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Selling Pokemon Engine


Recommended Posts

- Complete Wild Battle System
- Learning Moves
- Forgetting Moves when Learning new one
- Evolve
- Random Wild Pokemon Editor
- Experience Editor
- Random Wild Pokemon Level Editor
- Item usage on both Battle and Not in Battle
- Switching Pokemon on Battle
- Pokemon Formula (I search the formula on google, i don't know if they are correct or not)
- Multiple Character on one Account
- Scrolling Entrance of Wild Pokemon
- Animated HP bar reducing, increasing
- Pokemon-Like Map Name Title
- Player vs Player
- Pokemon Catch
- Pokemon Storage

What's not here
- Item Storage   (ToDo: when i have free time)
- Trading
- Gym Battle
- NPC Trainer Battle
- Move Animations and Sound
- Pokedex


>! ![](http://s24.postimg.org/pvg6v9iur/Screenshot1.png)


PM me both here and on my Skype (if you have one)
but first PM me on this Forum, i'm not always online at skype

Skype name: hisherwin

Sample Link:

for the features that are not implimented on the engine yet, you can ask me to finish it if you will buy the engine
I also offer change of GUI and UI style

Will Format the computer soon so the price will just be 20$
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preview of pokemon storage
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> I know about false positives.. But when extracting the server I'm getting  
> ![](http://puu.sh/jevIC/f0a233d75b.png)
> Has never happened before with any eclipse server/client but your server is flagging up.

Sorry, im not familiar with this.. Its just a normal vb6 project that was zipped
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I know sherwin :D, Just saying it was flagged as a virus and might put people off. Just did a VT scan and it was 2/55 AV's thought it was a virus.


It's 100% safe, Just wanted to let you know.
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> I know sherwin :D, Just saying it was flagged as a virus and might put people off. Just did a VT scan and it was 2/55 AV's thought it was a virus.
> https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/bcc808cb7dd858655b5bccbf92de385428810fdace7400e16562ada21ed330f4/analysis/1437995745/
> It's 100% safe, Just wanted to let you know.

oh probably the vb6 exe has been treated as a virus.. that always happen when i share a vb6 .exe
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