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Everything posted by PhiÃÂh

  1. Holy crap, it has been forever since i have been on here.
  2. Well yea but id still like to retire from me doing crappy mapping and just writting storylines for people. Of course i would edit around as much as they want
  3. So how many people add a in depth storyline to your mmo, and make it an interactive storyline. I know that most of you probably do alot on your own or maybe have a friend or two that help, but a creative person that could throw off ideas that you could just dismiss could create alot. Course some things i would say wouldnt be possible so yea. lol
  4. I think someone should do like a sci-fi mmo. That would be kool, or some kind of horror mmo, but i do agree something original would be nice. I would write story and shit like that for anyone that would be interested in it, and give ideas. Just ask and i will right something up and send it to ya.
  5. I think its so odd that so many people came to eclipse by Google, lol, but i came to another forum i post on the same way. I was bored and asked a friend for a good sight for resources and he singled this out. Soiwilliamsoi! lolz. I goes to school with him so yea.
  6. PhiÃÂh


    The only thing i used Hamachi for was a PS on WoW. I just set the IP as the computer that had my DB on it. Fairly simple.
  7. So it says i've only posted 6 post over all…And I know ive posted atleast 20...although it still only stays at 20...So...wtf Eclipse?
  8. The movie sucked and was a poor adaptation of the book. I dont see why people keep going on about it. They ruined my images of the characters, and played them off very wrong. Girls never shut up about it. The movies sucks ballzzzzzz, compared to books. I would rather browse /b/ that watch that movie again…not like i already dont do that in my spare time. :D ![](http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k316/darklight_osake/BSHUTDOWN.jpg)
  9. PhiÃÂh

    Hail Storm Video

    Badass big hail. hmmm. nice bike too. xD
  10. PhiÃÂh


    i get on there and it works but when i connect, it doesnt connect, and i dont find anyone on it. oh well.
  11. PhiÃÂh


    ok in my opinion Itouch is better. 16 gigs but it has alot more than music. You can break it and get apps for it that keep you entertain for hours. I personally think zunes are crap personally. Its harder to get music files from pirated sources to zune that it is to itunes.
  12. Im more of a MMORPGer and FPS gamer. I get obsessed with em and get godly at em then have a fall out with evetually. xD
  13. i already met someone from here, infact i live about 20 minutes from em :D
  14. my dad was an ass with april fools this morning. Hes all like school is cancaled cause of flood, and it was supposed to rain alot so i was like Woot!!!! and hes like april fools and im like FUCKER!!!
  15. Conficker worm program is going to go back to its servers and recieve new instructions on April 1st. The news was ranting this morning that it may be the next fiancial dooms day. Your opinion?
  16. im up for breaking the law. Gotta copy?
  17. im looking for some to make my own music for the game. So if you dont mind giving me some sources dat would be nice :D
  18. Ehh im not much into the guitar, more of a drum person myself. I got most songs on rockband (most key word) 100% on drums on expert.
  19. Wow…im not saying it, ill let the rest flam about how do you not know who he is. xD My friends little brother is 7 and he is a god at games. He did the math for Left 4 Dead and figured out how many times he would have to play through on particular campaign to get the Zombie Genocide Achivement. He was telling me this, and im just like..."I just like killing zombies with things that go boom." TT_TT
  20. I need one! lolz. Its a keylogger if you didnt know. If you feel like helping me please do, would be greatly appreciated. :D
  21. Ahh here is the thing, he is a psyco. I just weave around his "Kick your ass" buttons with my words. IF you could see how this guy approached me and the shit he did, yea youd say the same, an no his sister likes me alot. He made her cry and she hyperveolated in the bathroom and had to be kept in the nurses office all day cause he told her that he had a "talk" with me.
  22. So, i dated this guys sister for a while then broke up with her cause her brother is annoying as hell. Well recently me and her started talking as just friends. One of my idiotic friends told her brother at break today and he came hunting me down. Now hes a relatively big guy, about 6'2, 200 pounds. Never been in a fight but he acts like every one is afraid to death of him, and i just laugh in his face. We got along at one point but he got a big head. Back to topic, now i apparently broke her heart when i broke up with her cause with the relationship of her comes the annoyance of him, so i felt it wasn't worth it and just broke up with her. Now since we started talking and since my [ex]friend Tyler told him about it, hes wanted to kick my ass, and gave me a "talking" too. So, while i really don't care about it cause it will all just blow over eventually, but what do you think i should do? Opinions, questions? comments?
  23. @Ghost: > a third moral could be… hide your kids. =) From pedophiles! muahaha…I tis not one btw. D:
  24. 500 from whenever you post this is a butt load. if u did the math and did so many a day itd be easy but guess what…ITS FEB.!!! Dear lord, all anna ever says is no spaming. makes me think of mIRC and bass hunter.
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