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Owen F

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Everything posted by Owen F

  1. @Captain: > Arent you like 14? that would be me
  2. @Whack: > pkmcvz is that official and what does it have new? I really, really doubt it. I'd only trust links from mrmiguu. I thought it was a mirror.
  3. Owen F


    I'm no expert on the subject but it just looks to me like it won't let you name it that. Try naming it something else?
  4. @Captain: > inb4 RPG version of Eclipse. > > -pic- > Also; if you look at this screenshot which was taken at nearly the end of last year, you can see that we've actually grown since then. True. Several times around when I took that screenshot it had happened to me. Not just once. @Sicarii: > -snip-
  5. @Captain: > Can we… uhh... get married? back off there, bunnie. @spork: > if you dont know what I look like by now then you dont belong on the internet okay, I'll just be leaving then.
  6. Owen F

    Name for game

    @MrMiguu: > Ironically, he wouldn't know how to port-forward; it would be offline 24/7. @spork: > Online Online is offline? @DJMaxus: > Mind = Blown
  7. EGAD! it's better than most of the mapping these days, lol.
  8. Quick question what's going on with this? Haven't heard much for almost 2 weeks. I'm assuming something must be going on (someones on holiday or couldn't work on the project for some such reason) because something this good wouldn't just suddenly be dropped.
  9. Owen F

    Name for game

    The word 'online' is now dead to me
  10. Hey those are pretty good, nice job, it's always good to see some more experienced people with some nice talent around. Good work! :)
  11. Hmm, quick question does the 'up' key activate warps in this version or is it yet to be coded in? I am asking this because I've gotten round to opening this up again and for the last 20 minutes have been working to produce this : ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/c6dd9e117a3bc807600ee6f81d351280.png) (all pixel art is done by me except GUI of course (although it isn't something I'd be proud of. Did turn out better than I expected. My pixelling usually looks like vomit)) and I'm kind of making a mess around game which I might release as something for people to do (and also a way to test bugs while other players are connected). EDIT: Tested it myself, warps are automatic. You should think about fixing that :3 it was a good feature
  12. Wow awesome as always, I remember vaguely trying one of your first releases, where all you could do was just jump around a bit, and at the top of the map was a slightly better projectile. And i think you played as a furbie. It was very basic yet enjoyable and nice because there was always a few people playing it while it was up (which wasn't long). One thing, other than the 'hanging player' glitch is that blood effects have been left in when they don't really work well with the format. you could replace them with a simple red line at the bottom of the 32x32 (so it would kind of look like a shallow blood puddle from side on) or just ultimately remove them. Great to see this is still being worked on, when i came back and saw it dead i was overcome with sadness :( Back to bug testing!
  13. (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
  14. Thought it reminded me of something. Although I was leaning more towards the Naga from world of warcraft.
  15. @Winfield: > The point is, you can. But rabbits won't die :C unless you turn em evil or it's a blood moon. I think dropping lava on them works too. Probably other ways..
  16. @Rob: > I'll hopefully get to these forums soon, priority goes to existing Samu Games subscribers for beta, I'm doing it 5 players at a time, with a max of 30 Well I signed up now ;) does that count as cheating ? xD
  17. We legalised gay marriage a few days ago in australia and I can't see why anyone would have a problem with it..
  18. @xpresschiro: > We know very well that eclipse is a environment which is used for the java program . The best reason of this environment is to take very less resource . It takes less memory . I hope that it is the very best environment for developing the java program. Wha….?
  19. Well my friend brought it over on a USB one time (assuming he pirated it, which is sad because I believe the developers deserve the money and it isn't that much) and I loved it from the start. I definitely love going out and hunting the slime boss or summoning up an eye of cthulhu to pass time, and accidentally spawning an eater of worlds just because I'm trying to get some meteorite. Anyway, I don't have a steam account because when I tried to make one it gave me one of those security things where you must write the letters in the picture and it looked like a cat threw up - there were no discernible letters whatsoever and since then I haven't got round to making it. Anyway so the update is out now? Hmm perhaps I'll make a steam account and get it then. Definitely worthwhile
  20. Owen F

    New stuff!

    @Robin: > Well shit. I didn't notice that. xD For real? I thought it was intended
  21. Please move this to video games. But on topic, i like terraria and i think that these updates look really cool. I look forward to giving them a whirl as i do with most games and hopefully i'll like them.
  22. Sorry but that's pretty much all you're going to get on this forum.
  23. What's a shooter (even if it's paintball) without CTF? It would definitely make the game more fun if there were more modes which could be voted on in the pre-game lobby before a match, majority votes wins obviously. I would rather this than seperate lobbies for each game type, because then it keeps the large group together so the game will have a lot of players together having fun @Lightning: > At the moment it still reminds me too much of Eclipse AI. ;] True. For a non eclipse project it is rather similar. Especially the whole 1-tile-at-a-time movement. Why can't they move a random 1-5 tiles at a time? would be cooler :P
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