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Everything posted by Robin

  1. @CalebTH: > I'm using VB6 Portable, yes. I don't know how I would get a custom version of Eclipse when I downloaded it via this site. > > How does one make a "txtChat"? Then maybe you should have read our tutorial on installing vb6\. :]
  2. The text box reverted to a picture box because of a licensing issue. Reinstall and download a fresh source.
  3. @Pryex: > Hey. Not to question your most gigantic of stick moves. BUt Hippoman here's had a nice long break to think things through. Shouldn't you at least try to give him another chance before shamelessly flaming him? He is getting a second chance. He would have been banned on sight otherwise. Doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly turn in to his best pal, though. Besides I wasn't even flaming him. Was some harmless banter. ;)
  4. Vendetta? Don't be silly. You're just annoying.
  5. Make sure you're running enterprise or professional and you have sp6 installed.
  6. Robin

    VB6 Crashes

    @Erwin: > Kinda annoying if your bug testing and client errors and VB6 crashes all the time.. > Fix please This is simply how the library works. Asking me to fix something I have no control over in an unsupported engine is just selfish. Fmod is only used in crystalshire and there is already a way of avoiding the issue. Simply set the skip constant to true. It should be at the top of modConstants. @Serenade: > Oh, I was fearing that. > I Guess I'll have to transfer all my stuff to a HDD. > > Is there really no other option? That's just Microsoft for you. A good format every couple of months is good for you. ;)
  7. All these years and you're still just 16\. I feel old.
  8. @Furrzie: > And I'm sorry Robin but how rude, you are one of the rudest people I have ever met. You don't know what I can do so who are you to judge me? And if you ban me because of my opinion, than so be it. At least I tried to make something different, And i failed so what. Think of how many times everyone fails before they get one success. Next time ill just work on projects in secret and release them when there done. I know perfectly well what you can do. I've been doing this for half my life. You're not doing anything different. You're not doing anything unique. Hundreds of people before you have come on here and said the exact same thing. Better people have tried and failed. 35,000 members, 650,000 posts, 7 1/2 years and no one else has ever managed to release a remotely usable engine.
  9. Robin

    My logo

    @Azkanan: > Not true. I used to put stuff out like he has done about 6 years ago, look at me now. > > I'm putting stuff out like he has done, but smaller. Pixel-size smaller. > > Fact: Practice makes Perfect, with the addition of Tutorials and Constructive Criticism. Your graphics are still shit, bro.
  10. @ZoSo: > Nah i just forgot what happend to Magdreamer :P. > Or dunno, i dont know if i got reminded you were Magdreamer or if i just forgot. > > But i was shocked in a weird way :P. What the fuck, bro. xD
  11. ![](http://i.imgur.com/qmlOx.jpg)
  12. I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest it's your combat mod.
  13. @NamelessSoul: > Wut? I aint even mad. > And, you get the point. The more you try and argue with me the more wrong you are.
  14. Robin

    This is it

    @Pinkamina: > The forum's gone to shit, yeah. I was never about the games. I go into the WIP board maybe once every four months. When I was active it was because everything posted was hilarious and I loved the people here and had a bunch of friends here. I don't have friends here anymore, so I barely ever come online. It's just the state of Eclipse. I really don't care for it anymore. I'd stop coming altogether but it's bookmarked and I'd feel like a shithead deleting the bookmark because of all the great times. > > I don't blame Robin. I feel like he's sped it up. I definitely don't like him, not one bit. But I don't blame him. It's no one's fault, it's simply that Eclipse has changed on its own. Then leave already. Coming on just to post in threads complaining about the forum is plain stupid. You don't have friends here any more because you don't come on to make friends any more. You come on to bitch about how nothing is the same and how you don't have any friends. You make friends by becoming an active part of the community, spending days here at a time just chatting away. If you don't do that then how the hell do you expect to meet anyone new? It's like going to a new University class once or twice then quitting because you don't know anyone. It actually requires effort to meet new people. The fact that you're blaming me for accelerating a process which came about through your own actions is absolutely hilarious.
  15. Welcome to the programming cycle. You'll learn to deal with it eventually. ;]
  16. The GUI looks like utter shite. Write your own text rendering system and stick to 8-bit graphics for everything.
  17. Robin

    This is it

    @Muffen: > I have been an artist for years now, I have gone to collage for graphic design, and have pixeled for hundreds of games. Yet people still treat me like I know nothing when I post. I have tried to talk to people in the shoutbox friendly, but some members say "I don't talk to noobs". That happen to me the other day, that's when I realized how bad this site is becoming. I'd say it's a hell of a lot better than it used to be. I tend to slap anyone who assumes. Hell, back when I first started I got all kinds of shit from the veterans. I was constantly harassed through PMs and forum posts from people telling me to stop meddling in matters I didn't understand and to stop assuming I knew what I was talking about. Was a year or so of posting high-level theory lectures, practical speed test results and all kinds of tutorials that people finally stopped assuming I was some kid who didn't know how to program. Sitting around complaining that people don't take you seriously isn't going to help at all, however. You need to prove your worth by showing that you know what you're talking about. I still get people who use my engine, steal my graphics, take all my software choices and try in every single way to copy everything I do… then turn around, claim I don't know what I'm talking about and call me an idiot. **tl;dr:** People are dicks regardless of environment or time.
  18. Put in your Windows disk. Delete all the partitions and create a new one. Format and install. Done.
  19. @Jungle: > Yeah, but the dictators always get power drunk. No they don't.
  20. @NamelessSoul: > Anyone who has used Dim x As y or Public x As y, would know what the fuck I'm talking about. Kid, calm the fuck down. It's called a constant. Not a 'dim'. What you posted was pure bullshit.
  21. Democracy doesn't work because the general population is stupid. What we need is a good dictatorship.
  22. He means you should use constants for calculations. He just doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
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