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Everything posted by Baron

  1. Baron

    Sign problem

    ``` x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) ' Handle when the player presses the return key If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then If Player(MyIndex).y - 1 > -1 Then ' THE MAP NEEDS A NUMBER SO IT KNOWS WHICH MAP. LIKE THIS: ' The expected array is that the code is expecting you to specify an index in the Map array. If Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(x, y - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_SIGN If Player(MyIndex).Dir = 0 Then Call AddText("The Sign Reads:" & Trim$(Map.Tile(x, y - 1).Data4), Yellow) Exit Sub End If End If End If ```
  2. Baron

    Sign problem

    You turkey. your map needs an index.
  3. Baron

    Sign problem

    ``` x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) ' Handle when the player presses the return key If KeyAscii = vbKeyReturn Then If Player(MyIndex).y - 1 > -1 Then If Map.Tile(x, y - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_SIGN If Player(MyIndex).Dir = 0 Then Call AddText("The Sign Reads:" & Trim$(Map.Tile(x, y - 1).Data4), Yellow) Exit Sub End If End If End If ``` try splitting the statement into two seperate logical checks like so, one for the sign type, one for the direction. show us where it errors. I've also gone and poked through the source in older versions and extracted this: ``` If Player(MyIndex).y - 1 > -1 Then If Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_SIGN And Player(MyIndex).Dir = DIR_UP Then Call AddText("The Sign Reads:", BLACK) If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String1) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String1), GREY) End If If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String2) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String2), GREY) End If If Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String3) vbNullString Then Call AddText(Trim$(Map(GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)).Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).String3), GREY) End If Exit Sub End If End If ```
  4. Baron

    First map

    @Jimmy93: > >! ![](http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/535238_272038279548879_173502652735776_633633_569384236_n.jpg) I like it. Its a bit bland through the larger forested sections, and indeed the roads are a bit square, but if you applied the same style consistently through the whole game it could work well I think. A solution to this is seeing if you can get some more varied trees, similar to the way games like chrono trigger and things have done historically like so: http://www.chronotrigger.info/pics/ctpics/maps/map-1000-guardia-forest.gif
  5. Baron

    Sign problem

    silly question grim, show us your definition for the data4 ?
  6. @Grim: > yea i also want to know how to encrypt the graphics i have :? Did you even read the thread?
  7. @Sicarii: > besides…if they are using original work that you created it would more than likely be known that you created it/them to the people that matter. Feel good that others desire your graphics and if you are really concerned about it copyright your data. Imitation / duplication is after all, the msot sincere form of flattery :)
  8. @Anna: > -snip- > Streamline the game and interface design. > -snip- I find Annas comments well grounded in this regard. While it is sometimes convenient to have all the features at your fingertips, the presentation and organisation of this data into subcategories will aid new players learning experiences and improve player retention. I love the complexity you're going for and encourage you to continue, great work.
  9. Baron

    Iso Tiles

    I think it really needs a shadow layer to help differentiate the different heights. Other than that they're rather good.
  10. That is just a quick muck around, I could have pushed it further quite easily, but the tutorials give you an amazing starting point.
  11. @Rithy58: > -snip- Yeah im fairly certain thats the exact same one I used when implementing it for EE. Zlib and all. Bloody marvelous. EDIT - Bloody glad you had it mate, I'd lost the link a long time ago, I'd have to go dig through my Zeta builds.
  12. There is a method that was in the older eclipse versions for encrypting your graphics. It utilised an encryption algorithm that was decrypted only at runtime on a blit. This meant that the graphics didn't even sit in the memory buffer to be yoinked via third party utilities. Without the source code to retrieve the decryption sequence it was difficult to compromise, even for a knowledgable programmer. I would recommend you start your search in the older codebases.
  13. Baron


    DrNova > happy birthday, and your therapist should learn to fear the voices. We think she needs more fire.
  14. Sample of tutorial standards (about 20 min with some mucking around) EDIT - Resized So its visible. ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/Destiny.png)
  15. Crest, you should check out http://abduzeedo.com/tutorials a very good pro level set of tutorials for effects.
  16. Love your speedpaint work! Been a fan of the style for a long time, especially liked this one: http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3a903df745e53adada057f25bbf43139.png
  17. Baron

    Finish game???

    if it's just another computer in the same house, you can use the local IP address of your computer to let others connect (like your dad)
  18. Baron

    Change key walk

    http://www.dreamstime.com/calculator-number-pad-thumb4660657.jpg use the numberpad (you may have to turn off the numbers by pressing the num lock key) the 4,8,6,2 numbers can also be used as arrow keys.
  19. Baron


    @Robin: > It's lovely to see that you're still impressed by features which were used in Morrowind over 10 years ago. What can I say, sometimes its not a ground breaking new feature that makes a game, but a solid combination of all the little niceties one has seen before.
  20. Baron


    @Murdock: > Thanks for the compliments guys. > > Made some water, boxes and a few alterations: > > ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3f38e4a61f1465054c27541d0fdb63d7.png) Hehehhehehe, time to crate = 29 posts! not bad at all! FYI time to crate: http://www.oldmanmurray.com/features/39.html > Once we came up with that insight, the actual formula for the world's first completely unbiased review methodology was a trivial matter of applying our many hours spent watching actors portray scientists on television to our hatred of crates. Games can be rated and compared based on the shortest amount of time it takes a player to reach the first crate, which represents the point where the developers ran out of ideas. This number is measured in seconds and is called "Start to Crate" or "StC". The smaller the StC, the worse the game.
  21. Wow, that is like, epicly random. What the hell were they selling?
  22. @abhi2011: > What is RMVX RTP and RMXP and what is DirectDraw. RMVX and RMXP are products by Enterbrain (Enderbrain, i forget) that are used to make single player rpg's. Commercial titles etc publishing to many systems. Directdraw is part of the graphics handling routine for directx based applications, I recommend staying away from it until you have reasonable familiarity with VB6. Others might disagree though, immersion is a powerful teacher. If you just need to make sprites from one work in the other, I recommend getting good with the cut and paste features of a graphical editing software suite, like photoshop or GIMP, or paint.net or one of several others.
  23. @sotvotkong: > but worry not baron gave me the help i needed in his post so no need to worry yourself about pointless topic straying. Just to keep us all clear, the example I posted did not abuse alpha levels at all. it was made ebfore I had added support for that. All i did was put the dirt edge hard up over some grass tiles. ![](http://www.stripedelephants.com/GAMEZ/tiles.jpg) As you can see, sharp edges. It's all about how well you can make it look ~like~ a natural transition.
  24. @Taisune: > EDIT: …My mistake. That particular instance was with another altered source, after examining the code a bit. I went to a friend's house to test and make sure it wasn't just my ISP or router being difficult. As long as the HighIndex is implemented correctly I can't see this causing severe latency issues. The trick is if it has been implemented well I guess. Hard to say as I don't work with EO source, but if Robins previous work is much to go off i'd say its done very well. That and all the other users of the same builds arent experiencing it. So that leaves the next couple of questions then, namely whats the difference between your modified source and a standard EO build?
  25. Baron


    Coming together really nicely mate. +kudos
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