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Everything posted by WiseRock

  1. I have to kind of agree with Kibbelz here. JCsnider could do anything in engine and right now the top engine is more likely Eclipse Origins 2.0 and 4.0
  2. He might be referring this for people who are using closed source engines.
  3. > Really good engine! Will you ever release source? :) He said when it gets it nice and stable he'll release the source.
  4. > You could always add these things yourself.. there is a tutorial for npc spells in the source tutorial section also if u have some vb skills there is a tutorial for a boss battle framework where u code ur own custom bosses I believe they are using Eclipse 4.0 which is Closed Source
  5. WiseRock

    Sprite Generator

    Your most Welcome :) I am also using these sprites in my game as well
  6. WiseRock

    Sprite Generator

    These aren't really a generator but they have some nice sprites. Both are Royalty-Free and are RMXP Based. I am using these sprites in my game Providence Online :) Really nice Graphics [http://untamed.wild-refuge.net/rpgxp.php](http://untamed.wild-refuge.net/rpgxp.php) [http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/](http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/) This is the only generator I found: I recommand reading the license here before going to the link >! **? material terms and conditions of use ** >! each part and material-image, was created - >! I used to go original production. Including Maker, it is available as well as other materials and tools for the original program. Fine terms, please refer to the Terms of Loose Leaf blog. ~ About copyright display image of this site, we use those created by Loose Leaf administrator MACK.Contact is not required if you are going to distribute the processing material, or if you want to distribute the game in its use of the material, which was completed but, as a copyright notice in order to avoid user confusion, manual or readme document or Special Thanks, staff roll , and corner of distribution sites ? MACK ? ~ About commercial use for distribution of game pieces using material of this web site, you can freely distribute (shareware, commercial work, coterie software, etc.) free of charge regardless of pay. However, it is prohibited to distribute in the form of a collection of material regardless of whether or not compensation is received, collected the material alone. Please go and sold as game pieces only. [http://www.geocities.jp/kurororo4/looseleaf/](http://www.geocities.jp/kurororo4/looseleaf/)
  7. You open the Server.vbp Project and find this line ``` ' Default starting location [Server Only] Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 Public Const START_X As Long = 0 ' Your Numbers may be Different Depending on your engine Public Const START_Y As Long = 0 ``` And you can edit it to your liking. This Requires Visual Basic 6.0
  8. > Good engine but i found very awesome bug. Create Party and kill npc. Says Name got loot! and server crashes. You should clarify the error. We won't be able to help you if you can't explain the error. (When I mean Explain what kind of Error does it give you.) Example: Error Name: ``` Run-time error 9 Subscript out of Range ``` Error Line Highlight: ``` Place the Code here that is highlighted ``` When does this Happen: When I kill a NPC in a Party Screenshots would be helpful, but please put them in Spoilers so the post won't be too big. As for the Auto-Restarter you can look that up there are lots of tutorials on that.
  9. That what pops up when you try to download the file
  10. [http://www.mediafire.com/error.php?errno=386](http://www.mediafire.com/error.php?errno=386)
  11. [quote name="DeathKeeper (GoldSide)" post="905386" timestamp="1374924138" you still use Prospekt Source ?No I used PO:DE but the error was in PO :DE not proskept source. I just made the name length = 9 no matter what.
  12. > It's **McAdams.** Seriously. That's my last name. Not Adams. > > > > And thank you :) Oh my mistake .
  13. This is awesome I really enjoy the graphics good job Adams :D
  14. Cool engine waiting for next version :D
  15. This was an accidental post
  16. > pretty useless tutorial I like it. It could actually save your game from being hacked! At least it does Something. Good Job @Abhi2011. Plus I am a bit late lol
  17. that's the weird part no error is displayed not even in the Error log
  18. Man its been a while since this tutorial was fixed. Anyways I keep getting an error on Prospekt Source. When I try to save the Serial the Server says it stopped running and asks if you want to close or debug.
  19. Hey Rory, could you host my game if it has 20 Playable Maps License-Free Graphics and Max Level is 20 as of now.
  20. > any other update ? still waiting for guild and quest system tutorial here :) There is a tutorial for a guild system posted on the website. The quest system is currently under development.
  21. I was surfin' the web till this page popped up [http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/ee.php](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/ee.php) This reminds of me old memories of Old Eclipse Evolution
  22. Oh hey Santa remember when we worked on EA Reborn. I'll Post the source when I get back on Friday.
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