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Everything posted by Stein

  1. Stein


    I don't believe it is possible with Silver, however there is a GUI editor in the tools folder included with the server, the file it produces can be loaded into the Gold version.
  2. That's actually just how the system is written, a spell is bound to a target not a specific map location. So if the target dies the animation no longer has a location to be rendered at, and stops.
  3. Houses are instanced maps, every player can buy them as far as I am aware but they all see their own version. :) And Furniture is made by using the item editor, there's a dropdown box for a Furniture item type there, which will let you pick a graphic for the item.
  4. Not at all! You apply your license to your account and log-in as a Gold Licensed user, then it simply loads up the same data you used before. :)
  5. It's a bit of a workaround, sadly. But anyway, what version are you using? You may be able to ask the developper to add a check for how many of that item the player has.
  6. Loads of conditional branches, I suppose.
  7. You need a simple conditional branch that checks if the player has X item, not sure if it allows you to check how MANY of that item someone has though. May need to make a new currency for teleport tokens which you can remove each time someone warps around.
  8. Sadly you're pretty much in the dark there, I haven't tried this for years honestly. I know it's possible but how it works? Lord knows.
  9. Stein


    For the record Dextrell, EO does NOT use .NET at all. Not even close, that language wasn't even out yet when Mirage Source started.
  10. Stein

    Sandbox in EO 4.0

    Short answer? No, not now and not ever. If you pick any other version I suppose you could write it yourself, but honestly you'd be better off writing it from scratch because you'd pretty much be rewriting the entire dynamics of the game anyhow.
  11. I think you must've done something wrong somewhere. Could you show us a screenshot of the folders you changed the files in?
  12. Generally speaking you just add your images (make sure they're *.png files with a transparent background!) in the appropriate folders.
  13. Stein

    I now own a VPS

    Depends on what kind of a VPS you've got there. Not much we can tell you if you don't give us any information regarding the OS, and what sort of details you've received.
  14. The easiest way would be to make a launcher which changes the config file depending on what server people choose to be on.
  15. I've thrown the suggestion up in the internal discussion group. We'll see what comes out of it! (I'm sure you'd be the first to know)
  16. Stein


    Looking good, are those autotiles or just regular cut-out tiles?
  17. Various places, there's no source that I can think of that has them all I'm afraid.
  18. Of which version? 4.x.x uses Breeze Revolutions, and most other versions use a set licensed to Enterbrain (The guys behind RPG Maker). You'd need to look at their lisences to determine what you can and can not do with them..
  19. That happens when the resolution of what's being rendered or where it's rendered on is squished for some reason. Try making it a few pixels larger
  20. As stated above Eclipse Origins V4 (and its concurrent versions) are not open source, therefor the source is not available for people to edit to their own needs. This however doesn't mean that we fully ban the ability to create your own custom games with the older Open Source editions. You're in fact more than welcome to use these versions, and we'll support you as best we can.
  21. Stein

    Class button

    It'll likely be a hardcoded system over a standard dynamic one as the dropdown box is. But it's really not that hard, a button will set the value for a variable which is the class chosen, and send that over instead of the dropdown box index.
  22. Could add a little variable to it that determines whether or not it is walk-through. Sadly it's too much to just mention off the top of my head though.
  23. Stein


    That page is not supposed to exist anymore, it links to Marsh still. I just deleted it. How odd.
  24. Stein


    Donate where exactly? ;)
  25. Like class advancement, or a secondary class altogether that you can pull abilities from to use in your regular one, but it has a whole seperate level? And please don't bump your posts after 20 minutes. That just makes you look silly.
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