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Everything posted by Zarnick123

  1. anyways, ambard your still a beast, your game gets better and better everytime i check in. great map and i cant wait to see more stuff in the future
  2. idk, i like barons because it looks real, but im said to say it lacks design. i realize its supposed to be an eclipse but maybe some extra text or something.
  3. this was a great idea for a contest, im using chiefs as my background :cheesy:
  4. So in one of my classes i got extremly bored and this is what i can up with. You can comment or post your own. ![](http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc150/zarnick123/bush_wideweb__470x3570.jpg) I dont like bush ![](http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc150/zarnick123/ObamaBarack.jpg) Did that for fun. For the record i am a fan of Barack
  5. what do ya need help with? i could see what kinda stuff it is and maybe help you out.
  6. Zarnick123

    Guild Wars

    i would join if you could get a teamspeak or vent server. cuz i like voice chat
  7. Zarnick123

    Guild Wars

    i just picked it back up the other day, i made a new guy. im using the "Bring the Pain" build. warrior/monk. im only lvl 4 and only have Factions but if anyone wants to hang ill be around. Username " The Zarnick"
  8. or is it? :cheesy: alright sorry
  9. im only gonna do GUIs for the default menus, im not to good at doing the custom menu graphics but if you give me some pics and graphics from your game then i suppose i could attempt one anasky.
  10. actually the miragefrm background is hardcoded to get a jpg, trust me i had to change it this morning
  11. what version is it? you just put my client in place of urs
  12. well just tell me what kind of picture file is it? jpeg, bmp, GIF cuz i can make you a client that reads those for your pictures
  13. ill edit a client for you to change to a specific extension. what kind do you want?
  14. im not gonna say its bad, cuz its not, but you need to get urself maybe a logo to go in that empty space, the borders and buttons look good, although if you have source i would suggest maybe changing the layout. also what program did u use to edit it? im gonna guess photoshop?
  15. if you have source then u can edit the type of file to a bmp and then your GUI wont have to be a jpeg or a gif file, if you need help just PM me.
  16. yea im selling my account if anyone wants it. you just gotta either paypal or mail me, let me know an offer
  17. i just got VB6 so im still learning the eclipse stuffs :P
  18. hey everyone, the new game i was on went down so im free for a while. id like to get on a good project. PM me if u got one
  19. can you make one for player sprites?
  20. actually im kinda available, since arcadias servers are down… im only part time though
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