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Everything posted by Mellowz

  1. Both right. XD XNA is just a wrapper around DirectX. That sample was using DirectX9, but the engine also supports DirectX10 for those who have a graphics card capable of it.
  2. Bump because I can. **EDIT:** And 999 posts! (-:
  3. @Dami: > jezus christ… > > focking noob xd, its a base, your supposed to fill it on your own... > > ya know, like making your own game? not getting somebody else to make it for ya -.- > > Dami @Celsius: > Are you retarded? I think both of you need to calm down.
  4. Seems like a cool idea. But you'd definitely need an external message file. (8
  5. Aww, thought you were talking about the official Phoenix server for Lineage II. ):
  6. Yes you can. All in-game edits are stored in DAT files, so putting the source files in your game folder will allow you to edit the client and server. Remember to make a back-up.
  7. As a competitive FPS player, I can't stand cheaters. *Resists banning you from the forums* People who cheat suck at the game (hence, the wall hack) and can't aim (hence, the no smoke hack).
  8. They're a bunch of retards if you ask me.
  9. And just a note, Ballie does have access to the SVN.
  10. Umm… there's already a GetPlayerPOINTS() check.
  11. @teh: > okay, i will delete everything again tomorrow… ;) > im gonna sleep now, goodnight So if I TeamView you and register the DLL and OCX files properly it's still going to show that error?
  12. Register msscript.ocx and COMSocketServer.dll.
  13. Here's the fix for those of you who don't want to use the SVN. Open the server, then open frmServer.frm. ``` Private Sub Command30_Click() Dim ClassNum As Long If FileExists("Editor.exe") Then ' We use Val() so we can catch empty results and strings, converting them to 0. ClassNum = Val(InputBox("Which class file would you like to open?", "Choose File", "0")) If FileExists("Classes\Class" & ClassNum & ".ini") Then Call Shell(App.Path & "\Editor.exe Classes\Class" & ClassNum & ".ini", vbNormalNoFocus) Else Call MsgBox("The file 'Classes\Class" & ClassNum & ".ini' could not be found.", vbOKOnly, "Error") End If Else Call MsgBox("The eclipse editor cannot be found!", vbOKOnly, "Error") End If End Sub ```
  14. This is a bug. Gonna fix it in the latest SVN. The edit button was originally designed to open the Classes\Info.txt file (which no longer is needed). I'll modify it to open class files instead.
  15. Mellowz

    Cant Attack Monsters

  16. Can't re-produce this, but I did find a display issue with this (nothing to do with what you're saying).
  17. @Pete: > Is there any way of someone ducking up past and future versions/codes? You need an account to commit the server. Basically, it's read only. (:
  18. @Pete: > Is there any way of someone ducking up past and future versions/codes? You need an account to commit the server. Basically, it's read only. (:
  19. Later today I'll be making the Eclipse SVN available to the public. **What does this mean?** You'll be able to use TortoiseSVN to connect to the SVN server to manage, view, and control your code. I think this will intrigue developers to help submit additions, bug fixes, and optimizations. You'll be able to download the latest revisions whenever you like and use them with your game. Basically, no more waiting for releases (people will still be making releases for those who don't have the VB6 IDE). I'll be creating a new forum area called "Eclipse Development" and some developement forums will be moved into it (Engine Development, etc). - Mellowz Some features in the current SVN **Eclipse Evolution 2.8** **Eclipse: New Features** **DirectX7 Music** - The client now supports DirectMusic7\. Right now it uses only one buffer (since it's only used for the BGM). Supports many cool sound modifiers, too. **DirectX7 Sound** - The client now supports DirectSound7\. It uses an array of 20 sound buffers (can be changed) to play sounds asynchronously. This engine handles any sound effect, besides MIDI. Supports many cool sound modifiers, too. **Server Debugger** - The server now supports a separate tab which will display any errors the server encounters while running. It will report both packet and scripting errors. Attacking isn't working? Find out the problem by just looking at the debugger. **Classes:** They support default items now for the entire inventory. For example, you can have a specific class start off with basic gear and 10 health potions and another class start off with nothing at all. **Shops:** NPC shops now are all displayed on one page and can support a maximum of 20 items (may change in next BETAs). All bugs have been ironed out. The new shop window still lacks a GUI. **Trading:** The trade system now supports currency and stack able items. All known bugs have been fixed and it's fully functional. The system received a client-side re-write. **Banking:** The bank system now supports currency and stack able items. All known bugs have been fixed and it's fully functional. The system received a client-side re-write. **Partying** The party system received a full re-write and now supports up to 8 members. The party structure has nothing to do with the player array anymore and is now independent. The system supports all the basic party features, such as, but not limited to, changing party leader, sharing experience, and kicking out AFKers. The party commands are: /pcreate, /pdisband, /pinvite, /paccept, /pdecline, and /pleader. **New Configuration Toggles:** * EngineSpeed - Controls the speed of the server. This is temporary until the servers timers are fully functional. * MAX_BYTES - Controls the maximum about of bytes the server can receive in 1 second before disconnecting the client. * MAX_PACKETS - Controls the maximum about of packets the server can received in 1 second before disconnecting the client. **Eclipse: Fixed Bugs** **Client/Server Start-up:** Now the server and client can detect a run-time error on start-up and display a message of what's wrong. **Wrong X/Y Coordinates:** Sometimes when moving you'll lose your coordinates and you end up in the wrong spot client-side causing all sorts of problems. Other cases such as warping, kill tiles, and death have been fixed too. **Map Items Stuck:** When on the map for over two minutes, any dropped items will become stuck and new items won't appear. **Custom Players:** When Custom is set to 1 (Custom is now CustomPlayerGFX, by the way), the graphics would not be visible on the new character screen or in-game. **Bank Exploit:** The bank allowed you to deposit negative amounts of items creating "new" items in your inventory for the amount deposited. **Trade Exploit:** The trade system allowed you to drop equipment after it was finalized in the trade window. **Warping Exploit:** You could warp to maps that surround the map you're currently on using malformed packets. **Blting NPC Damage:** When attacking or killing an NPC, if you switch targets, the damage will appear over the new targets head until it's removed by the client. **Minor Bugs:** Tons of minor bugs have been ironed out in both the client and server. **Eclipse: Optimizations** **Byte Headers** All packets are now sent as bytes (even though they're converted to strings for the time being). This will make packets a bit smaller and the select case's on both the server and client perform much faster when comparing numbers instead of strings. **Minor Optimizations:** Hundreds of sub-routines and functions in both the client and server have been re-written to run at maximum speed. **Eclipse: Removals** **News Editor:** The news editor has been removed from the server and is now a stand-alone application. **VB Music Player (VBMP):** The client no longer relies on this to play music or sound. The OCX file has been removed from the client distribution.
  20. Later today I'll be making the Eclipse SVN available to the public. **What does this mean?** You'll be able to use TortoiseSVN to connect to the SVN server to manage, view, and control your code. I think this will intrigue developers to help submit additions, bug fixes, and optimizations. You'll be able to download the latest revisions whenever you like and use them with your game. Basically, no more waiting for releases (people will still be making releases for those who don't have the VB6 IDE). I'll be creating a new forum area called "Eclipse Development" and some developement forums will be moved into it (Engine Development, etc). - Mellowz Some features in the current SVN **Eclipse Evolution 2.8** **Eclipse: New Features** **DirectX7 Music** - The client now supports DirectMusic7\. Right now it uses only one buffer (since it's only used for the BGM). Supports many cool sound modifiers, too. **DirectX7 Sound** - The client now supports DirectSound7\. It uses an array of 20 sound buffers (can be changed) to play sounds asynchronously. This engine handles any sound effect, besides MIDI. Supports many cool sound modifiers, too. **Server Debugger** - The server now supports a separate tab which will display any errors the server encounters while running. It will report both packet and scripting errors. Attacking isn't working? Find out the problem by just looking at the debugger. **Classes:** They support default items now for the entire inventory. For example, you can have a specific class start off with basic gear and 10 health potions and another class start off with nothing at all. **Shops:** NPC shops now are all displayed on one page and can support a maximum of 20 items (may change in next BETAs). All bugs have been ironed out. The new shop window still lacks a GUI. **Trading:** The trade system now supports currency and stack able items. All known bugs have been fixed and it's fully functional. The system received a client-side re-write. **Banking:** The bank system now supports currency and stack able items. All known bugs have been fixed and it's fully functional. The system received a client-side re-write. **Partying** The party system received a full re-write and now supports up to 8 members. The party structure has nothing to do with the player array anymore and is now independent. The system supports all the basic party features, such as, but not limited to, changing party leader, sharing experience, and kicking out AFKers. The party commands are: /pcreate, /pdisband, /pinvite, /paccept, /pdecline, and /pleader. **New Configuration Toggles:** * EngineSpeed - Controls the speed of the server. This is temporary until the servers timers are fully functional. * MAX_BYTES - Controls the maximum about of bytes the server can receive in 1 second before disconnecting the client. * MAX_PACKETS - Controls the maximum about of packets the server can received in 1 second before disconnecting the client. **Eclipse: Fixed Bugs** **Client/Server Start-up:** Now the server and client can detect a run-time error on start-up and display a message of what's wrong. **Wrong X/Y Coordinates:** Sometimes when moving you'll lose your coordinates and you end up in the wrong spot client-side causing all sorts of problems. Other cases such as warping, kill tiles, and death have been fixed too. **Map Items Stuck:** When on the map for over two minutes, any dropped items will become stuck and new items won't appear. **Custom Players:** When Custom is set to 1 (Custom is now CustomPlayerGFX, by the way), the graphics would not be visible on the new character screen or in-game. **Bank Exploit:** The bank allowed you to deposit negative amounts of items creating "new" items in your inventory for the amount deposited. **Trade Exploit:** The trade system allowed you to drop equipment after it was finalized in the trade window. **Warping Exploit:** You could warp to maps that surround the map you're currently on using malformed packets. **Blting NPC Damage:** When attacking or killing an NPC, if you switch targets, the damage will appear over the new targets head until it's removed by the client. **Minor Bugs:** Tons of minor bugs have been ironed out in both the client and server. **Eclipse: Optimizations** **Byte Headers** All packets are now sent as bytes (even though they're converted to strings for the time being). This will make packets a bit smaller and the select case's on both the server and client perform much faster when comparing numbers instead of strings. **Minor Optimizations:** Hundreds of sub-routines and functions in both the client and server have been re-written to run at maximum speed. **Eclipse: Removals** **News Editor:** The news editor has been removed from the server and is now a stand-alone application. **VB Music Player (VBMP):** The client no longer relies on this to play music or sound. The OCX file has been removed from the client distribution.
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