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For my fellow bronies who remember that I used to write on here


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Just putting this out there, i Really disliked the older form of animation compared to Flash. Flash looks smoother and usually allows them to make new episodes faster, etc. I mean, i liked a few of the cartoons using the older style of animation, but i also disliked many of them.
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Lol I'm posting here again Wtf…. I don't want people not too watch nor do I hate it I have never seen it.... The cause of my rant was only because of the pure shock when I saw the original post was by a adult male and then I find out a bunch of adult males watch it as well.... And they call themselves bronies if I would have been in school and called myself a brony I would have got my ass kicked in the parking lot... I have no problem that you adult males watch a show for little girls it doesn't bother me at all I'm over the shock and aw of it and I know people watch a lot of stuff that a don't care about.. my room mate watches anim everynight o don't get that either I'm not pissed about him watching it... Sorry I rubbed u bronies the wrong way (giggity) I really thought it was just a joke...
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> Wait… what? I don't think I anywhere said that FiM isn't silly.

Well if you didn't say it, that point most likely did not refer to what you said Thorn. I'm not taking you for a retard here. I am hover weighting my decision about taking someone here as such.


> Lol I'm posting here again Wtf…

Because you're crypto-gay.
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Yeah, I just saw that a bit ago. I totally would too.

Renzo, if you haven't watched through MLP yet, we've gotta do that when you move over. I'm quite certain you'd like it.
On that note, you got a date for that yet? Haven't seen you in ages.
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> The current plan is March 1st, but I'm putting a lot of faith in Marshy Dearest so I might be screwed… :P

Eh, you'll probably be fine. And worst case scenario, you can crash at our place for a few days if he has to finish lining something up. We've got a spare futon and a fold out couch.
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> Ok, my post was a bit harsh and offensive, in a bit too trollish manner. We can do a serious discussion here.

No offence, but I pretty much expected that. But I'm happy to discuss it properly if you want.


> Families in mind, ok… now, can we stick to arguments even slightly touching reality? I understand that the author say that, he might even mean it. Problem is - it's not reality. How many parents you know that watch cartoons with their kids? And now how many parents you know that use the TV as an electric shepherd?
> I know we all would like to live in a world, where every family with children looks like it was taken straight out of a Wii commercial, where parents are sitting with their children on a black, leather couch in a ducking huge and sterile living room in front of a big ass flat-screen. Well, it's not the case, children watch cartoons by themselves.

I'm pretty sure most parents do watch cartoons with their children. I know I wouldn't let them watch things if I hadn't watched it first, and there always will be parents like that, a considerable amount more than you would think. That's who the references are for, and however small you think they are, it doesn't diminish the point.


> And while you can and do appreciate references to movies, books and other media you grown up with, the target of any given cartoon will not. Because the show that was referenced stopped being aired 10 years before they were born. It's a really common problem right now, let's say Rango.

Hasbro started referencing bygone pop culture when they found out that teenage guys were watching it, it's pretty much for us to fap over. People started saying that it reminded them of older cartoons, so Lauren Faust wrote it in.


> Adventure Time is my favorite cartoon at the moment, I haven't seen anything that would make me laugh that hard and that often in a long while… but if I had a kid, I'm not sure I'd like it to watch it, with me or without me. Adventure Time is a pretty straightforward, soft-core parody of Conan. And while some cartoons refer to things children don't or can't know, this particular one refers to things they shouldn't know. As much as I enjoy it, I'm pretty surprised someone allowed it to be aired, because it's obviously not for small children that OBVIOUSLY watch it.

Not all cartoons are for kids. Take Family Guy or Happy Tree Friends, definitely not appropriate. MLP is worth watching for both kids and adults and it's the balance that makes it such a good cartoon.


> Your argument about Friendship is Magic not being silly (as a positive thing) is completely out of place. Cartoons should be silly, they should have silly humor in them, because that is what children like. When you were 5, you didn't watch The Simpsons because of it's political and social commentary - you watched it because it was colorful and silly. If you expect children cartoons to challenge you intellectually and you fail to find that challenge, the problem lays in you looking for entertainment in the wrong place, not in the cartoon being bad - again, it's like saying that rattles are inferior to toy cars. And this is to the defense of the original My Little Pony cartoons - those that I loved to watch when I was 3 years old, along with Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry and Disney Movies.

I didn't mean silly as in funny, I meant silly as in pointless or idiotic. There are hilarious bits in FiM, like when Rainbow Dash is running from Pinkie Pie incredibly quickly, and Pinkie Pie just bounces after her slowly, but when Rainbow lands there, she's sat on Pinkie Pies head, or she's behind her. There's also when Pinkie Pie says to Gilda 'And I've got my eye on you!' and her eyes bounce out on every syllable and hit Gilda in the face.


> I can find few things that are disturbing for me in Friendship is Magic… and by disturbing I mean it. For example, I don't really understand why all the characters are so feminine, and you can't possibly deny that they are. All those ponies have more in common with fashion models than they have with actual horses, and I find it somewhat wrong. Maybe I'm looking a bit too deep into it, but I think our culture is already revolving around being pretty, I don't think we need to lower the age at witch girls feel bad about themselves anymore.

Most of the ponies aren't as feminine as you think. There are characters like Rarity, who's a fashion designer. Of course she will be, but the others aren't. Rainbow Dash is a tomboy athlete. Applejack works on a farm and is always covered in mud. Twilight would rather study than preen herself and Fluttershy is just an average female. There are background ponies like Lyra, who sit like slobs, or the male ponies like Doctor Whooves, Big Macintosh the farmer, Braeburn the Cowboy and Soarin' the athlete.  It's easier to sympathise with a human-like horse than a horse, too. If it were anything like real life the show would be dull.


> And few words on animation. I have no respect or sympathy towards any cartoon that is obviousl made in flash. Maybe it does look pleasant, but I don't find it any better than stuff found on newgrounds. It's a mass production and it's silly to think otherwise. People do parodies that are impossible to tell apart from the original by just following lines and copy pasting vector graphics. There was more effort put into drawing original Scooby Doo, and that shit was drawn pretty bad.

That's your opinion. It doesn't really bother me.
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