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  1. I'm so getting this…once I get about 60 dollars in my Pay Pal...[http://finance.yahoo.com/currency-converter/#from=USD;to=EUR;amt=57.234](http://finance.yahoo.com/currency-converter/#from=USD;to=EUR;amt=57.234)
  2. Nexon got hacked before this…
  3. @Mr.: > Dude it was a ten year old kid….. I wonder if it was the same 10 year old who hacked Nexon…
  4. * * * Sony got Hacked by "Anonymous" * * * I bet almost everyone herad that Sony got hacked in April. (I just learned about it today. :P) And the article said: > …77 million customers that their personal information, including names, addresses, e-mail addresses, birthdays, PlayStation Network and Qriocity passwords, and usernames, as well as online user handles... Boy am I glad I don't have a Sony anything. Anyway the full article is at: http://news.cnet.com/8301-27080_3-20059737-245.html?tag=rtcol;inTheNewsNow
  5. @Robin: > It works, but only because I check to make sure the graphics exist before rendering anything. > > This is actually better than a transparent image because this'll cause the entire blood system to be bypassed. > > Obviously that was an accident on their part, but still. FINALLY! SOMEONE WHO CAN EXPLAIN IT BETTER THAN ME!
  6. This should be the offical Updater for Eclipse.
  7. Most of the tiles seem like they were ripped from Fire Emblem. (GBA)
  8. "When a old lady falls down the world will die." LOL
  9. "My Life as a Garden"… O.o... uh....moving on....if i don't go blind...
  10. @Mr.: > "Mosquito Knight" > > You can't be serious…..LOL these are more fun then help. I don't care if it's fun or help. As long as you get somthing out of it. :) I tried classes and I got Mudmancer.
  11. This thing can be so funny! Once I got "My Life as a Stone". I was thinking it's time to pull out thesound effect of Mario saying Stone. EDIT: Everlasting Love Night sounds Gay.
  12. Hey everyone! I found this website called Random Zoo. And they have generators that you guys might need! RPG Title: http://randomzoo.com/game/rpg-title.php RPG Cliches: http://randomzoo.com/game/rpg-cliche.php Character Classes: http://randomzoo.com/fantasy/character-classes.php Magical Potions: http://randomzoo.com/fantasy/magical-potions.php List of all fantasy Generators: http://randomzoo.com/fantasy/ List of all Game Generators: http://randomzoo.com/game/ They also have Sci-Fi, Modern and Unusal. Random Zoo Home: http://randomzoo.com
  13. @Erkro1: > I more suggesting this : > http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,71097.0.html > Because you can turn blood on and off with this tutorial. But what if you don't have VB6?
  14. @Domino_: > lol :cheesy: > p.s. it woun't send error in game for that if i dont have the blood.bmp file? I did it in one of my games and there is no error.
  15. Would you like to join my game Taron? (As long as your'e not working for any of the other people.) I have another pixel artist so not so much pressure AND you can take as much time as you need/want. If you accept just shoot me a PM. ;)
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