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Everything posted by Driocku

  1. gwen your 3 months late my b-day was sep 18
  2. If you join any army, steal a vehicle along with a bunch of ammunition; hide in the mountains shooting anyone who goes by. Well thats for the infantry(sexists) Army sucks, its where the people who can't make money on their own or were raised with too much pride in their stupidly oblivious country go. I am not allowed to be recruited into the army due to mental instability.
  3. I could prolly explain it but I'm high from all the sugar in the cheesecake I recently ate. Also *Shoots Marsh* thats what you get for making your forum delete my avatar.
  4. So confusing, this is why 3d is better, we don't have to deal with the inadequacy of square tiles creating a total land mass that can never be circular/spherical in any sense and for some reason I have lost all knowledge of what I was talkin about
  5. "seamless zones" called scrolling maps, eventually it would need to end unless you figured out some kick ass way for it to keep going. but are computers had to be stupid and make a maximum limit for things.
  6. aww your no fun marsh. Still it would be more logical for a monster to chase you rather than just stopping
  7. Marsh an awesomer system would be allowing npcs to cross between maps, that way players can't escape as easily :D
  8. I think I'm half and half, I first saw the dolphins then saw the dirty porn
  9. Your night system appears a bit grainy/speckled, may tempt more people to use your services if you made it smoother and less speckly(stare at it closely and you shall see)
  10. Albert J, Drury or somthing Gender: M Race: Caucasian Hair: Eye: Brown Height: 5.06 Weight: 160 Age: 49 53a-49/53a-72a - Criminal attempt to commit sexual assault 3rd Only 2 miles from me :D
  11. *turns into the gender opposite of the target and has sex with them*
  12. If condoms aren't working use a candy wrapper their much more durable
  13. @defendersdef: > nice, shaded, well ballenced, and not to big, 10/10 for you being a newb and making this :D newb means nothing, there are "newbs" who could pwn us in the gfx department; registration time on this website doesn't mean they suck although that is true for a large majority better sword then I could make :D
  14. @defendersdef: > who dosent like pikachu? > ![](http://img2.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/4984d25fb43cba689762b930410bde4f1226889859_full.jpg) I found a trace of dignity, HER SHOES; they aren't pikachu style
  15. Macs suck and if they have a mac they shouldn't be here since they can't use eclipse :P
  16. *shoots all singers of the song that never ends* did it end now?
  17. Driocku

    Board Groups

    Marsh must have a debt to Tylian or something
  18. Driocku

    Board Groups

    how did the ninja group survive?
  19. don't touch my kusil, she/he is mine. also MABINOGI CLeaRANCE SAle ON PETS, better buy the ones that are being removed before december comes
  20. or demonic mutatious gelatinous super gooey jelly slimes
  21. Stop dying topic of awesome,you must survive for another 50 years
  22. I introduce to you…. Kenpachi Fried Chicken ![](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/128/6/6/Kenpachi_Fried_Chicken__final_by_frontsideair.png)
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