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Guild Systems and why people like them so much.


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They provide something to do besides grinding, and give players a sense of alliance.

Guild systems should have optional guild houses and banks, rankings, and guild chat is a must. Guilds can make any player feel important, from the max level player with all the greatest armor, to the low level newbie who started one with his other low level friends.
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Humans are naturally tribal. Society is full of them. You have your family tribe, your school tribes, you work tribes, your city tribes. Hell, you even go off in your spare time to join tribes of people with similar interests.

That's all that a guild is - a tribe. The fact that these games generally have PvP combat brings out a person's basic instinct of fighting with their tribe.

The most important part of being a human is a sense of belonging, a sense of family and a network of friends and companions. That's why MMORPGs are so important to people who don't necessarily fit in around normal society.

To make a successful game you need to tap in to that market.
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Well, I've learned Guild systems to be a good community based aspect, however I never really noticed the difference between a Guild and a Party feature, since they both give almost the same result, except that of the Guild system which can create Guild vs Guild combat.

I think that Guild systems are good to have in their own unique way, and the ability to keep track of the Guild combat, to create Guild wars and to offer new areas or items for accomplishing a Guild task such as maxing out members, or reaching the top rank in a Guild list or something.
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> Humans are naturally tribal. Society is full of them. You have your family tribe, your school tribes, you work tribes, your city tribes. Hell, you even go off in your spare time to join tribes of people with similar interests.
> That's all that a guild is - a tribe. The fact that these games generally have PvP combat brings out a person's basic instinct of fighting with their tribe.
> The most important part of being a human is a sense of belonging, a sense of family and a network of friends and companions. That's why MMORPGs are so important to people who don't necessarily fit in around normal society.
> To make a successful game you need to tap in to that market.

Robin hit the nail on the head here. We desire community & people who participate in a community tend to live longer, happier lives.
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Ive always liked the idea of a system to reward xp for helping people under you in a guild.

More of a tree system where 1 player can start a guild then 10 players can join below them, then 10 players can join below each one of those players and so on.

This way you can always set up a system to reward XP to you for people under you leveling.

Example: I make a guild And robin joins under me, Robin levels up, I get 1% of the xp he needed to level so if it was 1000 to get to next level i would be reward 10 xp. Not really a bunch of XP but still would make people want to make guilds and help each other out.

Of course I think guilds should have a hall either each guild their own or a few Main guild halls that are for "rent" that Different Guilds may share.
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> Ive always liked the idea of a system to reward xp for helping people under you in a guild.
> More of a tree system where 1 player can start a guild then 10 players can join below them, then 10 players can join below each one of those players and so on.
> This way you can always set up a system to reward XP to you for people under you leveling.
> Example: I make a guild And robin joins under me, Robin levels up, I get 1% of the xp he needed to level so if it was 1000 to get to next level i would be reward 10 xp. Not really a bunch of XP but still would make people want to make guilds and help each other out.
> Of course I think guilds should have a hall either each guild their own or a few Main guild halls that are for "rent" that Different Guilds may share.

That's a pyramid scheme and is illegal in most countries.

No, a guild system should promote group activities and let people do things together. Guild vs. Guild PvP, Guild vs. Boss PvE etc.

Give them a bank. Give them systems which will promote trust and companionship. Give the guild as a whole more benefits through a guild levelling system or something.

People can only do so much in a game for themselves. Get people having to do things for their tribe and they'll feel more obligated to do them. If doing something benefits your friends then you'll push yourself to do it.
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> Example: I make a guild And robin joins under me, Robin levels up, I get 1% of the xp he needed to level so if it was 1000 to get to next level i would be reward 10 xp. Not really a bunch of XP but still would make people want to make guilds and help each other out.

Isn't that like lootshare in RuneScape?
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> so its a pyramid scheme?Ā  XD
> you sir have the wrong idea for the purpose of guilds.

Um no its not a pyramid scheme since you will only receive XP from the person directly below you and not from people below them. Where a pyramid Scheme would allow you to receive XP from anyone in the guild that's at a lower Branch.

Also I use to play a game with this guild system type and it worked out amazingly, you could help new members level by letting them Swear in under the guy you swore under and then swear under the noob so they will receive XP quicker.

Also 1% of xp isnt much at all.


> Isn't that like lootshare in RuneScape?

Honestly I couldn't tell youā€¦ never played that game logged on it once and was like "This game is crap" so never got back on it
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Or something that could work better would be to give stat bonuses to all members in a guild which show progression, whether that will be by how many members or how many levels total within the guild as a whole, but then the possible exploitations would need to be taken to consideration. I do like having more of a benefit for them personally, because it does encourage it more.
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> Exactly. So it isn't worth doing. Guild systems should be big and the things you do should benefit the entire guild, not yourself.

well it is worth it if you have a higher level under you

say a level 99 is under a level 1, when that level 99 levels up (say they need 99,000 XP yea i use a 1000xlevel system) then the player will receive 990 xp.

and 1% isnt set in stone was first thinking 10% at first be that seemed a bit much since then using the example above the level 1 would receiveĀ  9,900 xp which would level them up to almost level 5
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I like Draken's idea of sponsoring lower members of your faction and getting benefits from it. I believe this was in Face of Mankind, and was one of the few good things about it. The main issue with it is balancing it so it can be beneficial to help newbies but not making it so good to farm.

In general I'm kinda meh about Guilds. They just seem like giant parties to me, in most games. I haven't really played many MMOs that have the whole instanced dungeon run. I think the biggest one like that I've played was Mabinogi; and usually you didn't need a guild to find a group if you needed to dungeon grind.

I think Guilds are best in games where the gameworld has some form of real-estate. Like in Tibia Guilds were awesome because of how real-estate occured in the game; founding a guild gave you and your friends more economic and political options in this regard as you had access to special buildings to acquire and use.

Generally if a Guild system is integrated well into any socio-economic systems the MMO has, they are generally a good thing. :cheesy:
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> Exactly. So it isn't worth doing. Guild systems should be big and the things you do should benefit the entire guild, not yourself.

I agree with Robin. if I knew this was happening in a game it would turn me off from playing it because I don't want to have to work hard in a guild or in the exact game play to just let the person ahead of me get free exp ecen if it is just 1% exp.
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