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Everything posted by Richy420Rich

  1. Is it not as simple as just making PlayerRec and all Player related types an array (1 To 3), then ~~rewrite~~ replace the entire core to allow the array setting, and then just record the value of which character is logged in? :D
  2. Peach, I can eat a peach for ho- Owait nvm. :P
  3. You still taking on requests, Rob? Can you fix the rendering issue for dynamic sprites that are taller than 32px that still render behind the fringe map tiles above them? The problem exists in both DX7/8 versions.
  4. Someone who steals is highly unlikely to get a game released anyways, in most cases. Still too much work for them to map good maps and create items/npcs. :P Only thing worrying is if they steal with an intent to selling those resources raw. Because as I said. ^^
  5. Although on DX7\. We'd use a hack tile that created a dark effect, by leaving every other pixel of the tile transparent while the other part would be black. :P
  6. Being as EO4 and EV are two totally different languages, it'll be very difficult to convert EO4 to EV. So I don't see there being any converters or any possible porting happening. As for scripting on EO4\. I once heard that JC was planning on a scripting feature, the only problem is (because he offers server hosting also), is how easy it would be to send scripts to the server that can harm the servers on his end. AFAIK, he's still trying to figure out harmful script preventions. Not really a clear answer on whether there will ever be one or not. All in all, if you've done a lot on EO4\. I would recommend sticking to it, not only does it give experience and feedback to improvement, but also can be used as a blueprint to something greater if you ever wish to re-create it on a future engine.
  7. I was the creator of Modification(S) but… > Modification(S) is a dropped & un-supported custom version. Meaning, good luck finding someone who even has Modification(S) 2.6 these days.
  8. Speaking of contests prizes, how about time for prize? Let's say the contest starter is a good programmer, offer a coded system to the winner. (Exception on EO4 users) Or someone great at mapping, offer a couple maps to the winner. Or someone great at pixel art, offer a couple pixels to the winner. Or someone great at logo/banners, offer a game logo/banner to the winner. Or someone great at writing, offer a story plot to the winner. Of course we'd not want someone like Sky to create a mapping contest because Sky is very good at mapping, he'd want to partake. Same as we'd not want someone like Matt to create a programming contest because he'd partake. Nah, we don't want Agora to create a writing contest, because he'd partake. So a contest starter would have to make a contest which they don't care much to partake in, and offer the reward for which they're strong suited in. The incentive is for game development because the forum is Eclipse development. I find little reason for custom groups, it involves admins, and as I said before, they only need to be serving me coffee and adding arcade games on the forums.
  9. Modification(S) is a dropped & un-supported custom version.
  10. My blog is this: Eclipse Origins 4.0 is a marketing engine, while still being in VB6\. Many users of old escaped the programming language that is still being used here. Eclipse V is still in the works, while Eclipse V is not opened for public marketing, the reason for the lack of users lies with the users preference of engine. Community, defined as being members interacting with each other on a close basis. Admins and Mods really have naught to do with this action, but rather they are to supervise the process of interactions. Admins and Mods need to be giving me coffee, adding more arcade games on the forums and fixing EO 4 bugs, these are those granted Admin positions and must supply their consumers. /trollface Seriously though, making Eclipse members stay, starts with the members itself. Mods and Admins are there to run the forum, dictate multiple situations and keep it all clean and safe.
  11. Might be off-topic but the point is on-topic. 1\. To be perfectly honest, Eclipse based games really don't get that far, the reasons are black and white. The market now and days demand something cross-platform, mobile and facebook. To grab an audience outside of this market, it's going to require major advertising, simply put. 2\. Eclipse game developers, as great as they can be. Most (if not all), reasons become apparent over the course of their development. They scrap projects in the middle because they start questioning scenarios. 2 A. Why can't I get any players on my game!?!?!?! 2 B. C# > VB6 2 C. Yeah, I'll be your programmer; That is until I get to learning this language and then I'll go solo! 2 D. Meh, what is the point? 2 E. I have job, college, wife, a baby boy on the way. I have to cut my time on this development… I hope my team can hold the game until I get some time back. 2 F. Where's the money? If there's no money to be got, why waste my time? 3\. There's a big difference between creating an engine and creating a game, and most of the Eclipse projects were just a first step to either learning to create a game, or learning a programming language in hopes to creating an engine. Good Eclipse projects? Basically all they were/are, projects. Games are hard to find. :P
  12. Lol that's a weird way for it to work, but if it works. Cool :D
  13. I don't think a converter is possible even, RPG XP Maker and EO are created in two different programming languages, and if by some chance it would be possible, you'd still need an open source of RPG XP Maker to know all of the variables assigned to the map files to even load them and convert them.
  14. I'm not quite sure about the first question, as I've little to none experience with the class generator of EO 4.2. The second question has the answer of no. EO 4.2 saves and loads maps a totally different way than RPG Maker XP does.
  15. ![](http://i.imgur.com/Skf3TGz.png)
  16. Hm yeah, it seems the paperdoll doesn't even render when equipped on the player, so it constitutes as a bug.
  17. I'll try it and see if I can find the issue. Well, it shows the paperdoll in my item editor as being 1.PNG (Folder named paperdolls) It might have something to do with your character system, if you're using the traditional 4 frame or the customizable character. I have no clue lol. I can't even get my sprite showing at the moment.
  18. The .dat file for the account allocates the memory values for NAME_LENGTH and ACCOUNT_LENGTH… Skywards fix would work but you'd have to delete all your accounts before it works correctly, because your existing .dats are already allocated. So since your account name reaches the max of 12, the code as is in EO 2.0 reads 1 character before the actual password. My .dat file is like this: > Richy TESTPASSWORD So it has null characters before the password, which isn't be read by the code, because the Trim$() removes null characters before/after strings. Your .dat file is assumed to be like this: > Mohenjo DaroTESTPASSWORD Try logging in with the last character of your account name + password. oPASSWORD The fix I posted above should have fixed this if this is your problem.
  19. Traditionally a verse would be 8, 12, or 16 bars. It seems that the hook comes in every 4 bars, it wouldn't be easy to rap over. (Speaking of the sampling track). :D Tight tracks though nonetheless.
  20. As for a faster NPC movement in the server. You can change the server loop UpdateMapLogic timer. Right now, it runs every half second. I don't know if there's any harm to changing it, I haven't messed with it personally… However, you'll only want to run the entire process on playable maps so make sure there's a PlayersOnMap check after the Map loop. Throwing NPC's movement logic on the client would be as Carim says, bases of cheating and really not efficient.
  21. It's mainly to due to how the password is read in the server. You have to read the password as (ACCOUNT_LENGTH + 1) Because it grabs the character before the first letter of the password for some odd reason. Just replace the server code function; PasswordOk with this: ``` Function PasswordOK(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Password As String) As Boolean Dim filename As String Dim RightPassword As String * NAME_LENGTH Dim nFileNum As Long If AccountExist(Name) Then filename = App.Path & "\data\accounts\" & Trim$(Name) & ".bin" nFileNum = FreeFile Open filename For Binary As #nFileNum Get #nFileNum, ACCOUNT_LENGTH + 1, RightPassword Close #nFileNum End If If UCase$(Trim$(Password)) = UCase$(Trim$(RightPassword)) Then PasswordOK = True End If End Function ``` This fix was by DaveMax.
  22. Assuming you're asking about the event system; Agora made a very sweet tutorial on the basics of the event system, and I think he covered variables and switches, that can be found here: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128298-eclipse-event-system-tutorial/](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/128298-eclipse-event-system-tutorial/)
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