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Everything posted by xelander

  1. xelander

    Card Games

    @Henrik As I mentioned in OP, I am probably going to start playing Magic, and I am interesting in a White-blue deck, however since I don't have a huge budget right now, I'm thinking of getting a Event Deck, more specifically, Inspiring Heroics Event Deck, my friend lent me that very deck when he was teaching me Magic, and it seemed really fun style, however how worthwhile are Event decks in general? Will I able to hold myself at casual locals, what are some singles to consider?
  2. xelander

    Card Games

    With the increased interest for card games, I'd love to have some discussion about it! What card games do you play? Which ones have you tried? For how long? What do you like/not like about it? I currently play Weiss Schwarz and will be participating in a tournament tomorrow, I have previously played Yu-gi-oh and Hearthstone, and I have tried out Vanguard previously, and just recently got introduced to Magic, I'm considering starting to play it. What I like about Weiss Schwarz aside from the cute anime pictures is the rather high skillcap, yet possible to win no matter what situation with the luck, it is also what I dislike, that you can lose due to bad luck as well. I stopped playing yugioh since I can't really afford it in real life, since, while not as expensive to play in a tournament as in Magic, it requires a bigger budget for just getting started. Hearthstone is not to bad, but I don't enjoy it since it feels to simple, I'd rather play Magic. Magic seems like the perfect card game for me, but I am unsure where to start, I have only recently got introduced to it, and I enjoyed it a lot, and while you can buy an event deck and play casually, playing in a tournament seriously is extremely costly, which a student like me can't really support. Vanguard seems fun, but it doesn't have a lot of depth into it as far as I have seen, and games seems very quick and snowbally.
  3. Is it a paid job or free?
  4. Eclipse Advanced? When did this happen.
  5. I want an open source Music player that is easily customizable that is available for android.
  6. > Best room is best. I guess you didn't see the lube on my table, does this guy have lube? I think not.
  7. I'll be honest and say I only read the one I'm in, and laughed at myself.
  8. xelander


    Blunder of the year.
  9. Does Code::Blocks count as an engine?
  10. Sorry, my nightmare is not a gaint dog shooting lazers at taco's, I'm not fat so I won't sob over food.
  11. I think he's referring to the huge blue glowing clump of melt plastic
  12. Oh me? Oh you know, nothing, just living RIGHT BESIDE THE FRIDGE MATES. ![](http://i.imgur.com/C1HyleD.jpg)
  13. Just dumping some information for those sceptical about the prices. It's not only a tune you're buying, you're practically buying the license to own that tune, and use it in your game *without any copyright problems. 50 euro for a whole album is**very cheap, and there's a lot of promotions on the site, as well as a huge set of choices, and if none fits your need, you can order a custom tune for as little as 30€-60€ a minute, I'd like to remind you that hiring a local music composer will cost you at least double that, if they're an amateur, a professional could easily charge a lot more. If you are serious about your game and on a low budget, this is what you need. *Without any copyright problems - You'll have to run the normal licensing procedure to own the tune though. **very cheap - Very cheap compared to what I know off, and especially quality wise. Edit: I'd like to mention that an average higher up(as in a job for people who is educated, not higher up as in boss positions and so on) pay in my country is 5,5k euro +/- 1k before taxes, 50-200€ is not a lot, however if you're living in like Croatia and you're earning 800€ a month, you might want to consider something else.
  14. I could do something, send me a PM with some info and we could work something out.
  15. Well I simply stated a way to acquire new members, most clueless people do not realize it's buggy, and they do not care whenever it's open source or not, so I think it's a good start. Naturally, there's a lot more you can do, and that we all should do, it's just a matter of figuring out what.
  16. You guys are too stuck up with the problem, try to see a solution, even if it's straight out dumb, share it because it might give other people ideas. People naturally lose interest in things, there was an era with a lot of interest in making your own ORPG, which lead to a huge growth in the Eclipse community, but as time passes, the site just let it go. People left because they lost interest, but no one came to replace them, and Eclipse became hidden, not a lot of people hear about it, so there's not a lot of interest built around it. I'm sort of coming up with things as I write, but I believe that an investment in advertising would be nice, I was actually planning something once I get my pay at the end of the month, since I have had it quite short of money as of recently, but I believe even free advertising such as forum signatures, and viral marketing would help.
  17. I would do it, but I don't have any portfolio available.
  18. @Marsh, just remove it, it's horribly off topic. As far as the topic goes, I can personally recommend a few people from what I know about their programming **skills purely**. xXaden is a very talanted programmer, but however he does have a bit of a dodgy background, however he is nonetheless a **very** exceptional programmer. I'll get bashed for this, but xX procoder Xx is actually a decent programmer as far as I know, but he does have the… slight problematic way of writing. Marsh is a veteran, a solid man indeed, I don't actually know a lot about Marsh when it comes to his personality, but he seems pretty chill. Aeirex is quite good, however he doesn't debug his code a lot if I remember correctly, leaving it prone to bugs and stuff. I don't know a lot about how well Crest is, but he's an alright guy, but he does have some projects already, and I think he can have some problems with real life occasionally(don't quote me on this).
  19. I feel like a lot of the water looks like ice, is that only me?
  20. I'd like a barebone engine, with huge plugin support, allowing things likes side scroller through plugin.
  21. He wants a pokemon engine and he has been asking this in the shoutbox a few times, and he gets the same answer every time, and just ignores it.
  22. > I have gotten the server to run on Linux with wine once, although I no longer have ubuntu :L And I forget the packages you need something to do with the core files for vb6 and eclipse dll's. Oh VB6 got that to work on ubuntu also its posible I'm talking out of the box wine, you can run it on Mac as well with a bit of work.
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