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Everything posted by Drummerpete

  1. It looks horrible. The text needs AA, the fractal is just a preset (which is still awful) and the colours are bad.
  2. The one of the river is pretty cool.
  3. I'm so sick of that god damn shine on fucking text. It was cool for a week… Then EVERYBODY did it.
  4. @Wyz: > ![](http://localhostr.com/file/6uZQ7Ue/me2.png) The beard makes you look like a dwarf. NB: This isn't necessarily an insult. :D
  5. @Spike: > This thread is now about the blue eyed master race.
  6. You're doing this the wrong way round. Base the name off the game, not the game off the name.
  7. @Robin: > ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls. It's like Inception.
  8. @Rithy58: > My thought exactly. > > I read some more about the layout and I want to switch but it's gonna be a problem when I go to school. Unless I carry around my keyboard and changes Layout every time I use the computer, it's not gonna work. My school doesn't allow electronic so laptop is out of question, not to mention, what do I do with laptop? > > Is it possible to be able to type with both layout and switches whenever I need to? > > Sincerely, > Rithy Touch typed would be a lot harder if you used both on a regular basis, but it should be alright, I would think.
  9. It's amazing that you managed to switch keyboard layout when it _wasn't even labelled_.
  10. When I lived a little further north than I do now, the skies were always really clear, but NOTHING like that. One of the perks of living in the arse-end of nowhere.
  11. @Robin: > Yeah! I agree with what that guy said! That's how I feel when Stephan talks about ANYTHING. I wish I were smrt.
  12. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/429778_2960819738482_969114947_n.jpg)
  13. @Jungle: > What OS is that? Linux Mint Ubuntu turned to complete shit.
  14. Been away for ages. Here's me now.
  15. I disliked Steve Jobs & Apple. I dislike Microsoft, but at least Bill Gates isn't a _complete_ arsehole.
  16. The map looks good. However… There is very little room for players to actually move.
  17. Dual booting is easy, but completely pointless if all you're going to do on one of those operating systems is play some hobbyist's excuse of an MORPG.
  18. Drummerpete


    @Nothing: > Hmmm, well if you read my above post I said anything that would sound good. Also I haven't completely figured out what I'm going to make my game about yet so I don't know what else to say. Thanks for trying to help and answering my question with another question…O_O. > > **-Nothing** Before you think of a subtitle to describe your game, find out what your game is about…
  19. I'm not a fan of it. The extra letter is off-putting for me.
  20. @JBA: > PETE! Oh wow, its been a while. I think somewhere in the depths of my computer I have the music track that you made for me. It's a shame, it was fantastic and I never put it to use. Pretty sure I still have it XD
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