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Everything posted by Broojo02

  1. Cool, I would do it with a 250px increase and a 0.3s transition time. Looks more clean :P
  2. I got the 3DS before the price drop for this :P I got it for £169.99 from asda (same price as amazon) they now sell it for £134\. The £35.99 I would have saved is probably less than the equivalent price for those games considering that the minimum price on the eshop is £1.80, 1.80*20 = 36 :P GBC games like link's awakening cost £5.40 so I'm guessing they are going to charge the £7.20 price I've seen on the better games on the e-shop for the GBA games.
  3. @Odin: > Oh ok. Where would I get graphics for CS:DE? I used the Eclipse Origins graphics and noticed it only reads png files. Yet, the Pink backcolor isnt transparent. So Whats the deal with the alpha color or whatever? Yeah the pink will be just pink, to achieve transparency you will have to use a program like gimp or photoshop to add it in, you can just open it up, select the pink with the magic wand and press the delete button :)
  4. Mine: 4554-0114-8952 I've added all you guys :)
  5. @RyokuHasu: > Google Image 'crystalshire" and this pops up… > > ![](http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e112/Kite_Minase/Reaction/implied-facepalm.jpg) > > That says somthing. Lol, after doing that search I found my avatar being used on some random polish tibia forum. http://tibia.net.pl/gry/495502-poszukuje-fajnej-gry-mmorpg.html I custom made that avatar to fit in with the 100x100 size limit of this forum, he could have just used the original :P ![](http://www.zeldawiki.org/images/4/48/OOA_Credits_2.png)
  6. > I'm a closet homosexual receptionist.
  7. @Pryex: > I only have street fighter and OoT3D. Get Link's awakening off of virtual console though, and because we purchased before the price drop we get a tonne of free virtual console games. Yeah 20, lucky bastards :P
  8. Broojo02

    Grided tileset

    This is the one I use, first tile has border left out so that the top left pixel is pink, dimensions 256x1024.
  9. Can someone show me a torrent to downlaod some RAM, I think I've nearly run out :/
  10. @Navi: > :D I think I just /phased/ the boat parts of the game out of my head. My youngest sister and I got so bored while collect triforce shards we actually had came up with a dumb game we played every time we got a chest. :D I didn't find that part too annoying, I just did other stuff in between like mini games, which there were quite a few in TWW.
  11. Thanks for this, makes making a harry potter mmo much easier :P
  12. Cool, jolly good. We need as many good programmers we can get in this tech-savvy world.
  13. Yep, thats what I'm doing, optimising the 16x16 tiles for 32x32, makes some things like walls easier but other things like small scenery items a real bitch.
  14. Yeah, you could place 4 NPC Block tiles around the NPC :P
  15. Edited the post for ~~retards~~ clarity.
  16. If you click the right arrow of the scroll bar you can scroll through all the animations you have made, the name should appear next to the "Animation:". With the correct animation selected, click the Command1 button and then click somewhere on the map to set an animation on the map.
  17. Not being able to watch youtube videos is a MASSIVE fail on Ninty's behalf. I mean its considered a basic amenity of a web browser to be able to watch youtube videos in this day and age. Looking at the screenshots it seems the 90 year olds in charge of Nintendo want us to look at our pet dogs blogs and some messaging system which they built themselves (probably need friend codes to be able to send a limited number of approved phrases). ![](http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/kotaku/2010/09/3ds_browser.jpg) I was looking forward to being able to open up a youtube video and checking how to do something in a game if I get stuck.
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