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Everything posted by Stein

  1. A tutorial for this would be pointless, as there's a TON of searching for anything player related to get it to work server-side, and a lot of replacing. That's really most of the work you'd need to do. Anyway, an old version of Dawn (1.4.2) has it in there, you could look at how I did it in there and use the method in your own game.
  2. You can edit your post, then hit the Full Editor button and change the tag. But I've done it for you just now. :)
  3. Stein


    I believe you need to trigger it through the event system or an attribute in the map editor.
  4. Theoretically you could just make the monsters so powerful that no player can do it on their own.
  5. Just make sure you have a download accessible up here, and offer support to users on here if you want the post to remain.
  6. I'd need to ask around honestly, the lisence has been purchased by Amish a while ago, and I am not sure if he's made any changes to it.
  7. If you'd like I can throw up my little one for you, it's not a full game or anything large by any stretch of the imagination, but I've put some care into making it a decent experience at least. Everything is interactable to an extent, and there's a few cutscene portions to it as well.
  8. *flicks hair* I have that effect on people. I'm just -that- stunning. You forget everything you know, and then.. There's just me.
  9. I think you're not very familiar with the term, and the use of "figures of speech".
  10. I'm simply pointing you at how to try and get it done, I refuse to just put up a sub that fixes all your problems until you at least try it yourself.
  11. ![](http://i.imgur.com/qM6sZNS.png) So once again, the list of commands is in the server itself. Nobody is going to write down every single sub there is available within the server code. Just because you fail to understand what I'm saying doesn't mean I'm not helping. And resetting the points isn't too difficult, just need to calculate the difference between your class' stats and your own, then you know how many points you should get. After that you just reset them to the class' default stats.
  12. There's a few things that could mess it up, but one of the most common ones is that the ItemRec on the client and server are slightly different.
  13. Same commands as the entire engine. As I said, it is hardcoded into the engine itself. Nobody in their right mind is going to copy/paste all the sub names available in the entire server source.
  14. That's not scripting, that stuff is still hardcoded into the engine. They just called it scripting for lord knows what reason.
  15. Ah right, EO4\. Not much we can change there ourselves. Another thing to bug JC about!
  16. There's no scripting in EO3, and the list of commands can easily be found within the source itself really. Anyway, there is no command to increase your stats. It's a sub that handles point use being sent by the player. (Sub HandleUseStatPoint)
  17. Stein

    Menu Music

    That depends on the engine. But if you know what sort of sound files your engine supports you can set it to any song you like in the client config.ini
  18. Not exactly DirectDraw, that's what we used in all DirectX7 (or rather, DirectDraw7) engines, the DirectX8 ones use Direct3D8\. But, glad that it's fixed!
  19. Are you sure Spellnum is even a valid value? I don't see it used anywhere else nor do I see it getting assigned a value.
  20. Try to use tilesets that are powers of two, and a maximum of 256x2048 pixels. DirectX8 has issues with very large tilesets, and tilesets that're not powers of 2.
  21. Your download appears to be unavailable indeed. (To unregistered members of IndieDB anyway)
  22. Stein

    Learning to code

    Sacra, that's .NET though. Not Visual Basic 6.
  23. > pet, guild, buff/debuff spell, ranged weapon, quest system, friend system, Not to be rude, but I think you could at least ask nicely rather than instantly making such demands(especially since you're not paying me to do any of this). Also, I'd rather focus on getting everything working in DirectX8 before I add anything new. Commit Details: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/d7fdbe39d301401002136d60185c53b18e5f954e](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/d7fdbe39d301401002136d60185c53b18e5f954e) Item Editor, Animation Editor and Animated Icons - Converted the Item Editor. - Converted the Animation Editor - Adjusted some things to make sure Item animations work inside the editor screens as well. Commit Details: : [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/23562f9f4b9d932408ce593807aa328f00ab234f](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/23562f9f4b9d932408ce593807aa328f00ab234f) Bugfixes and Module changes - Fixed an issue where the map editor tile selector would not work if you scrolled down. - Fixed an issue where some pictureboxes on the item editor would not clear when you had no image selected. - Removed modDirectDraw7 from the project, it's still in the repository for future reference however. - Renamed DirectX8.bas to modDirectX8. Commit Details: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/480e5d901cd2501f6aac8a42af29c92ef1531fa0](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/480e5d901cd2501f6aac8a42af29c92ef1531fa0) Finished all remaining editors - Every editor will now render in DirectX8. Commit Details: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/f163bda1f0bfff0bed12ec82ad5e0f6b77a9a804](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/f163bda1f0bfff0bed12ec82ad5e0f6b77a9a804) Shops and Bank conversion - Shops now work with DirectX8. - Fixed an issue with the bank tooltips never being rendered. - The bank now runs in Full DirectX8. - Fixed an issue where dragged item textures weren't centered properly.
  24. Commit Details: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/5fd3a2d126f03661fa5a4a81a122b839982ecdf5](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commit/5fd3a2d126f03661fa5a4a81a122b839982ecdf5) Converted Map Editor and Character Creation - The Map Editor is now fully compatible with the new DirectX8 rendering backend. - Fixed a few small nuisances I have with the default map editor. - Character Creation is now fully compatible with the new DirectX8 rendering backend.
  25. **- Eclipse Dawn 2 - Crashtastic Edition -** Warning: At this stage Eclipse Dawn 2 is under heavy development, and is -NOT- in a state where it can be used, there's a lot of stuff broken including the game editors and such. Please do -not- attempt to use this engine, I'm just posting this up here to give people an idea of the progress I'm making and to discuss future ideas / features with the community. **What is Eclipse Dawn?** As some people may remember from the past, Eclipse Dawn ([Original Version](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/133452-eclipse-dawn-142-archive/)) was a custom version of EO2.0 made around the time the Event System was being developped. This new version will follow that same philosophy where I will try to create and maintain a solid stable Open Source Engine for people to build their games off, and any bug reports sent in to me will be looked at within 24 hours, because what use is maintaining an engine when the updates and fixes are so far and few between? **What is the plan for Eclipse Dawn 2 then?** Right now, the idea is that Eclipse Dawn 2 does what I never could with the original. It will run on DirectX8 and a lot of EO will be rewritten and cleaned up as I go through the source code, because honestly it's a horrible mess. As for planned features, I honestly can't make any promises but I can say that I will try to include as much as possible from Eclipse Dawn 1.4.2 into this engine, although some things such as the Event System may not make their return, as I have other ideas for this I still need to flesh out. **What are the current Features?** * **DirectX8 Support **- The engine will now render all your graphics through the DirectX8 graphics library. (**NOTE: This is a work in progress, a lot of the editors still crash as they rely on old rendering methods)** * **Fading Blood **- Blood will no longer just disappear, it will slowly fade out over the course of a minute. * **Animated Items **- I've fixed and improved this system, it will now function properly and animate anywhere the item icon is rendered. There will be more to come in the future! **Where can I download the latest version?** Nowhere! It's not finished yet to the point where I feel safe enough to let you guys use it. I mean I doubt most of you have the willpower to plough through all the things I haven't fixed yet to get it to compile and run properly in a working development environment. But, if you'd like to get the latest source you're welcome to check out my GitHub: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2) **Is there a changelog?** Not something that can be called a Changelog really, but there is a list of commits I make to the Repository you can look at to see my most recent additions: [https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commits/master](https://github.com/AwakenedSorrow/Eclipse-Dawn-2/commits/master) **Screenshots:** None available for the time being, it looks exactly like EO2.0 for the time being. Swapping the rendering engine will not suddenly make it different I'm afraid.
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