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hmm figured that, yesterday my issue was how to rid of toxic waste.

I decided to lie to my people and tell them its healthy for them and started to add it to the water supplies.

Economy WAY up but so did heart disease. I had 0% heart disease deaths and now its at 37%

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> hmm figured that, yesterday my issue was how to rid of toxic waste.
> I decided to lie to my people and tell them its healthy for them and started to add it to the water supplies.
> Economy WAY up but so did heart disease. I had 0% heart disease deaths and now its at 37%

Since when does heart disease get onset by toxic waste? If anything I'd expect cancer.
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Apparently the most corrupt government in Eclipse is The Colony of Gnome Loving. Needless to say I enjoy being more corrupt than the homo gay republic ;D

The Issue

A number of well-dressed gentlemen wearing a varied assortment of swords is insisting that they be allowed to settle their private disputes on the field of honourable battle.
The Debate

    "We must be permitted our inherent right to defend our honour through feats of arms!" exclaims Calvin Hanover, a bewigged aristocrat sporting a particularly flamboyant swept-hilt rapier. "The right to duel is one found throughout history for the honourable settling of disputes and I must insist that my right to fight be recognised! The world would be so much better - and cheaper too - if conflicts of interest were sorted through trial by combat instead of trial by jury."

    "Swords? Heavens, what dreadful things. All sharp and pointy - quite dangerous, you know," says Roxanne McAlpin, an ardent pacifist. "Duelling ought to be banned! The best way to settle these kind of arguments are through trials, we all know that. If we go ahead with what these duelling nutters want then innocent people will die! It will be a sad day when people value money more than justice. Apart from lawyers, obviously."

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Yep Gnome Loving is the most corrupt :)

also I have a gnome army

Quote "Gnome Loving's army is full of two-metre tall super-soldiers."

Also I got attacked by terrorist

All of Gnome Loving has been in an uproar since yesterday when a car exploded in the middle of the capital city, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. This terrorist act was traced back to a violent minority group known as the Lilliputian Freedom Fighters. A group allegedly supported by an unfriendly regime, despising Gnome Loving for its heathenish ways and political bent, but more particularly for supporting the recent occupation of their homeland by an ally.
The Debate

  1\. "They simply crossed the line!" shouts General Falala McAlpin. "Far too long have we tolerated these terrorist threats, it's time that they realise they can't mess with us. Send the order to prepare an invasion, and we will show them who is boss! Our brave soldiers are prepared to die for their country, all we need is your signature and a lot of money. But what is the cost of freedom and safety for Gnome Loving's peoples?"

  2\. "Attacking another country isn't the answer," says Jazz Barry, director of the Gnome Loving Intelligence Agency. "The problem doesn't lie abroad, but within Gnome Loving itself! We should have more freedom to do our work. Protecting our nation from these cowardly scaremongerers would be much easier if we had an inherent right to tap phones and other communications, get search warrants whenever we need, and detain suspects indefinitely. Remember, to prevent is better than to cure."

**  3\. "No, that's what those terrorists want us to do!" speculates chairman Jack du Pont of the Patriots' Tea and Biscuits Club. "We don't want to give the Agency any more responsibility, they're the ones who messed up in the first place. What we need is to purge Gnome Loving of these rats who don't respect the laws and traditions of our way of life. We know who they are and where they come from, so the solution is obvious: we just won't let those sorts of people cross our borders and kick out those who are already here. It might seem a bit harsh, but hey, we were here first. Long live Gnome Loving!"**

  4\. "I think it's clear to anyone with half a brain in their head that this will just not work," says Abraham Spirit, a noted professor of social studies. "The people who perpetrate these terrible crimes do so because they feel they have no other recourse to demonstrate their political opinions. They'll do anything and I'm sure they're not above hiring mercenaries. You must understand why terrorists act as they do and fix it! What we should do is to reach out to the ethnic and religious minorities and seek common ground! Negotiation is the key! Violence solves nothing."

  5\. "We spit on Gnome Loving!" expectorates Billy-Bob Utopia, leader of the Lilliputian Freedom Fighters. "You disrespect our people and our country and everything we are! You spread your sickening influence where it is not wanted! You must change your ways and cease to oppose us or else there will be more bloodshed. You have been warned!"

  6\. "Is terrorism such a terrible thing? Really?" asks Beth Fellow, avant garde journalist, discreetly sliding a pipe bomb under your desk. "These people are simply expressing their political opinion the best way they know how. I think we should legalise terrorism as a legitimate form of political commentary. It'll certainly get people interested, don't you think?"
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Members of a new weird religious cult, called the Order of Violet, ask for the government to appease their mighty god by offering Her a sacrifice of the human variety.
The Debate

    "What have we got to lose?" says religious freedoms advocate Buffy O'Bannon. "Just cut up a few homeless folk - it appeases this group's bloodthirsty Goddess, gets rid of unsightly bums that drain welfare, and everybody goes home happy."

    "We must go much further than a few beggars!" argues the overzealous High Member of the Order of Violet, Buy Barry. "You must pass a law that everyone's first born child must be slaughtered, on live TV if possible. Think of the viewing figures!"

    **"You aren't going to listen to these whackjob Violetists, are you?" comments Miranda Longbottom while leading a prayer group. "Human sacrifices! Surely we're too civilized to permit such barbaric practices! These lunatic fringe groups should be outlawed, and their leaders should be executed!"**

    "Who's being a lunatic?" retorts Faith Thiesen of the SHE3P Humanitarian Society. "I agree that these practices ought to be outlawed, but instead of sinking to the same level of these fanatics and killing our fellow people, why not simply start a re-education program? Even the worst person can be rehabilitated into a useful member of society, with enough time, care, and lots and lots of funding!"
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Ugh.  UGH!
I have a strict policy of always making a decision, to never dismiss, but I've actually run into an issue where I don't like any of the answers…
The Issue

Tragedy struck Renzo the Inscrutable today, as a gunman killed three people in a suburban shooting rampage. The community is united in grief, but divided in opinion as to what should be done.
The Debate

    The strongest voices demand tighter gun controls. "The only way to prevent further atrocities is to take the guns out of the hands of the murderers," says anti-gun campaigner Sue-Ann Shiomi. "There's no justification for them in today's society. We need tighter regulations on who can hold guns, so only our police and military have them."

    "That's not all we need," says radical left-wing activist Roger Winters. "The government should ban all guns outright--even in the police force. This is an opportunity to make Renzo the Inscrutable a totally gun-free state."

    "Guns don't kill people, people kill people," says NRA head honcho Johann Hanover. "If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. Is that what we want? Think, people. The answer isn't to ban guns. It's to crack down on those Hollywood movies and computer games that glamorize violence. They're the real criminals."

I don't want to take guns away from the citizens, I don't want to outlaw guns entirely, I don't want to crack down on violent movies and video games.
I'm sorry people, I actually have to dismiss this one. :'(
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A study has shown that an increasing proportion of teenagers in Majilova are falling pregnant.
The Debate

    "We need comprehensive sex education to be mandatory in all schools," says Akira Mistletoe, a teacher while tidying away some diagrams that make your eyes water. "The plain fact is that teenagers will experiment with sexual intercourse despite what society or their parents wish. So I say give these kids free contraceptives, and make them fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Information is what they need, not condemnation. If they ignore it then hey, it's their own damn fault."

    "If you give them contraception it'll just encourage them to do… terrible things," says Chastity Love, a religious parent and member of Moral Minority. "And what's with giving them so much information? There's even diagrams for goodness sake! Have they never heard of 'monkey see, monkey do'? They'll just go and try it out, mark my words! The solution is simple: girls should be kept at home and away from the monkey house of lustful impetuousness and young males until they are of marriageable age. Teaching teenagers abstinence and chastity is the key, not giving them step-by-step manuals."

    "However sex education is taught, it is still social engineering and so undermines parental authority," says conservative newspaper columnist Jazz Trax. "My own son learned about something called 'homosexuality' the other day! For shame! We all know it should be Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Geoff? Anyway, my point is that sex education should be dropped from schools and instead taught by parents the way they see fit. That way children will get consistent messages and parents, not society, will cop the blame if any of their kids fall pregnant."

    "No-one's asked me my opinion yet," says Catherine Gratwick, a teenage mother as she bottle-feeds her baby. "I think it's perfectly obvious what the cause of teenage pregnancy is - teenage boys! My son's father is the one that got me into this mess. He's the one who pressured me into having sex, but all the education is focused on the girls. Teenage fathers should be made responsible for their actions for once and be made to join the military so they can send their wages back to pay for their children's upkeep. If that's not a deterrent, then I don't know what is."

    "I think we've missed the fact that maybe this teenage pregnancy phenomenon is not such a bad thing," says May Rubin, a famous demographer. "We need the population to grow, we need more people of working age, we need more tax for public services, et cetera. There are plenty of sound demographical reasons why we should be encouraging women to have families. By all means educate them about the dangers, but I don't think we ought to discourage teenagers from procreating - it's nature's way you know."

Although at first glance I thought #1 was pretty obvious, but I'm actually thinking #4 makes more sense to me. Girl's are (look at some stats if you disagree) the ones who are ultimately pay, especially since their male counterpart will often leave her and the baby alone and penniless. So, #4 it is :\
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The Empire of RoyMustang is a fledgling, safe nation, notable for its restrictive gun laws. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 5 million are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The government – a sprawling, bureaucracy-choked, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded morass -- is mainly concerned with Law & Order, although Education and Social Welfare are secondary priorities. The average income tax rate is 39%, but much higher for the wealthy. A large private sector is led by the Soda Sales, Uranium Mining, and Automobile Manufacturing industries.

Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. RoyMustang's national animal is the Mustang, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the Fire.

That is all.
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> -snip-
> …I don't want to take guns away from the citizens, I don't want to outlaw guns entirely, I don't want to crack down on violent movies and video games.
> I'm sorry people, I actually have to dismiss this one. :'(

Wow that one is retarded. Ban X, super-ban X, or ban Y. Whoever wrote that issue needs to strung up and pelted with tomatoes.
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> A study has shown that an increasing proportion of teenagers in Majilova are falling pregnant.
> The Debate
>     "We need comprehensive sex education to be mandatory in all schools," says Akira Mistletoe, a teacher while tidying away some diagrams that make your eyes water. "The plain fact is that teenagers will experiment with sexual intercourse despite what society or their parents wish. So I say give these kids free contraceptives, and make them fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Information is what they need, not condemnation. If they ignore it then hey, it's their own damn fault."
>     "If you give them contraception it'll just encourage them to do… terrible things," says Chastity Love, a religious parent and member of Moral Minority. "And what's with giving them so much information? There's even diagrams for goodness sake! Have they never heard of 'monkey see, monkey do'? They'll just go and try it out, mark my words! The solution is simple: girls should be kept at home and away from the monkey house of lustful impetuousness and young males until they are of marriageable age. Teaching teenagers abstinence and chastity is the key, not giving them step-by-step manuals."
>     "However sex education is taught, it is still social engineering and so undermines parental authority," says conservative newspaper columnist Jazz Trax. "My own son learned about something called 'homosexuality' the other day! For shame! We all know it should be Adam and Eve, not Adam and... Geoff? Anyway, my point is that sex education should be dropped from schools and instead taught by parents the way they see fit. That way children will get consistent messages and parents, not society, will cop the blame if any of their kids fall pregnant."
>     "No-one's asked me my opinion yet," says Catherine Gratwick, a teenage mother as she bottle-feeds her baby. "I think it's perfectly obvious what the cause of teenage pregnancy is - teenage boys! My son's father is the one that got me into this mess. He's the one who pressured me into having sex, but all the education is focused on the girls. Teenage fathers should be made responsible for their actions for once and be made to join the military so they can send their wages back to pay for their children's upkeep. If that's not a deterrent, then I don't know what is."
>     "I think we've missed the fact that maybe this teenage pregnancy phenomenon is not such a bad thing," says May Rubin, a famous demographer. "We need the population to grow, we need more people of working age, we need more tax for public services, et cetera. There are plenty of sound demographical reasons why we should be encouraging women to have families. By all means educate them about the dangers, but I don't think we ought to discourage teenagers from procreating - it's nature's way you know."
> Although at first glance I thought #1 was pretty obvious, but I'm actually thinking #4 makes more sense to me. Girl's are (look at some stats if you disagree) the ones who are ultimately pay, especially since their male counterpart will often leave her and the baby alone and penniless. So, #4 it is :\

Ishue 3..
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Stupid double posting notice. :P I know I will get it. 0_o

The Issue

Recently, medical insurance premiums across the nation have been skyrocketing following several highly-publicised medical-malpractice lawsuits, making it even costlier than ever to get treatment. Doctors are asking the government to step in.
The Debate

    "These lawsuits are driving up the price of medical insurance," complains Dr. Max Trax. "I'm losing customers - patients, I mean - and it's becoming increasingly difficult for doctors like me to do our jobs without worrying about being bankrupted by some kid who didn't like the hospital food. Everyone makes mistakes. Look at politicians, they make them all the time and do they get fired? No. We must outlaw the medical-malpractice lawsuits undermining our healthcare system!"

    "All that these doctors are interested in is saving their own necks," says Freddy Nagasawa, CEO of 'I Can't Believe It's A Law Firm!'. "They were negligent in the course of their work and are unwilling to pay the price. I mean, how do you perform a heart transplant on the wrong guy unless you're not paying attention? I for one think that our citizens deserve better from the healthcare service, and if doctors cause damage, they should pay for it. It's that simple. If some decent doctors get caught up in it, then it's surely their own fault for not being careful enough?"

_"The problem is capitalism," insists Bianca McAlpin, while trying to burn a Doller with a lighter. "The doctors are only trying to help their patients, and those class traitors at the insurance industry are only trying to make a profit out of people's misery on those rare occasions when things go wrong. I say we outlaw the insurance industry and then the good doctors will be safe while the bad ones go out of business. Everyone wins! Apart from the insurance people, I guess."_

**    "The problem certainly is capitalism," says Jazz Gutenberg, a famed socialist. "But outlawing the insurance industry will not solve the main problem: the healthcare system itself! It's disgusting! I've seen paramedics check wallets before injuries! We must introduce a national health service and put some healthy investment into medical colleges, hospitals, and the likes. Then we'll have an over-abundance of competent doctors! The insurance industry won't be able to raise a finger to it and the citizens won't have to pay for treatment. Except through tax, of course."**
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Yeah, thats the option O chose. :P

Here is another one. Any one encounter aliens before?

The Issue

A recent, well-publicized UFO sighting over rural areas of SHE3P has turned people's attention to the skies, and what… or who... might be up there.
The Debate

  **  "This event proves one thing: there are other life-forms out there," says eccentric astronomer Beth Spirit, "All we have to do is find them! What is the price of a few hundred Radio Telescopes compared to the benefit of living in peace and harmony with our brethren of the stars?"**

    "Spies! It's gotta be spies! A few planes or satellites from our enemies or 'allies' in our region," rages General Buy Bush, head of SHE3P's military, "The only way to keep those snoops out of our airspace is to patrol the streets 'n skies, and shoot 'em down! Even if they are some sort of little green aliens, a couple of SAM batteries and a few flak cannons'll keep 'em from abducting our Beagles."

    "Extraterrestrial lifeforms? Alien invaders? I don't know why we even have to listen to such idiocy!" complains prize-winning physicist Billy-Bob Jefferson. "In my opinion, the idea of 'aliens' on another planet is highly unlikely, and even if they did exist, getting from there to here is technically impossible! I say we forget this nonsense and stop spending our tax Dollers on it. Leave this sort of foolishness to the people who attend those 'trekkie' conventions."
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The Issue

After waning sales, the well-established soda company 'Eckie-Ecola' has appealed to the government for the right to use powerful mind-altering drugs in their products.
The Debate

**  1\. "It'll be great," says Klaus Spirit, the CEO of Eckie-Ecola. "Nice 'n' happy floating feelings all in a can, and all for just one GnomeCoins! It's not the healthiest drink I admit, but what people want to do with their bodies is their own business. If you ban this beverage, you're only denying the citizens of their right to be exposed to the true hallucenogenic experience!"**

  2\. "This can't go ahead," argues Johann Washington, a nurse at one of Gnome Loving's hospitals. "Drugs are, and always will be, one of the greatest threats to the nation's physical and mental health! My job's hard enough as it is without having the wards overrun by patients who were stupid enough to drink the damned stuff. The distribution of drugs must be strictly controlled by the government and kept for medicinal uses."

  3\. "If you ask me," says Aaron Dodinas, from behind a cloud of smoke. "We should just let everyone have drugs for free! If the government legalised and subsidised all these 'bad' drugs and gave 'em out to everyone, all our problems would be solved! There'd be no more drug traffickers, or thugs robbing old ladies to feed their addictions! 'Course there'd be a bit of a detrimental effect healthwise and to the drug industries, but the beauty of it all is that everyone will be too doped up to care!"
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> that would effect my economy since drugs are legal and sold in stores already lol
> make people buy their drugs not free ones

Ah, good point. ;)

> Following new legislation in Renzo the Inscrutable, CEOs and corporate executives are frequently found striking for better stock options.

Dem white collars… :P
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**The Issue**

A small religious group is lobbying the government to allow them to take multiple wives.

**The Debate**

"It's about time we had our religious rights recognized," says Larry Love, a devout member of a faith that is never made quite clear. "Who is the government to tell me I can't love more than one woman? The government doesn't know how much of me there is to go around!"

"This is nothing more than sexual deviants using religion as a pretext for perversion!" says Reverend Samuel Wall. "Marriage is one man, one woman, and death do we part. What's so hard to get? Anything else is a perversion, and must be banned."

**"Multiple wives? Excellent!" says passer-by Falala Jong-Il. "Presumably we will allow multiple husbands, as well. And gay marriages, of course. In fact, now is probably the time for the government to butt out of marriage altogether. Let people marry their cats, if they want."**

duck YEAH!

Most authoritarian nation in eclipse.

Don't answer it, I know I am ;)
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