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Everything posted by JeffSventora

  1. Minimize and maximize? You want to set the form's WindowState property, not the border.
  2. Whoa, never saw that before, very interesting indeed.
  3. Glad to hear! I've been re-working Fusion to take advantage of multiple cores, AKA I'm in the process of multi threading the engine. Should be finished within the next week. ;D
  4. Thanks guys. We had a blast making it, it's far from "complete' and will probably never get there but we were very satisfied with the outcome.
  5. Well, more than 50% of the users are not interested in a C++ version. Regardless, development of the current version will progress as normal, I still might make a client i nC++ at some point though. Thanks for the feedback! Expect some good updates soon ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  6. This is a game that me and four others had to make in 2 months. In reality, we only really programmed the actual game for a month, the first month was all about design and preparation for development. There is a link to the executable, inside is a particle images folder, put that in the root directory of the games install directory. I don't know why they were excluded from the installer. Anyways, the game is pretty hard, not going to lie. the difficulty was something we didn't really have the time to finish but there is plenty of game here. Hope you guys enjoy our hard work! ALSO, check out the credits, I programmed that portion ^^ [Star Wars: The Beat Wars Download](http://www.4shared.com/zip/eD3v6Yhs/BeatWars.html) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/1ae3969e5e1c802dcad8b03182a88425.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#1ae3969e5e1c802dcad8b03182a88425.jpg) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/3813103018e9fb239fedaf9389b590fc.jpg)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#3813103018e9fb239fedaf9389b590fc.jpg)
  7. I guess the only way to know would be to do a speed comparison. Not really sure to be honest, but by all means if this works and you prefer to use your own class do it I just pointing out alternatives ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  8. It's always good to write your own code, but as an alternative you can use the MemoryStream. BinaryWriter & BinaryReader classes to achieve the same goals. Nice though.
  9. It's like listening to people revolt against the Mirage community before it's collapse. I just wish people would not leave because they don't like something but to push for a change.
  10. JeffSventora


    C++ is extremely easy to learn if you get the basics down. Anyone who wants to read a good reference should check out this book, taught me C++ in 2 months. [http://www.amazon.com/Primer-Plus-5th-Stephen-Prata/dp/0672326973/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347636910&sr=1-1&keywords=c%2B%2B+primer+plus+5th+edition](http://www.amazon.com/Primer-Plus-5th-Stephen-Prata/dp/0672326973/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1347636910&sr=1-1&keywords=c%2B%2B+primer+plus+5th+edition)
  11. Well if I did it in C++, I would take a different approach on the rendering as opposed to how I'm doing it in XNA. Think of XNA like using Sprites from DirectX, fixed functionality for 2D Rendering. I would take a heavy shader approach to this one, I'm not sure as to how well SDL copes with GLSL without adding more GL code to your SDL project. Also, my favorite feature, EffectPools and the shared keyword ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  12. In case any of you are wondering what the C++ would look like, this would by what I presume to be the equivalent of the Vector2 class from XNA. I wrote this myself today just for a quick example. ``` #pragma once #include #include #include namespace EclipseLib { class float2 { public: // Union allows for the data to be accessed in different ways union { // Our actual X & Y Coordinates float XY[2]; // Position struct { float x; float y; }; // Texture Coordinates struct { float u; float v; }; }; // Constructors float2(void) : x(0), y(0) {} float2(float v) : x(v), y(v) {} float2(float _xu, float _yv) : x(_xu), y(_yv) {} // Operator Overloads inline float2 operator+(const float2& v) const { return float2(x + v.x, y + v.y); } inline float2 operator-(const float2& v) const { return float2(x - v.x, y - v.y); } inline float2 operator*(const float2& v) const { return float2(x * v.x, y * v.y); } inline float2 operator*(float v) const { return float2(x * v, y * v); } inline float2 operator/(const float2& v) const { return float2(x / v.x, y / v.y); } inline float2 operator/(const float v) const { return float2(x / v, y / v); } inline float2& operator=(const float2& v) { x = v.x; y = v.y; return *this; } inline float2& operator=(const float2&& v) { if(this != &v) { x = std::move(v.x); y = std::move(v.y); } return *this; } inline bool operator==(const float2& v) const { return (x == v.x && y == v.y); } inline float2& operator+=(const float2& v) { x += v.x; y += v.y; return *this; } inline float2& operator-=(const float2& v) { x -= v.x; y -= v.y; return *this; } inline float2 operator*=(const float v) { x *= v; y *= v; return *this; } inline float2 Zero(void) { x = y = 0; return *this; } inline float2 Negate(void) { x = -x; y = -y; return *this; } inline float Dot(const float2& v) const { return (x * v.x) + (y * v.y); } inline friend float DotProduct(const float2& a, const float2& ![B)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//cool.png) { return a.Dot(![B)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//cool.png); } inline float Magnitude(void) const { return (float)sqrt(Dot(*this)); } inline float2& Normalize(void) { float InverseMagnitude = 1.0f / Magnitude(); *this *= InverseMagnitude; return *this; } // Allows you to cast to a D3DXVECTOR2 Object operator D3DXVECTOR2* (void) { return (D3DXVECTOR2*)this; } inline D3DXVECTOR2* AsD3DVector(void) { return (D3DXVECTOR2*)this; } }; } ```
  13. > I would love to see a C++ engine. Why using directx9 and not SDL since its only 2D and also a lot easier? I would probably never consider using SDL. I have enough experience with OpenGL & GLSL to just use those, but through my experiences I prefer DirectX. Mainly for small reasons, not that it's easier or anything. > I voted against porting to C++. Why? Because I do not see the major benefits that would be attained. Sure, it'll be a little bit faster, but so what? XNA and C# is pretty fast as it is, and certainly fast enough to run games that Eclipse produces. Not only that, but since both languages would essentially be using DirectX, the only difference in performance would be with .NET execution. > > You already have a good start on the engine, and have gotten through a good chunk of the "hard" parts that I found when I was porting the engine myself (rewriting networking, basic graphics and rendering). If people really want a C++ version, at the very least finish what you've started, then port it to C++. You're right, and so are you Marshy Dearest. But luckily the work we've gotten done is actually inspired/based off of code/samples/labs I've created while at school. To get the engine to where it's at now in C++, it would probably take me no longer than two weeks. I would just rather know what the community preferes now rather than later. If they want a C++ version after I finish this one, so be it but otherwise, I don't want to waste my time. Figured this would be a great oppurtunity for people to stop saying "You should do this" and actually have a say.
  14. A lot of people have been skeptical about using C# and XNA, and in some cases so am I. I am offering this one and only opportunity to start a poll where the community can decide. I have no problem working on a C++ version. You should know, the C++ version would be programmed using DirectX 9\. I'm not really interested in compatibility with other operating systems so please do not start that debate. It's a simple question and in a weeks time I'll use the results provided. Also, given the current state, it wouldn't take much effort on my part to catch back up with the newer version, so don't be afraid about waiting a year.
  15. Update: Create a skinned theme editor. Basically, you create a single texture and create a layout for all of the featured controls. Each controls has a series of rectangles associated with the pieces needed to make up the controls. Click the part of the control you wish to edit, look for the green rectangle on the surface and modify it to your needs. [attachment=87:ThemeEditor.PNG]
  16. > duck yea Magic The Gathering! Return To Ravnica
  17. > fukin XNA man…why use fukin XNA... ![
  18. I absolutely **HATE** when people approach me and friend who are playing Magic The Gathering and they ask, "Is that Yu-Gi-Oh". **NO female dog.** **(**Idc if this is old, I need to vent bro**)**
  19. Look at it this way. I have a buddy who works in the military simulation industry. He was telling me about how for years they were using the same engine and continually added minor tweaks & updates. He was recently put on a team of developers whose purpose was to 're-create' the engine as a whole for a boost in performance and to take advantage of modern technologies. It is the same company providing an application for the same purpose but in a new way. You can look at this as a similar gesture. Sure, it won't look, work or feel like Eclipse Origins but that doesn't mean it can't be an official Eclipse project. Look at the original Grand Theft Auto and Grand Theft Auto III, notice any differences? Of course you do, but should the third one not be called Grand Theft Auto?
  20. Additional Update: Added the RamGec Controls/GUI Library to Eclipse.NET. This powerful tool will allow for a more defined user experience. Rich controls and layouts will definitely brighten up the engine. Take a look at what 10 minutes of hard coding this state presents. [attachment=77:GUI Showoff.PNG]
  21. If you ever need help writing some shaders feel free to PM me I have some good experience with them.
  22. Small update. I re-worked the content management to be more refined and less cluttered. GameTexture, GameEffect and GameSong all inherit from "GameResource". The way it works is that if you were to load 100 different textures each from the same file, it wouldn't load the same texture 100 times, it would load the texture once and add to it's reference count. When the texture is released enough times, it will delete itself from memory. Stay tuned for some more updates ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  23. 3D is awesome possum, definitely going to be a little more challenging. However, you should really do something about the shading. Looking at diffuse colors completely can kill some eyes. Other then that, looking great so far! Good luck with the project ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  24. [http://everember.ucoz.com/](http://everember.ucoz.com/) That is Eclipse. This site is apparently the new version of the site on your profile. Also, chances are, you probably could have been un-banned within that time :/
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