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Share some scary stories you know here. Here's mine:

You wake up in the middle of the night. You're still half asleep, not really thinking clearly. You stare up at the ceiling and slowly become aware that it seems darker than usual. The ambient light from your alarm clock, the street lights leaking in through the blinds, etc. All seem eerily absent. As your eyes slowly adjust you become aware that you are not staring at the ceiling. There is something hovering right above your face blocking out the light. You strain to see what it is. As you refocus your eyes you finally start to make out what's blocking the light.
It's an ass. Cheecks spread, anus inches away from your nose. Before you can react a disgustingly heinous fart rips forth filling your nostrils. You shut your eyes tightly and attempt to scream but you gag as the smell chokes you. When you open your eyes there is nothing there. You quickly jump from your bed and flip the light switch on. You scan your room, inspecting it carefully. It's empty. All is as it should be except that rancid stench that still fills your nose and mouth. You go to the bathroom to collect yourself and try to make sense of what has just happend. When you turn on the light and look in the mirror there are small shit splats on your face.
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> What the duck did I just read?
> are you seriously looking for a horror story or just some shit that sounds like a fart joke a 12 year old child wrote.

Like you fucking jokes are any better. At least his joke made me laugh 0_o
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