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For those with an Android phone/tablet

Admiral Refuge

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> Because most people have the skillset to do that kinda thing, of course.

Yes, but most people don't need a smartphone at all. I'm not sure why they're so widespread. If you're going to spend £300-400 on a hand-held computer you'd better use it as a computer otherwise it's just another over-priced Facebook machine. If that's the case a bit of logging software isn't going to cause you much issue. xD
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> Yes, but most people don't need a smartphone at all. I'm not sure why they're so widespread. If you're going to spend £300-400 on a hand-held computer you'd better use it as a computer otherwise it's just another over-priced Facebook machine. If that's the case a bit of logging software isn't going to cause you much issue. xD

A lot of people use iPhones as mobile gaming devices as well, but you are definitely right in some regard. You wouldn't believe how many spoiled little girls are running around my school showing off their pink iPhones that they only use for Facebook.

Those same little girls have a $1800 MacBook that they use for Facebook too. I also have to explain to these idiots why it is a complete rip-off to buy a MacBook, to which they respond something along the lines of "But maks r bettr!".

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> One thing I hate about the OWS crowd is that they sit there with their facebook and smartphones ranting about how downtrodden they are. -_-

Occupy London was pathetic. They were all lined up outside Starbucks getting coffee. Those guys have no fucking idea how it is to be poor.
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> Occupy London was pathetic. They were all lined up outside Starbucks getting coffee. Those guys have no ducking idea how it is to be poor.

The Occupy crowd in general is a huge group of people that truly don't understand economics. The corporations will never change unless the government takes away their political rights to lobby and pay off the Senators and Congresspeople. Standing outside a corporation won't do anything– standing outside a government office will.


Can someone please tell me some other alternatives to this Android and iOS crap?
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> The Occupy crowd in general is a huge group of people that truly don't understand economics. The corporations will never change unless the government takes away their political rights to lobby and pay off the Senators and Congresspeople. Standing outside a corporation won't do anything– standing outside a government office will.
> Can someone please tell me some other alternatives to this Android and iOS crap?

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> Occupy London was pathetic. They were all lined up outside Starbucks getting coffee. Those guys have no ducking idea how it is to be poor.

The most ironic thing about occupiers is that they tweet updates about the event from their smart phones, bitching about corporations (from their corporately purchased iPhones).
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> Thats not ironic, its just neccesary. Social media is neccesary to help sustain their cause.
> Sometimes you have to use the system to beat the system

Sure it is ironic, unless you classify the "1%" as the electronic herd (as quoted by Thomas Friedman), then corporations are considered long horns as opposed to the pro-establishment short horns (stock brokers).
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> The most ironic thing about occupiers is that they tweet updates about the event from their smart phones, bitching about corporations (from their corporately purchased iPhones).

How is that ironic? It's impossible living in a world without corporations. Hell, they're not even protesting against them. They're protesting the fact that the rest of the country has to take the blow for the people who screwed over the economy.

Still, most of them have absolutely no idea what true poverty is like and the mob mentality really shows just how stupid most of the population is.
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