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For my fellow bronies who remember that I used to write on here


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I dunno, I don't think that thread title is long enough ;P
Anyway, finally got to writing some MLP stuff. If you don't like Ponies, no worries. If you do, and you enjoy reading stories about them, might be another thing to read!


Yes, it's called My Little Black Ops, no, it's not a crossover. Still in the buildup stages at the moment, but I'm trying to write regularly on it.
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> There are really 22 year old males or any males that really like something called "my little pony"?….. I am truly scared to bring a child into this world now.. and I would smack the shit out of my son if he wrote this.....

Not only that but there are so many of them that the makers of my little pony gave a shout out to all the bronies in one of their episodes.
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> There are really 22 year old males or any males that really like something called "my little pony"?….. I am truly scared to bring a child into this world now.. and I would smack the shit out of my son if he wrote this.....

Where have you been for the last year?
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I have seen people talk about it here but I honesty thought it was just because of the April fools prank and they were just making fun of that show secretly… I had no idea you guys were serious :o between this and "jersey shore" I'm not sure which is worse for our youth.... I'm also sorry if I offended anyone I just don't get it... How can you even expect to have a girl/boy friend if they see you watching mlp..... this caused me to go buy some weed... Have fun with ur little pony fanfiction
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> I have seen people talk about it here but I honesty thought it was just because of the April fools prank and they were just making fun of that show secretly… I had no idea you guys were serious :o between this and "jersey shore" I'm not sure which is worse for our youth.... I'm also sorry if I offended anyone I just don't get it... How can you even expect to have a girl/boy friend if they see you watching mlp..... this caused me to go buy some weed... Have fun with ur little pony  ~~fag~~_fan_fiction

Actually, I've met a number of girls BECAUSE I became a brony. I'm going to be doing collaborative writing with one, and come to think of it every girl I know save for one thinks that MLP is badass and awesome.

Also thanks for showing that you've never watched the show. This current series is ten kinds of badass, in the first two episodes alone the main characters fight an ancient corrupted god, a manticore, and all sorts of crazy shiz. There have been several dragons in the show so far, there's been cockatrices, voodoo magic, gods of madness breaking free from their prisons, bears the size of mountains whose flesh is the darkness between the stars, and more. There have also been references to Trainspotting, Back to the Future, King Kong, Doctor Who, Godzilla, and The Big Lebowski.

So try watching some of it before crapping on it. If someone like me could become this level of fan, it would have to be more than just the trash for 5 year olds that the older series were.
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> Interesting. Want me to flame your likes now?

ur right sorry for that I just don't get it but if u guys are into it then its ur thing who am to say it immoral :)

@thorn ok I'm not tryin to cause a brony riot sorry to get u worked up.. the next time my gfs kid watches it I will sit down and watch too so I'm no just being some asshole bashing ur show without seeing the new version….
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> I'm speechless. Enjoy your colourful little pony show. I'll be working-out, learning new songs on the guitar, and doing alpha stuff.
> Trollololol

Not with a haircut like that sunshine.
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> I'm speechless. Enjoy your colourful little pony show. I'll be working-out, learning new songs on the guitar, and doing alpha stuff.
> Trollololol

Sounds good man. I'll keep going to school for my dream career, playing songs on the mandolin, and freeclimbing. Good luck on your end.
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Justin if you would really smack your son for watching this then i feel sorry for you. Maybe you should watch it and learn some of the lessons they teach.

The show is actually well written, and animated. It is an excellent show for everyone. For kids it does do a great job at teaching moral, and life issues. It has enough humor to keep adults interrested. Granted the show is designed for young girls, but it has enough elements for anyone to enjoy. I did not understand the pony craze at first, but after watching it I saw that it was actually a good show.

So a show about horses is horrific, and its viewers should be dragged through the street, but tripe like this ok?
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Isn't this:


MLP is just a good animation. Whilst the old MLP cartoons were dull, girlish and shallow, the new MLP is funny, interesting and well-written and isn't actually feminine or silly. Watch it and you'll see that it's better than most cartoons about nowadays.
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I don't have any kids so don't freak out thinking I'm beating a child secondly I said I wasn't trying to offend anyone which clearly I did lol I just don't get how you can expect a guy to watch something with pink and purple ponies unless I was on shrooms… Like I said I will watch it the next time my gfs 7 and 4 year old girls watch it and then ill post my thoughts on it...

Also you two are girls.... Even my gf would think its cute but I'm referring to this weird bronies cult thing....
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> interesting and well-written and isn't actually feminine or silly.


Now seriously. While I honestly thought this is an overused meme, a long dead joke that some people feel necrophilic about and generally a trolling trend… now I think you guys need to get your fucking shit together, because when you start defending a cartoon made with ducking 4 years olds in mind, you know there's something fishy going on.

I watch all cartoons, I watch whatever is playing on TV at the moment with few exceptions where I can't stand whatever's being projected upon me, and while I can agree that the new face of my little pony is not really bad for what it is…

...when I see people being serious about it, and when I see any kind of serious community, that is above the age of 10, I can't help imagining a bunch of grown ups discussing witch dummy nipple feels better against their gums.

Consult a fucking doctor. Unless you are parents, actually considering what is good for your children to watch. Otherwise, keep your fetishes in your bedroom.
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Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I know that a rather large percentage of the brony community (surveys that I've seen say the majority, in fact) actively avoid rule 34 of ponies. I know I want nothing to do with it. I can honestly say I've never looked up pony porn or anything related to it.
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> Also you two are girls….

I'm a guy ;D


> you start defending a cartoon made with ducking 4 years olds in mind

Actually, MLP was made with families in mind. Lauren Faust said that it's aimed at family viewing - young girls can watch it for the ponies, parents can watch it for the humour and young boys can watch it for the overall entertaining animations. Her primary intention was to prove that "cartoons for girls don't have to be a puddle of smooshy, cutesy-wootsy, goody-two-shoeness"


> …when I see people being serious about it, and when I see any kind of serious community, that is above the age of 10, I can't help imagining a bunch of grown ups discussing witch dummy nipple feels better against their gums.

And we're the weird ones? 0.0


> Consult a fucking doctor. Unless you are parents, actually considering what is good for your children to watch. Otherwise, keep your fetishes in your bedroom.

People liking cartoons isn't weird. The fact that it centralises around ponies doesn't overrule the fact that it's a good animation and it's worth watching. If you don't like it then don't watch it, but don't female dog about it for no good reason.

I'd completely understand your point if it was the old MLP. FiM is nothing like the old version, though.
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> Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I know that a rather large percentage of the brony community (surveys that I've seen say the majority, in fact) actively avoid rule 34 of ponies…...

And that's exactly where I had to stop myself from reading anymore of this thread…  this kinda makes me sick to my stomach... Unless your a homosexual  or a girl then I get it... And I question anyone who calls themself a brony and is straight... Unless you just do this for attention.... I'll stick to my shows and let ppl enjoy theirs I'm not gonna bash it anymore
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> And that's exactly where I had to stop myself from reading anymore of this thread…  this kinda makes me sick to my stomach... Unless your a homosexual  or a girl then I get it... And I question anyone who calls themself a brony and is straight... Unless you just do this for attention.... I'll stick to my shows and let ppl enjoy theirs I'm not gonna bash it anymore

the fact that most of the fanbase avoids the porn makes you sick to your stomach?

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Ok, my post was a bit harsh and offensive, in a bit too trollish manner. We can do a serious discussion here.

Families in mind, ok… now, can we stick to arguments even slightly touching reality? I understand that the author say that, he might even mean it. Problem is - it's not reality. How many parents you know that watch cartoons with their kids? And now how many parents you know that use the TV as an electric shepherd?

I know we all would like to live in a world, where every family with children looks like it was taken straight out of a Wii commercial, where parents are sitting with their children on a black, leather couch in a ducking huge and sterile living room in front of a big ass flat-screen. Well, it's not the case, children watch cartoons by themselves.

And while you can and do appreciate references to movies, books and other media you grown up with, the target of any given cartoon will not. Because the show that was referenced stopped being aired 10 years before they were born. It's a really common problem right now, let's say Rango.

Rango was a really good movie. But not that successful. My theory about it is that it was targeted at children and possibly, like you mentioned - families. Thing is, if you went to that movie and seen a few families there, it were the dads who were laughing while moms and kids had no idea what the hell is going on... because that's what happens if you build the entire movie around western references. Those movies have too many references that kids can't possibly catch. When children see Shrek (any part actually) they are laughing because the situation is silly, not because they understand it. And there are extremes... like Adventure Time...

Adventure Time is my favorite cartoon at the moment, I haven't seen anything that would make me laugh that hard and that often in a long while... but if I had a kid, I'm not sure I'd like it to watch it, with me or without me. Adventure Time is a pretty straightforward, soft-core parody of Conan. And while some cartoons refer to things children don't or can't know, this particular one refers to things they shouldn't know. As much as I enjoy it, I'm pretty surprised someone allowed it to be aired, because it's obviously not for small children that OBVIOUSLY watch it.

Your argument about Friendship is Magic not being silly (as a positive thing) is completely out of place. Cartoons should be silly, they should have silly humor in them, because that is what children like. When you were 5, you didn't watch The Simpsons because of it's political and social commentary - you watched it because it was colorful and silly. If you expect children cartoons to challenge you intellectually and you fail to find that challenge, the problem lays in you looking for entertainment in the wrong place, not in the cartoon being bad - again, it's like saying that rattles are inferior to toy cars. And this is to the defense of the original My Little Pony cartoons - those that I loved to watch when I was 3 years old, along with Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry and Disney Movies.

I can find few things that are disturbing for me in Friendship is Magic... and by disturbing I mean it. For example, I don't really understand why all the characters are so feminine, and you can't possibly deny that they are. All those ponies have more in common with fashion models than they have with actual horses, and I find it somewhat wrong. Maybe I'm looking a bit too deep into it, but I think our culture is already revolving around being pretty, I don't think we need to lower the age at witch girls feel bad about themselves anymore.

And few words on animation. I have no respect or sympathy towards any cartoon that is obviousl made in flash. Maybe it does look pleasant, but I don't find it any better than stuff found on newgrounds. It's a mass production and it's silly to think otherwise. People do parodies that are impossible to tell apart from the original by just following lines and copy pasting vector graphics. There was more effort put into drawing original Scooby Doo, and that shit was drawn pretty bad.
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> Ok, my post was a bit harsh and offensive, in a bit too trollish manner. We can do a serious discussion here.
> Families in mind, ok… now, can we stick to arguments even slightly touching reality? I understand that the author say that, he might even mean it. Problem is - it's not reality. How many parents you know that watch cartoons with their kids? And now how many parents you know that use the TV as an electric shepherd?

I'd like to stop you here. I often watched TV shows with my parents as a kid. I know babysitters who watch shows with the kids that they are taking care of. I don't actually know a single person who uses the TV as an "electric shepherd". It could be that you and I just live in very different parts of society, but in the circles I travel in a lot of people sit down to watch TV together. I know that I've watched this show with family and friends before, and some of us were catching the grown up references that the kids were missing.


> I know we all would like to live in a world, where every family with children looks like it was taken straight out of a Wii commercial, where parents are sitting with their children on a black, leather couch in a ducking huge and sterile living room in front of a big ass flat-screen. Well, it's not the case, children watch cartoons by themselves.
> And while you can and do appreciate references to movies, books and other media you grown up with, the target of any given cartoon will not. Because the show that was referenced stopped being aired 10 years before they were born. It's a really common problem right now, let's say Rango.

Again, going to interject here. The target audience of cartoons like this aren't only little kids. Admittedly, they will not get the references. However, as these references don't take much more than a moment of screentime, there is no point where the kids feel lost, and the adults get a joke aimed at them. While I readily admit not everyone can pull it off, I haven't seen it fall flat in this show yet.


> Rango was a really good movie. But not that successful. My theory about it is that it was targeted at children and possibly, like you mentioned - families. Thing is, if you went to that movie and seen a few families there, it were the dads who were laughing while moms and kids had no idea what the hell is going on… because that's what happens if you build the entire movie around western references. Those movies have too many references that kids can't possibly catch. When children see Shrek (any part actually) they are laughing because the situation is silly, not because they understand it. And there are extremes... like Adventure Time...
> Adventure Time is my favorite cartoon at the moment, I haven't seen anything that would make me laugh that hard and that often in a long while... but if I had a kid, I'm not sure I'd like it to watch it, with me or without me. Adventure Time is a pretty straightforward, soft-core parody of Conan. And while some cartoons refer to things children don't or can't know, this particular one refers to things they shouldn't know. As much as I enjoy it, I'm pretty surprised someone allowed it to be aired, because it's obviously not for small children that OBVIOUSLY watch it.
> Your argument about Friendship is Magic not being silly (as a positive thing) is completely out of place. Cartoons should be silly, they should have silly humor in them, because that is what children like. When you were 5, you didn't watch The Simpsons because of it's political and social commentary - you watched it because it was colorful and silly. If you expect children cartoons to challenge you intellectually and you fail to find that challenge, the problem lays in you looking for entertainment in the wrong place, not in the cartoon being bad - again, it's like saying that rattles are inferior to toy cars. And this is to the defense of the original My Little Pony cartoons - those that I loved to watch when I was 3 years old, along with Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry and Disney Movies.

Wait… what? I don't think I anywhere said that FiM isn't silly. It is. It has moments of adventure and action and stuff, but it revels in the silly and I won't for a moment pretend otherwise. I'm honestly not sure what this entire paragraph is based off. I don't watch the show to "challenge me intellectually", I watch it because it's whimsical and fun, and blends a ton of elements that I like regardless of the medium into a cohesive whole.


> I can find few things that are disturbing for me in Friendship is Magic… and by disturbing I mean it. For example, I don't really understand why all the characters are so feminine, and you can't possibly deny that they are. All those ponies have more in common with fashion models than they have with actual horses, and I find it somewhat wrong. Maybe I'm looking a bit too deep into it, but I think our culture is already revolving around being pretty, I don't think we need to lower the age at witch girls feel bad about themselves anymore.

Most of the ponies in the show are depicted as actually being female. There are only a few males that regularly get any screentime, and they don't look all that feminine:

>! ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/bronibooru/488d2f75c7d5699c957e4036c3efc38f.png)

That's Applejack's big brother, Big Macintosh.

Also, there are characters other than ponies, such as the Diamond Dogs:

>! ![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/bronibooru/98d7df602ec342e30407383424ff1fc4.png)

Along with being a reference to David Bowie if I'm not mistaken, they are named as such for the warrens and mines they dig beneath the earth, hunting for gems and crystals. At one point they kidnap one of the main characters when they observe her efficiently finding several caches of gems.

Other than that, while a few of the main characters are described and shown as taking pride in their appearance, there are also several others (looking at you, Pinkie Pie and Applejack!) who really don't care for their appearance too much. Applejack is portrayed as a farmer, and really doesn't give two beans about how she looks. Pinkie Pie doesn't even comb her hair from what we've seen, and even when forced to try and 'clean up' by one of the others she simply poomphs back into her normal messy state, a la Pigpen from Peanuts.


> And few words on animation. I have no respect or sympathy towards any cartoon that is obviousl made in flash. Maybe it does look pleasant, but I don't find it any better than stuff found on newgrounds. It's a mass production and it's silly to think otherwise. People do parodies that are impossible to tell apart from the original by just following lines and copy pasting vector graphics. There was more effort put into drawing original Scooby Doo, and that shit was drawn pretty bad.

The thing to remember here is expenses. It costs far less to produce a cartoon in Flash than it does in traditional mediums. The way things are going, I honestly expect that in a decade or so it will be weird to see a modern cartoon that isn't made with Flash, as techniques get better and better. The sad truth of it is that the age of traditional animation is largely behind us. Flash and other forms of computer produced animation is the future, whether anyone likes it or not. Do I like traditional animation? Of course! But pining for it won't bring it back, and I'm not about to condemn a modern day show because they chose to not use the outdated and expensive method.
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