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[Programmer] Will work for Coffee

The New World

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I'll admit I haven't been on Eclipse for a while, so "Hello!" to the community. I've completed all of my previous projects and thus, my plate is empty and my belly left ravenous. I've been using Visual Basic 6 for at least 5 years. Not something you really keep track of. I haven't released much to the community that hasn't been disregarded, but something these may be something to look at.




As the title goes, I help program your games using the pre-built engine, Eclipse Origins, but it is not something I'm limited to, creating features, restoring code and processes, making things work the way you want them to, or even re-vamping the program into something totally new.

I'm a programmer, that does not mean I can pull lightning bolts out of my anus. If your game is crap, it will probably stay crap for various reasons. I'm here to help people learn, and to help people accomplish their goals and game developers in the earliest of steps to the broadest of hobbies. If your project isn't planned, or not to some sort of standard, my assistance will be denied.

Contact me to hire.

PM && [email protected] ~ Windows Live Messenger.

(Go linux!)
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I've added you on MSN, but I need to talk to Chu, our game's owner, to see if it's ok with him. I can give you screenshots if you want. It's a Pokémon game, and we'd like you to do some things related to the battle system. (not the tall grass battle system, more like a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon system) Anyways, I've added you on MSN so we can talk about it.

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I believe he means on Windows live messenger.  I'm surprised people haven't jumped on your services by now, I would if I didn't already have a programmer.  hmm… he's a temp, so it'd be nice to have a permanent coder.... could you take a look at my W.I.P. topic?  its link'd in the big picture in my sig.  I think I might want your services soon, and would like to know if you would be willing to work in the team.
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