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  1. @lolo21: > also i download the Crystalshire DE and test it and i have sound and music in the problem is with this code aleast for me If it works on CS:DE, then simply study the code there. See how it's done, see how it's been implemented, and try out things you might think will work for your source. You can do it! :)
  2. Turns out that it is just my computer having the load delay, so likely a driver or hardware issue. Meh. Anyway! I got music playing again in another, and likely safer, fashion than before. In Public Sub PlaySound replace: ``` If Not FileExist(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song) Then Exit Sub ``` with ``` If Not FileExist(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song, True) Then Exit Sub ``` The FileExist function is slightly different in EOv2 than it is in CS:DE. This will account for it and enable EOv2 to work properly with CS:DE's music system. As for VB6 crashing when closing the client in run-time, well… I don't know. I'm experiencing that myself, but it has no impact on a compiled version.
  3. I had the same issue as Riordan, and managed to get music playing again by going into **Public Sub PlaySound** and commenting the following out: ``` If Not FileExist(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & song) Then Exit Sub ``` The client takes a while to load everything with this music system added in, though. The process hangs up until the music is loaded into the client for the first time, but any other song after that is fine. Closing the client and starting it again puts it through the same problem. Although, admittedly I deal with the same problem in CS:DE itself, so it _may_ just be the computer I'm using. I'll play around with some spare computers when I get a little more time just in case.
  4. Hey, sorry for the delay! I managed to resolve my particular issue–even if it's possibly just a workaround. :) I replaced: ``` Sub SendDataTo(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Dim TempData() As Byte If IsConnected(index) Then Set Buffer = New clsBuffer TempData = Data Buffer.PreAllocate 4 + (UBound(TempData) - LBound(TempData)) + 1 Buffer.WriteLong (UBound(TempData) - LBound(TempData)) + 1 Buffer.WriteBytes TempData() frmServer.Socket(index).SendData Buffer.ToArray() End If End Sub ``` With: ``` Sub SendDataTo(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer If IsConnected(index) Then Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong (UBound(Data) - LBound(Data)) + 1 Buffer.WriteBytes Data() frmServer.Socket(index).SendData Buffer.ToArray() DoEvents Set Buffer = Nothing End If End Sub ``` Thanks for all the assistance and patience with me thus far. :)
  5. There's not really that much special in my actual project besides a boat transport code. It's simple–every x minutes (checking tickcount) it checks if there are players online at the appropriate maps with a specific item, like a ticket. If all conditions are met, it warps them onto the boat (or off of it and onto their destination, if they were on it before). Besides that, just tutorials like the hot bar fix and such. Even commenting out the boat transport part in my own project with changes over to MAX_PLAYERS didn't help, though. As said earlier, as well, the same predicament is seen in the default EO v2.
  6. Default, ever since I thought it was an issue with my own changes. EDIT: …My mistake. That particular instance was with another altered source, after examining the code a bit. I went to a friend's house to test and make sure it wasn't just my ISP or router being difficult. That said, using the actual default EO 2.0.0 and replacing Player_HighIndex (and commenting out its definition in modGlobals) with MAX_PLAYERS did not seem to change much--if anything. :( I tried similarly with the client by replacing Npc_HighIndex with MAX_MAP_NPCS, and still no difference.
  7. @Erwin: > So replacing all Player_HighIndex's with MAX_PLAYERS would fix it? Doing this opens a completely new can of worms, from the looks of it. Double clicking an item in your inventory to equip it, for instance, now also opens a trade request. It also doesn't (at least, not on LAN) seem to fix anything. Seems there's a bit more to doing this than a simple Ctrl+H replace all.
  8. EO is using HighIndex, yes. That's the likely problem since if the players are on separate maps, the data delay does not occur on those particular maps. The admin chat I put in is exactly like global in EO, with the exception of checking for player access to make sure it can only be used and seen by those with an access above 0. The amazing package uses the constants of MAX_PLAYERS and the like. Could that be it, though?
  9. Just knowing you've fixed it before kept me hopeful. I looked into the Wind's Nocturne source from your programming shop a while back, and the issue is not presenting itself–at least not yet. EDIT: Same with the Amazing Package source from the bundle, but being that they're the same aside from a few special additions on the paid copy that's somewhat obvious I guess.
  10. When I was running through an initial debug test with a few friends, everyone but one person experienced a few seconds of delay in… just about everything. NPC movement, player movement, chat, spells, resources, etc. That one person was always the last to have logged into the server. Using an admin chat mode, there was absolutely no delay--I assumed this was because the only one available in that particular loop was my character, since no others had an access level above 0. Curiosity took hold, so I tested it on WAN again with the same people using a default EO 2.0.0, and got the same results. Thinking it might just be my router after switching to Verizon FiOS or improper configurations, I disconnected my computer from the network and used the default EO 2.0.0 again to see if it was that--and got the same results. (See: youtube video at the bottom of the post) I went through the same procedures with MS3.0.3, MS4 (well, 3.81), Konfuze Milestone, and CS:DE. Konfuze Milestone and MS3.0.3 were fine, and MS4/CS:DE showed the same results as EO 2.0.0 did. The initial computer used was has an AMD Athlon dual core processor, running x86 Windows 7 Home Premium, with 3 GB of RAM. The second computer used runs an i5 processor with x64 Windows 7 Home Premium and 4 GB of RAM. I doubt the hardware was an issue, but had to be sure. Any ideas? ONJL7C8rnLw
  11. Excellent. :) I was thinking first of having it add to GetPlayerRawStat instead, but it's a whole lot easier posting on here than trying to create a workaround. EDIT: If it's any consolation, this issue doesn't occur in the EO Amazing Package.
  12. There appears to be an issue with stats actually saving the bonus from equipment before taking them off. I start out with a new character, all stats 10\. No points. I grant admin access to make the item, spawn it, etc. The item I've made for this test is a weapon with STR+30. I equip it, STR40\. I unequip it, STR10\. No issues. I equip it again, STR40\. Now, I give myself a level through the admin panel. This gives me 3 stat points. I spend one on END and unequip the weapon. STR10\. No issues. I equip it a final time, STR40\. Finally, I spend a point on STR. STR71\. What. I unequip the weapon, STR41. Maybe this is another one of my unusual localized cannot-be-experienced-by-anyone-else issues, but I hope at least there's a fix for this one.
  13. Does it work with the Amazing Package now? I only bought the default one and haven't been doing any work on the source because I've been waiting on this. Any way I could just be sent a working copy by chance? :embarrassed:
  14. I was worried about that, actually. ^_^; I've seen your queue comments in the shout box and knew you were busy, so I went ahead and did that. Glad I could be of some use, though. Everything else in the source is excellent and very simple to understand.
  15. Yes. :( Everything else is fine but that would certainly become problematic, even at just two quests.
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