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Active games..?


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Hey guys, maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot, but I can't seem to find any games that are finished, let alone online. Maybe you guys could help me out, because I feel kinda at a loss… I really want to play an eclipse-style game, but they're either not online or they're not finished. Even a beta or alpha would be nice, as I'm pretty quick to finding bugs/errors/whatnot.

Also, to prove I'm not just some careless lazy individual who can't use a search feature, here's what I've come across so far on the 'Dedicated Games' board:

Ambardia Online: Played it in the past, but has since long disappeared. In fact, google seems to tell me that Ambard is actually making his game using another engine. Anyway, it's not online now, nor does it seem to be any time soon.

Aphelion Online: So cool… but so not in English. I love telling people "Hi!" and getting "Witam, nie kocha mówić po angielsku!" back. Online yes, but definitely not geared toward an English-speaking audience like myself.

Aura: the Beginning: The beginning has yet to begin. Beautiful game but alas, not online.

Avian Online: After fishing through their forums burdened with topics about admins abusing their powers, I finally found a download link. Inside, the game was surprisingly online, but not surprisingly no where near complete. It was basically a single map with 4-5 characters named 'Robin.' I couldn't attack them and they didn't give me any dialog. I eventually crashed the game when I tried to drop more gold than I had (Error: Overflow - free bug report. Just need to add a check in their for dropping the correct amount of held amount of gold. That and I tried to drop more gold then what I believe a 'long' can hold.) Anyway, it was online but definitely not finished. Nice forum layout though!

City Of Illusion: Online but not my cup of tea. This game had a very Earthbound-type feel to it, as it seems to take place in a modern city. The custom graphics made this game even more appealing. I probably would've played this game a little more if it weren't for two factors: 1.) It was built with E.E. It's a pretty common and shared consensus that E.E. is essentially built to break - that's been my experience as well as the experience of others. 2.) The only enemies I found awarded 1 EXP point per kill. Normally that wouldn't be a bad game mechanic except I needed 2000 EXP points to gain my next level … and as much as I wanted to spend 2-3 hours killing the exact same G.N.O.M.E. member again and again for one level, it just didn't seem like enough motivation for me to do it. That and the game took place in 'modern times' when I'm more of a fantasy based player. Definitely not a bad game however and it DOES have potential - it's just not my thing.

Elandor Chronicles: Mouth-watering unfinished goodness. Seeing this game is like going to one of those Japanese steakhouses where they prepare the food in front of you… except instead of serving the food, they take 5-6 more months to prepare it. I really love the premise of this game and can't wait for it to be finished, but... as my topic suggests... I'm looking for a released game which unfortunately Elandor Chronicles doesn't deliver.

Emberseal: In the words of Emberseals' developer Urame Hinote: _"Although there haven't been updates posted for a while, I'm still very much so still working on Emberseal." … « Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 08:50:49 PM by Urame Hinote »_…. I think it goes without saying that I'm probably not going to find a download link....

FantQuest: Considering the 'latest' screenshot doesn't appear to be hosted on the server it was held on, I think it's safe to assume this game hasn't been released yet, let alone online.

Forever Searching: Crystal Genesis: Forever searching… indeed I am. Love the D&D combat they're going for and I sincerely hope it gets finished, but for now I must continue searching... because it's not released.

Kryce-Online: Oh how I love this game. Such a cool, cool combat system. My personal belief is this game would take the CAKE, were it not for the bugs. After an hour or so of combat, the NPCs develop some sort of armor/stat penetrating superpower where they will hit you for their base damage, thus rendering armor and stats useless. When a level 5 rabbit can hit you for 10% of your health at level 25, you know you've got a problem. Also, it is a little slow on the updates. I remember seeing Santa Claus offering his goods in the main town on January 20th of this year. Maybe his Reindeer abandoned him? Maybe he was afraid his Reindeer would've 2-shotted him through his armor? I don't know. But what I do know is that if Kryce's combat bugs were fine-tuned and the game was updated just a little more often, this game would easily be the best thing to come out of Eclipse.

Kuroden: I like this game because I can say it in the style of Ryu from Street Fighter. Instead of saying "Hadoken!" I can say "Kuroden!" Anyway, according to the developer's main post, "_The features have been updated._" Right below it is the image for the server being offline. How am I supposed to see if the features have been updated if I can't play it? Guess I'll just have to take his word for it….

Lostica (Classic and Online):  …is lost. It would probably be easier finding a magical time-traveling goodness-of-man-harboring island than finding this game online. Where's Charles Widmore when I need him?

Origin - The Legend Reborn: There was a pre-alpha … then nothing.

Paper Mario Online: Is it online? The answer is maybe. Truth be told, I will never be bothered by playing these unlicensed unofficial games because they have no future. Literally. They might be a fun little past-time, they might have great graphics and gameplay, and they might even have great coding as well as having a somewhat-original idea, but these games are destined to die. In fact, they can only have two possiblities: 1.) Excluding all of the canon and continuity errors associated with the series they emulate, the games themselves will stay really, really small. So small that you're ususally the only person playing. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but in the context of a public series (any series, not just Mario), it generally looks bad. My experience has been that the less active a game is, the more likely it is to die off. 2.) On the other side, the game could end up popular. This is usually the worst-case scenario because it usually means that it's a stones throw away from receiving a cease and desist letter; abruptly ending the game and further solidifying the 'waste of time' assertion. No matter which route the game takes, if it's based on a commercial series, it's simply a ticking time-bomb waiting to go off. Don't believe me? Ask those guys who made World of Hyrule – if they even still linger around.

Pokemon Dark Revolution: There's a revolution and it's dark alright. See my comment about Super Paper Mario just to see how dark it really is.

Shinzu Legends: This game looks cool and seems to have a lot going for it. The only problem is that the server's uptime is _"monday - Friday (09.00 AM) till (10.00 PM) GMT+3."_ I'm not really sure why it needs to be turned off… but alas, it's up when I'm not on. My guess is that their server is really a decepticon from Transformers. Every Monday thru Friday from 10.00PM to 9.00AM GMT+3, it goes out wreaking havoc on Shinzu Legends creator Aramyth's town, destroying buildings and trying to collect Energon. And on the weekends.... well.. you don't want to know.

Strike Force: Perhaps the coolest name for an Eclipse game I've seen yet but it leaves us hanging. According to the main development post, the game is 146/600 complete - most of which is simply 'class design.' Looks like I'll be waiting on this one a while.

The World R:2 Eventually destined to join the same fate as Super Paper Mario. See above if you don't know what I'm talking about. Dotu Hacku!

World of Azure: Must….finish....game....need.....to...p-play....uuuugghhh... it. Looks very promising and has a lot of cool ideas, but yeah. Considering they're looking for a GUI designer I think it's reasonable to say it's not done yet, which means I can't play it.

Zacaras Empire: This game seems very well thought out, but as usual, [Server Status: Offline].

So there you have it. I feel as if I've searched though all of the 'dedicated' games out there, and none of them have yet to yield any sort of playability.

I hope I didn't sound too negative in my opinions (and yes, that's what they are), but I'm really looking for a game to play. Could I have possibly missed something?

I didn't scavenge very thoroughly through the WIP boards. The only _online_ game I was able to locate was a Kingdom Hearts game but by now you guys should already know my thoughts on Commercially-inspired games. I guess what I'm asking is, was there any game I could've missed? Even Godborn/Silverdale has been offline for months, and that was one of the most promising games out there.

Keep me posted, because I'm a gamer who grew up on the old Sega Genesis/SNES type games and I have a genuine enjoyment for the simple elegance these 2-d games have. As for all of you developers, I have a genuine respect for the work that you do, and encourage you all to push yourselves harder to make your games the very best. If any of you guys have any closed betas/alphas/delta/sigmas/whatevers and you want a quality tester, please let me know.

'Till then though, hopefully there's some secret game out there I've missed that I can really enjoy and get into.

Ciao for now,
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have you tried Mirage Realms Classic?  It's sorta similar to an eclipse based game, and they're both made off of Mirage source.  Link: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,66882.0.html

Also, there's legend of zelda secret order, but it's in spanish.  Just in case you're interested: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,64018.0.html
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The Robin was me testing out a conversation system. We've actually added content now, few quests, and some maps. And I don't remember anyone being on when I was testing that, what was your username?
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> Strike Force: Perhaps the coolest name for an Eclipse game I've seen yet but it leaves us hanging. According to the main development post, the game is 146/600 complete - most of which is simply 'class design.' Looks like I'll be waiting on this one a while.

i need to update the main page as a lot more has been introduced, thanks for reminding me. :cheesy:
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