveah?
Or just horrible mispell them like Yzabell or Danyell?
And at least I remain in the naming conventions unlike those parent who wanted to name their kid 4real.. and since the supreme court turned them down, the filed for a new name… Superman...(I think the last part was a falsehood but the 4real is true).


They wouldnt be the only ones with such names.
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