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Everything posted by Lukin

  1. I like them. Especially the colors used for the hair on the girl goes together well. :P
  2. Lukin

    Logo for Gaming team

    It's not even centered.. D: And other than that it's a gradient on an oval with a few cuts in it, try again imo. xD
  3. Lukin

    Logo for Gaming team

    Considering those edges wouldn't be there if you made the basic shapes yourself, I think you should redo it, and make it from scratch. :P
  4. The idle animation looks fine imo, although remember that once you start to make items for the sprite to wear, you will get more frames to make for every single item. I would just make the character blink or something instead while idle. (I'm lazy.)
  5. Lukin

    Improving Pixels

    I'd suggest using an outline to make them stand out more.
  6. … Belldandy? If those are wings I'd suggest making feathers as well, not just as one solid piece. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  7. I like the new rocks, the black outlined grass seems too much though.
  8. You might hold a staff like that, but holding a sword straight up like that seems a bit odd to me.
  9. Depends on what style you're going for imo, if you want the game to look low res, take the first one, if you want a more detailed game, why not improve the new one?
  10. Lukin

    Font opinion

    They all look blurry.
  11. Feels like I've seen these before..
  12. First tree looks flat, not sure if it's the edge that does it. The roof in the other screenie doesn't tile too well, and not sure what the green by the stumps in the second screenie is, looks way too bright to be shadowed grass. Otherwise it looks pretty good, especially the grass and stone tiles in the first screenshot. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  13. Lukin

    Some Weapons

    Hard to explain what I didn't like, so made a small edit of what I thought looked odd. [attachment=325:y3Kw0.png]
  14. Lukin

    Some Weapons

    The 3rd and 5th weapon from the left doesn't look as good as the rest in my opinion, think it has to do with the jaggy outline.
  15. Lukin

    Grass tile

    I'd say 3 if we are talking color here, although I think you should improve the tile a bit more. Right now it seems like a blurry green mess that will not tile too great.
  16. I wouldn't recommend showing off something you've made in two minutes. Put some time into your work!
  17. Lukin

    3D thingie

    Going from lolipop to that in 5 hours seems very unlikely to me, but it looks good. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  18. Lukin


    I like them, but I honestly don't think you should upload them in better quality as there are lots of people who like to take things and claim them as their own. xD Anyway, you could perhaps upload bigger versions of your work as well, so we can see it in more detail.
  19. Lukin

    3D thingie

    Nevermind, confused you with the first guy with a similar avatar. Anyway, I think it would fit with the game for now as we don't even know if it's 4 or 8 direction movement, as it's just a screenshot showing off graphics. So why not just assume it might be fitting? xD A sprite of similar style would still fit with the 3D graphics.
  20. Lukin

    3D thingie

    I know you do, but still, when the first post you make is you saying isometric is 3D objects rendered into 2D, it makes me facepalm really really hard.
  21. Lukin

    3D thingie

    You do complain a whole lot Anosora, even though it doesn't seem that you know very much of what you're talking about.. Anyway. I think the sprite fits with the rest of the graphics, just because some things are 3D doesn't mean everything has to be. Like this is a game I'm following which uses pixel art for the sprites/items and so on, while the maps are hand drawn, it makes it sort of unique and unlike other games, just like this would make it unique with 3D graphics. ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/217926_125636657578162_1361324446_n.jpg)
  22. Lukin


    Looks good but just save them as PNG. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Use Photobucket or something instead, I use it for all the pics I upload on sites.
  23. > I agree with Phantom. I think moving the eyes down was a bad call on my part. > > Are they supposed to be looking down? I think that needs fixing instead. More or less like so: > > ![](http://i46.tinypic.com/343kzlx.png) That just looks weird. My version: ![](http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo216/LukinT1/herpderp-1.png)
  24. ![](http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo216/LukinT1/herpderp-1.png)
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