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Album Art!! :> ****updated****


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Previous album art.
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> First one is nice, except for the font. 2nd is eh. The 3rd one I really dislike, just looks like some abstract piece of artwork with text slapped on.

Its funny how you mentioned it looks like "some abstract piece of ARTWORK with text slapped on" because that is exact what it is, and what i was going for :P. Its an abstract piece of artwork the whole album so i think it generally fits.

But thanks! Mostly i dont think album art have to make sense, they just have to reflect the music a tiny bit maybe, or atleast just be appealing to the eye.
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> Its funny how you mentioned it looks like "some abstract piece of ARTWORK with text slapped on" because that is exact what it is, and what i was going for :P. Its an abstract piece of artwork the whole album so i think it generally fits.

Haha ok go figure, don't get me wrong I like abstract just not that one. The 1st ones cool, seeing an album cover with that art makes me want to give it a listen :D. Is the new album going to be more about girls, love etc or more songs like the Ono Mjesto track? (wasn't feeling the Sheep album that much)
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Blue Top Ecstacy is more about sex, electronics, drugs, and machines. It wont be as much a progressive "story" album as Where the Sheep Go, a bit more to the pop direction.

But yeah, the song Ono Mjesto was about love and a girl, its just distorted and hidden in messege. If you read the lyrics which you can find on youtube, by searching for the song you'll see its actually about a girl. But yeah, i appreciate it ALOT if you actually took the time to litsen through Where the Sheep Go (which i assume you did :) ), even if you did not like it. Its an album mostly made for myself, the album is about life, people and generally about my feelings to this planet. Mostly hidden behind sounds and stories, its also an album meant to be litsened from start to the end without break.. Nothing really iteresting or making sense unless you look it in a artistic way.

actually check this out

Thats one of the tracks of Blue Top Ecstasy, not fully mastered or finished yet, just a test release.

And thats another from Blue Top Ecstasy.


But yeah, i do more casual songs with my band also, thats something you might enjoy more. I don't really know what kind of music you like, i just do alot of music and hopefully somebody will like it even tho i do it for myself i like having other people enjoy it aswell.
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I figured that Ono song had something to do with love, I like it it's the only one I've played more than once from the Sheep album. Your lyrics are sorta hard to follow and the song titles sure don't help lol it's like you said abstract.

Just A Sunshine track is not bad I kinda like it, the hook especially. The lyrics…an abstract concept? my mind boggles as to what your actually talking about lol the second verse got me. Didn't feel sip your glass as much.

Your right I am enjoying your band music a lot more, I'm digging the Heptic Legdance song the most on it out of the 5 others that I also like.
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Im really glad you like it! Thanks alot!!

Yeah i delude my lyrics alot, i don't really want people to know exactly what i mean, they can interpret them any way they want.. they're mostly personal so i guess nobody really can understand them, and it'd be quite hard to explain aswell.. But yeah, thanks alot for litsening i really do appreciate it! If you'd like to follow my work, please like my page because i'll be updating alot there, and posting new songs and stuff.

Where the Sheep Go is now on Spotify, and a single coming out there soon aswell. The single is currently available for buy on iTunes.

Heptic Legdance is actually my favorite too out of the Omnivision songs :)!
We also did a music video for Evervoyage, which is a bit interesting maybe.

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"Walk with me to my selfish??? am I right…and "I'm all to just need you" those two lines confuse me the most. Here's a quick spacey interpretation of the song lol:

>! "Your this cloud, the owner of this dull Nebula and your purpose in life is to make it special. One day while capturing stars to make your Nebula standout, you feel this intense heat from a cluster of stars shining as bright as the sun. As you get close, you notice a very unique ultraviolet speck of light you have never seen before. The star didn't get why the other stars kept staring at it and wish it could outshine them all, so you invited this star to your Nebula with hopes of being something more. As you got closer to your Nebula, the star begins to glow red giving off UV radiation and your body begins to radiate. The star is confused. As you begin to break down, you tell the star it was just the sunshine you were looking for. The star begins to fight you for the controls of the ship so it can turn around but it was too late. Your spaceship crashes into your Nebula, the both of you disperse to become one with it. Your purpose was now complete, with the star trapped inside of your Nebula it illuminates everything around in a reddish glow, it was now special. You the cloud, free from your search. The star, now outshines the star cluster it wished it did."

That vid is interesting, at first I was like ok…wtf then I realized it's going backwards. That's another one of the songs I sorta like too.
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Hahha, crazy iterpretation of the song dude! Awesome i must say, but im afraid its not that awesome in truth.

Just a Sunshine is basically a love song, pretty much directed towards my girl friend.
Its pretty simple, she's the sunshine and the whole thing about stars looking at her even though she's a little sunshine is because she's pretty. The chorus is pretty obvious, aswell as the first lines of the song.

> Walk with me to me selfish.
> Fly him into a wall.
> You're just a little sunshine.
> Im all to just need you.

Now this mostly means, that we should walk to the selfish part of me and throw him into a wall, basically beat up "my selfish". And that she's still "just" a little sunshine, which means she might be "just" a little sunshine, but she still means the world to me and all the other stars should look at her. And what i currently am, basically my existence is to need her, so "Im ALL, to just need her".

Not the meaning is pretty chiche right? :P, but haha my lyrics tricked you into thinking all that awesome stuff you wrote so i guess they could mean that aswell. I often write lyrics this way, the two first meanings "walk with me to my spaceship, fly with me to my nebula" might actually trick you into thinking the song actually has something to do with space, and even tho i might mean it "we should fly away" the song has nothing to do with space.. i could have aswell been singing "ride with me in my sailboat, sail to my island" and she'd still be just a sunshine, which we here on this planet need to survive.

See the song is very personal, but i'd want people to understand it in their own way. Im not sure if all people always do, but yeah. thanks! It was really fun to hear your understanding of the song!
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I originally thought of it as a love song, the second verse threw me off a lil though. Of course now that you explained, I totally get it and kinda appreciate the song more. The space interpretation sounded cooler so I told that one lol, basically thought of it as you becoming an emission nebula.
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I think the black masthead, and the black circles mask the true potential of the cover. I quite like colors, patterns and artwork, but my eyes view the black as a nuisance. In my opinion, it would look better without it. Slap the font directly on the other background, and perhaps even work on the typography, or at least change the font. I'm sure you can find something else to censor the lady's cavern.
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> I'm sure you can find something else to censor the lady's cavern.

A cock. Inverted censorship. I like those drawings, I even like the black spots Kreator is rambling about… but that lady has a serious issue with her left leg... a surgical operation might be necessary.
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I dont really like the first design, its visually appealing but just doesnt do it for me for some reason. As a album cover i think this image is the best:


I also really liked the last image even though the styles contrast greatly.
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Thanks alot for the feedback! I thought the latest one were maybe a bit to much.. so i did ANOTHER one. Im quite happy with this one.. and i'll maybe keep it for the album, we'll see :). Tell me what you think.


New 5 min later edit!
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