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Everything posted by Stein

  1. Well, if you go to […ming/update.txt]( it doesn't exist, so that's why. A lot of websites support different extensions, do maybe if you try changing .txt to .html in the updater source AND the file itself it might work.. Also, going to itself returns an invalid location. So are you sure it all exists to begin with?
  2. They do need to be, they use the RMVX autotile setup. You should probably learn to understand what this setup does before calling bullshiet on it.
  3. Anyhow.. _*pulls rails back together*_ We should PROBABLY keep this on topic.
  4. It's also unfinished, still crashes or pisses itself and needs some stuff I'm rewriting to not use dependancies anymore. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) It's a theory design, it's not to be used for production. I mess around in it, and write down what works and what doesn't, then adjust my plans to write an ACTUAL engine accordingly.
  5. It's not done yet, still working on getting the threading to work properly on networking. I'm dividing the server processes under several threads, and if one crashes due an error it'll reboot itself from the start. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) I have most of it working, just fidgeting on getting the load divided between several SQL threads to ensure there is as little delay in storing data as possible. Maybe when I finish it, right now all you can do is register, log in and walk around pixel based anyway.
  6. Make the map size 1 smaller than the screen size if I recall correctly. (e.g. dividing your resolution by 32 brings the X value to 24, but to get it to look right you need to take this value and take ONE off of it, making it 23)
  7. I have a basic VB.Net one I'm tinkering with for the hell of it. It's pretty simple yes, but going C# is likely better just because it covers a larger portion of the industry, whereas VB.Net seems more like a tinkerfest.
  8. Stein


    Here you go Sherwin : [List of C++ Compilers (Wikipedia)](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_compilers#C.2B.2B_compilers) Not the most up to date list, but most of that seems correct. There's a few different IDE's for it as well, the most "easy" to use and set up one for Windows would be Microsoft Visual C++ most likely. But it really depends on the preferences of the programmer and some features may differ slightly between them all.
  9. I wouldn't get discouraged on using XNA and .NET, they're good libraries and a decent starting place for people to learn programming because they're not all that complex(in theory, in practice one can make it as complex as they desire). Considering most of us are hobbyists, and instantly jumping into C/C++ would likely turn most of these people off(I mean hell, even basic VB6 stuff turns them off) I highly doubt C/C++ would make them stay. It's simply very complicated to look at for a newbie, especially when you do not understand the Syntax, whereas .NET remains relatively easy to read and somewhat logical(although I personally am not a fan of the mess that is OOP). As much as I personally would like a C/C++ version, I would probably write it myself in my own ways if I ever were to seriously develop a game. And as I mentioned before, .NET is a relatively simple step into programiming, and since we are basically catering to every 12 year old's MMORPG dreams, we should probably stick to something somewhat basic for the ease of access, while still staying somewhat recent and powerful.
  10. > for custom cursors you just need to change the properties of your forms Not entirely true, since VB6 uses a terrible black and white cursor limit it'd be much better to render the entire form in D3D8, and hide the actual mouse when you move it over the form.. Then render a nice shiny mouse picture over the thing yourself. So while your method works, it'll limit the visual appeal of a custom cursor by quite a bit.
  11. There's a tutorial for it. Stop asking for it and do it yourself you lazy bum.
  12. Doing something for the hell of it and having kids join it is far from something you need complicated bullcrap for and a marketing plan. You just do it. It's always been that way here. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Anyway, you seem very intent on using VB.NET, why not start it yourself since all projects here are based on C# or lower level languages.
  13. Don't know nor care, as I said it's utterly broken.
  14. Since when did we care about marketing?
  15. Miiight want to debug that one. Kind of hard to make a guess without any code. Right now all I could say would be either; 1) Pandas 2) Poodles 3) Wilfred Muffinface 4) Cookadoodledee Which aren't really all that helpful.
  16. That source is majorly broken and unsupported, it was never meant to be used as anything but a "for the lolz" moment by Robin. He just included it for the heck of it. So if you want to use it, you're on your own.
  17. I think my sister posted a fix on this in a question topic.. And I posted it as well not too long ago to someone and on git. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) Funny how hardly anyone ever notices it.
  18. Because changing a few DD7 calls into D3D8 is too much effort to put into your own games right?
  19. Because no one here has it(at least not openly). Your best bet is to hire someone to do it for you, or do it yourself really. Although personally, it'd just look awkward to move diagonally on a tile based system. Such a large distance to cover visually.
  20. Stein

    Know What Enemys attack

    What version is this? Because that code has never been in EO as far as I know.
  21. THey're not fixes, they're quotes from the code of between where the issues may be. Don't misunderstand.
  22. The key will be used on account level with his method, not installation level.
  23. Not sure either, been around since Mirage's beginning as well. On one side I'm glad some of us are still around.. And on the other I'm quite happy it's nearing it's end, to be honest the days of drunk and high kids(for the most part) dawdling about code should be over. And VB6 is getting worse with every OS's release.(Takes half a minute to load up a simple application on Windows 8\. Ugh).. So maybe it is better in the end that we move on.. Perhaps soon we'll move on with different languages, but so far this is the only engine that still seems to continue on. Albeit slowly. /incoherent rant of tiredness
  24. Hey, another oldie. Nice. ;]
  25. Stein

    [EO2.x] Roof System

    Could always set up a directional parameter for it. Say, if you walk OFF OF it facing direction x it switches off, and direction y switches it on.
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