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Everything posted by Drummerpete

  1. @Funky: > Just clocked in my 703rd hour of Black Ops tonight. > I can safely say I'm probably the best Black Ops player on 360 on the forum, hah. > Side note: add me and let's play sometime: Funky Jammer = GT. > > I'm about 22k+ positive kills over deaths, 1.74 k/d. Just under 50k total kills. > 1100+ ballistic knife kills. > 15k galil kills. > 15 prestige, level 50. I have a girlfriend.
  2. Drummerpete


    How can we give you a subtitle for your game, that would actually be meaningful, when we know nothing about your game?
  3. @Broojo: > Cool, I would do it with a 250px increase and a 0.3s transition time. Looks more clean :P The thumbnails are 200px, the full image size is 400px, which is why it only increases 200px
  4. @Jungle: > That's very cool! If you made multiple lines of those images it would work perfectly, right? Just updated it to show it with 6 images. Enjoy. :D
  5. I think this could be a very interesting contest, if it was set up right.
  6. I recently created an image gallery for use at my portfolio. It's a pure CSS gallery and works in the latest version of all major browsers. It has yet to be tested on old versions of IE, although I find myself struggling to care. Feel free to use and edit the gallery as you will. The only thing I ask is that you don't re-distribute it and claim it as your own work. Comments would also be appreciated. http://pete-murray.co.uk/gallery/
  7. If you're still looking at desktop gaming rigs http://www.arbico.co.uk/product.php?pid=100014 I'm interested in that. The website seems incredible.
  8. Currys was doing some good deals the other week, might want to check up there.
  9. Drummerpete


    Natural selection. 'nuff said.
  10. Drummerpete

    Today 18.

    I always thought you were younger. Congrats :D Have fun getting wasted. :D
  11. Drummerpete

    Dubstep =)

    Only dubstep I've really liked is Skrillex. I like a few other songs but they are few and far apart. inb4 THAT'S NOT DUBSTEP
  12. There's no reaction image for my expression right now.
  13. "The Game that Spawns Hatred"?
  14. ![](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/254730_250879548267519_100000364282973_886100_3356627_n.jpg)
  15. @S.J.R.: > This is why when I read that someone knows PHP, that I won't ever hire him or her, because he or she certainly lacks knowledge about cryptography & security. > > Yours faithfully > Stephan. Looking at the first 3 tutorials on W3Schools.com is what all the pros do.
  16. @Scott: > send a GET request form the server like page.php?user=username&pass=password. Because that's safe.
  17. @Anna: > Where have you been in America, Blindy? How's he to know, he can't see the signs!
  18. >>robin (WIP) >>appropriate reaction image
  19. So, today, I'm going home for a month or two. There's no internet at my mum's so I'll rarely be on, if at all.
  20. If you can't get palette swapping to work, just include loads of paperdolls. It's the easiest way… Although it could use up a lot of space.
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