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Everything posted by Broojo02

  1. Yeah I really should get that more client oriented. At the moment, if you have many maps with many animations and many players playing then the server will be sending a crap load of packets every second.
  2. That would be paperdolling, inside the paperdoll folder in your client you can add a picture to show items on your character. To add them to an item there is a small scroll bar in the bottom right of the edit item menu.
  3. What's the exact error message in the box that pops up?
  4. Broojo02


    @airdude2: > nope. :P but i do right click, save the combatmod thing, to my desktop, open up my server folder,go to the src, and replace it. :) other then that, i dont know how to recomple if im doing it wrong. mind teacing me? :P When you've added your code a quick way to test it is to press the "Start" button at the top of the project window, this will compile your code but not create the exe. ![](http://img852.imageshack.us/img852/8178/testhj.png)
  5. Broojo02


    Both SendMapSound and SendAnimation are server side methods, you can only call them from the server code. When sending an animation there is more than 1 parameter you have to pass, you have to send the map number, animation number, x and y. A simple search would have told you that. Sub SendAnimation(ByVal mapNum As Long, ByVal Anim As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, Optional ByVal LockType As Byte = 0, Optional ByVal LockIndex As Long = 0)
  6. ![](http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/b/b2/Slowpoke.gif) Lol jk :P
  7. Did anyone watch Obama and co. roast Trump? Twas quite funny.
  8. Lol, sorry to hear but here is a download for the project with the NPC speech box put in it already by me so it looks great :D http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WTJMH5S7 I might add some more pictures to the initial post to make things a bit easier.
  9. Well those are the values to get it looking pixel perfect on the screen exactly over the normal chat box and with the picture and text centred perfectly. However you are free to resize them manually to any size you want you don't have to follow the guide.
  10. The second set is the one used in VBGore :)
  11. It might be that you have got the speech box below something or not in the right place. Its a common error to place a picture box inside something else like an another picbox without realising it. To make sure the newly added picbox is on top of everything you should start drawing it from the very top left of frmMain where the dotted grey border is, as this is the background of the form.
  12. There are adverts on the forums? :P I should turn off adblock from time to time it seems :D
  13. Broojo02

    EO access levels

    From the code it appears there are 4 different levels of "admin" access: Public Const ADMIN_MONITOR As Byte = 1 Public Const ADMIN_MAPPER As Byte = 2 Public Const ADMIN_DEVELOPER As Byte = 3 Public Const ADMIN_CREATOR As Byte = 4 I haven't checked what they can do but I suppose monitors are like mods so they can do basic stuff like banning, mappers can create maps and developers can create anything, the creator is just a fancy title for the creator and can also do anything. Just a guess though.
  14. @airdude2: > aww that isnt good, i mean now we have to convert them if wed want to use em :/. The papperdolls themselves are good though You don't need to convert them, all you need to do is copy and paste them into a .bmp file.
  15. So Robin am I right in thinking that you get better memory usage if you use 1 tileset per map?
  16. If you want the animations to play less often than 1 second then change this value in the tutorial: Anim = GetTickCount + 1000 From 1000 (1000 milliseconds which is 1 second) to a higher value, this will apply to all your animations though.
  17. I don't know really, In all my time I have only ever been able to make code compile, putting a key or a weapon inside an IDE is tough work, you might break your computer screen.
  18. Broojo02

    Happy 4/20

    @Pryex: > My great uncle was born on 20/4 Was his name Adolf?
  19. I don't think there is a tutorial for it, but here are your sprites in the format used by eclipse, I increased the size of the bitmap to 128x128, shifted them all 32 pixels to the right and copied and pasted the middle column into the first empty column.
  20. Broojo02

    Guns and info

    @Mattt183: > If you can't do any of that, you could do an idea that I just thought of, which is make a spell, and make it instantly damage the enemy, so it looks like your firing the gun/bow/projectile/whatever, but it goes so fast you can't see it Yeah thats a good idea, you could also edit the source so that when you attack normally while holding a gun the damage will be applied to any enemy that is in the direction you are facing rather than just the block in front of you. A good gunshot sound and animation would make it look great.
  21. I've thought about this myself, would be useful for small bushes. I can't get the code to work properly yet, in modGameLogic search for "If Map.Tile(x, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then" in that sub I tried this bit of code: ``` If Map.Tile(x, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then For i = 1 To Resource_Index If MapResource(i).x = x Then If MapResource(i).y = y Then If MapResource(i).ResourceState = 0 Then CheckDirection = True Exit Function End If End If End If Next End If ``` But if its been chopped down then your player only moves forward a little bit before being pinged back again :P
  22. Did you try and use the ogg tutorial, it worked for me :)
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